Chaos in the Skies: The Devastating Impact of the Su-25SM3 in War Thunder

yea we would because it doesnt change the kh38s max range

Nope Nope Nope, I’m not even trying to get into this conversation, this is becoming a farce by now

Even if it did, it would likely significantly reduce their range in exchange for targeting properly.

Well Mav should also able to out range Pantsir make you safe from them and damage are not this ugly like in the game if it work like it should be but in this game? It like cheap knock off AGM

Even if it hit the target damage are no better than water gun because of gaijin logic on 50kg+ of TNT equivalent of HEAT warhead are non lethal to tanks by their dumb logic

did you just shoot a stationary heli with auto lead on ?


fails to use the best AA in-game properly

  • Pantsir OP

Literally the only thing everyone in this thread thinks about your video:

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better design to eject turret and vaporize the crew yes otherwise no

as long as russia benefited? from it
I wonder why lol

let’s ignore the broken dmg model that cancer 50 and su25 have

ok what am i supposed to do with this info

all helicopters have broken dms

su25 is just very sturdy, if you dont break off its wing spars its gonna keep flying, good luck my friend

Whenever you mention again, the design advantage is funny, as in the vast majority of cases, it’s always in favor of Russia. When other countries have something very good, it’s either not included in the game or drastically nerfed, claiming it’s a feature of the vehicle itself. Let’s remember the F16, which couldn’t turn properly because of the onboard computer, so they wouldn’t be so unbalanced against the MIG 29s. After Russia became strong with the SU jets and their 10 missiles (no other nation has this quantity of missiles), they decided to remove this limitation from the F16. Well, I’m Brazilian, so I don’t have rivalry with any country (except Argentina, since Pelé is better than Maradona haha), I play with Russia, China, and the United States… But I wonder about the mindset of an American and a European, how they don’t feel outraged and deceived by War Thunder. Not to mention that War Thunder gets most of its revenue from them. So, logically, their word carries more weight than that of the Russians themselves, since money talks louder in industries.


It isn’t, the tail is an important counterweight which isn’t modeled. Ka50s cannot fly without a tail IRL as they would be unable to keep themselves from pitching down.

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What a interesting point i haven’t heard mentioned thank you

  • Its possible for F-15s to fly with 1 wing.
  • A-10 Should be just as spongy as Su-25 (Why is there 6 Su-25s and only 2 A-10s)
  • HSTV-L Fire Rate and Pen
  • Any NATO ERA protection
  • HESH Damage
  • Hellfires
  • TOW-2Bs
  • Leclerc & Challenger regenerative breaking/steering
  • Literally any Composite on NATO tanks
  • APCR / APDS / APBC Shell Damage

Just imagine War Thunder if any of the listed features/items would perform closer to reality then they do in-game.


Yeah, just because they have contra rotating rotors doesn’t make them immune to getting tail damage. And IRL they also have a lot of issues with hard maneuvers causing the rotors to hit each other or the fuselage - there’s some good footage of it on YT.

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Right now they putting them on the same team as German and Sweden more often to Harvest their win-rate like Soviet parasites because they struggle against both Swe and Ger by their own
God Soviet apes are so annoying



I mean I’m starting to wonder that too. I hate them as much as the next person (6 mavs at 10.0 is really fun and enjoyable) but no A-10C? No Laser Munitions? the heck?

Not to mention that the 10C is frankly rather meh within the top tier bracket now as well given there are vastly superior enemies and US fixed wing options available now too.

Unless it gets placed at like 10.3 or 10.7, which is 100% not gonna happen, its going to be largely irrelevant.