Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

Not even that. I can’t see it, unless it gets significantly better Maverick versions (I suppose it could?), it’s not gonna be too valuable, aside from better Sidewinders. You just don’t have the performance to employ LGBs.

Or Gaijin could just add a 11.7 A-10 equivalent to the SU-25 and its KH38s.

Who cares for the flight performance when you can just spawn camp tanks from 20km

There is no weaponry that can match the KH38’s range on the A-10 unless they want to give them the rocket powered SDBs and MALD-V which wont happen.


Well of course, Russia can be the only nation that gets new ordnance that completely ruins the game.


And what about the other nations? Why are you trying to get more weapons that can outrange SPAA anyways?

We should be trying to get Gaijin to nerf the CAS that can outrange SPAA, not ask them to add more of it.

SPAA has always been bad in GRB.

All nations need a equivalent to Pantsir but with the addition of KH38 Gaijin is clearly fine with adding ordnance to CAS that even out ranges the Pantsir. The seal has already been broken.


There would be on the AV8B+ if I’m not mistaken though. A10 was never designed for medium to long range strikes.

What we should be asking is for gaijin to remove the Pantsir and the KH-38s. The 2S6 was more than good enough before the Pantsir was added.


can’t ru mains used it to kill tanks and not to kill planes so it was deemed? not “good enough” so here we are with pantsir

Don’t forget that the TorM1 wasn’t good enough so instead of adding it to Russia after China, they instead add the Pantsir.


I think that was a lame excuse so they could add the Pantsir. When used in the AA role the 2S6 was one of the best AA in the game at the time.

Yep they complained the TORM1 wasn’t good enough said the 2S6 was bad so they then immediately added the Pantsir, nerfed the 2S6, and buffed the TORM1 because gaijin

Way ahead of ya:

Just nerf the offending weapons, don’t make the problem worse.

Reduce the guidance time or the fuel load for the KH38s so they are easier to dodge if they were fired at a range above 10km and this would already be way less of an issue.

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It was the worst. Yes, considering the old missile physics it was still a pretty dangerous spaa. In a better state than current adats for example, but it was the worst among top tier spaa. Slowest missile, worst overload, bad range, worst unstable radar (partly cured by IRST lock though).

So basically… not the A-10

The problem as far as I know is a lot of our Guided Weapons are kinda… GPS guided

Because why should just one nation be allowed to do it lol.

I mean, I’d happily play as an Air to Air only fighter for 99% of the game but a) spawn cost, and b) map size means that you can get nuked even if you’re well away from the battlefield, if you’re a NATO plane.

Need plane spawns furthur away from the battlefield so they aren’t spawn camped then more Pantsir equivalents added to TT that need it.

FF (Fighter First) is always nice in concept but everyone knows how it will turn out at some point. Fighters just killing all light tanks that spawn 25 seconds into the match.

Again, we should be asking gaijin to nerf the KH38s, not ask for more similar weapons capable of outranging the SPAAs


I mean I’d love to run around in my Tornado F.3 doing nothing but top cover. Trouble is that a) AA, b) flat maps, c) Chinese Helicopters, and d) Vikhrs. (yes i know they’re supposed to have been nerfed. they really shouldn’t be tracking mach 1 crossing targets that are manouevring but you know)

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I can’t see Gaijin doing that. I’d like them to, but I don’t see it happening. Hence why I’d just prefer to advocate for even more effective fighters and our own CAS. The moment they start adding ARMs NATO’s world will get a whole lot better. HARMs and ALARMs would ruin Pantsirs outright.

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