I’m sorry, but don’t want other nations to get your stuff don’t export it. I have to deal with it myself with a vehicle the US uses that was exported to them(heck they try and claim it as something domestic of theirs when it is not).
Also arguing that top tier should be the reward kinda makes it sound like you want WW2 players sidelined and thrown out the window.
Understand this frustration, Felt the same about the JAS-39 for Sweden. However i have since dropped that grudge. Comparing it to the F-16 or F-15. Modern vehicles are made to be exported, especially NATO stuff, its made to not only be compatible but also gets a good tech bonus where NATO countries can share designs and improve a Tank. Like with the CV-90 vehicles that alot of Countries in Europe now uses. Hägglunds has taken what most countries wants. And kind of puts it all positives into one big good product.
Modern vehicles are company products that belong to a country. That’s the difference between ww2 vehicles, Cold war vehicles. And modern stuff. The availability to export and lack of sale restrictions. Has made making our own tanks much more expensive than just buying a already existing product and then improving it like Sweden did
This is already a problem, we don’t need it to get worse. At best we get 1-3 new ww2 vehicles per update if not just Copy-Paste. So id rather not we make it worse thank you. The Ush-204gk was fun the update it came out now ive lacked much of anything in the terms of ww2 Swedish stuff. That in itself is strange since there is alot of suggestions of ww2-cold war Swedish stuff, That can be said for most countries for a fact actually
Tho many of these “C&P” problems are coming from the issues with the sub-tree system itself. As currently sub-trees are being added as a quick way to buff host trees. And it’s clear as day they aren’t added for the nation that became a sub-tree itself. It’s why to me the sub-tree system is a failure, yes even South Africa(it was added to give the UK lights without making the UK lights as they’d be good vehicles).
many of these issues would be fixed if sub-trees where treated as their own tree and not sub-servant to the hots like they are right now. Something like this:
Ive been saying that for a while, not to make these nations into their own TTs but not paste them into the main TTs either. But with gaijin its very hit or miss with good or bad stuff. They either do great stuff. Or the opposite and don’t do a great job at it, But still makes it work. “Since it sounds good on paper”
Indeed, and I’d consider sub-trees one of the “sounds good on paper” things. they are one of the: “good in theory, bad in practice”
Like most thought sub-trees would limit C&P but with how all of them have been that isn’t why they exist. and well some ideas/concepts are great, mixed line-ups, shared research, etc.
And all of these systems are in-game in a way they can be used if sub-trees were made into tabs/folders. making a mixed line-up from different tabs(land, air, sea) has been in the game for years, being able to research vehicles using stuff in another tab now exists with the ground to heli research. like almost everything needed to make sub-trees good is in-game, to the point only about 10 new lines of code should be needed and about half of that would be used to back sure the systems copied from elsewhere work together.
Gaijin can C&P to its heart’s content as it no longer tanks up room where a unique vehicle could have gone for both the host and sub-tree.
I mean, it’s add cool and interesting vehicles and once they are all cleared out, have no hype for the rest of the updates, or spread it would over updates, and allow more content flow.
It’s marketing, that lots of people don’t have even a simple concept of. It makes perfect sense to me, and as such, I am fine with it.
Yeaa, but when you bring up the lack of ww2 additions every moderator always auto defaults to. “Try our Event and premium ww2 stuff We arent cheaping out on you at all. Just buy it or spend ludicrous hours on it!” Not exact words but its the general gist. Sure they need to make money. But i feel like they already make a decent amount with people buying their way through TTs
This is always a thing ive not understood untill recently ive started dabling in the area with starting a small business. Its a horrible thing people buy into it but hey it works. You always think of the impulsive consumers since they are the norm
eh, I don’t mind “C&P” for battlepass. better than locking unique stuff behind it.
Stuff like Churchill-crocodile or Bomber with WW2 ASM I think work perfectly as they don’t take away for the TT or future nations trees/sub-trees as they be sidegrades from stuff in-game.
It’s all about how you market it, also is nice when you don’t have to grind a separate TT for a vehicle that your main nation at least has the ability to have added when you want said vehicle.
C&P is perfectly fine, but they need to implement a system where if you already grind/spade it in 1 TT, you don’t have to in a separate one.
My thaught kinda, Vehicles like the Ikv 73 that is just a Strv 42 with another MG is fine as a event vehicle. Like, its something neat to just add into lineups. Not a thing that could be 100% unique to a TT and would take away from the regular TT if not added. Like for example the SPz 12-3 LGS that would have been a awesome TT addition
Better vehicles like the Sturmtiger To be event vehicles. They are funny more for the meme, and fun to play than actually being a needed part of the TT
Vehicles like the Swedish-Finnish Patria CT-CV 105HP would have been very needed in the TT to actually place some Finnish designs in well Finland but no we couldn’t even have THAT win.
This sentance is a 50/50 for me. And i have multiple ways it goes and how to translate it. But all im going to say is C&P is fine yes, in limited numbers. Like if it was or is in major service, Had a significant impact. Or makes it stand out rather than being just inventory or anything like that. And i totaly agree with the second part no grudges or anything
Now to respond to this, ehh. I’m not in the mood to start talking consumer psychology And how people generally think, but ill sum it up to. “People are lazy and will go for the easiest option”