C&F tactic

Cap and fly is an option and I was happier with the game when it gave the player options as opposed to now with so many of those optiobs removed.Gaijin showing some balls would end the constant state of flux.Taking kneejerk reactions to appease relatively new players is what has disrupted the game as far as I can see. It needs to settle.

Such as? (Sorry, this is probably PM material as we define what we mean) I mean there are loads of “options” but sort of depends what exactly you are focusing on.

I mean, what options were removed in the context of the topic? Or did you mean other bits too? (Cap and fly has ALWAYS been an option).

The option to play cap and fly,use sp guns with cover now removed,snipe and hide,flank on big maps,or even spawncamp.All now a hideous crime and the options removed.Take what made the big games so popular,its options ,options to be who or what you want to be,in a big free open world.

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I see, though we never got an answer to why we get all those changes, just guesses from us.

I can see the argument for altering ability for such rapid cap and fly (and the question of do we need scouting with reduced spawn in lights, never understood why it was needed/added; that was an addition not a removal) however, but sure if people are all happy with it keep it as is.

No one has stopped Cap and Fly.

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I’m just stating how things are, I know it can be confusing to You

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Yoh want the option of a CAS free game and yes that is options and I support that.I see you are also in the top 100 players in the game or something like that so one might ask if you have a personal agenda? Maybe but again that is player choice and Battle pass also makes the game about personal agenda.

I just want the game to improve and I understand what changes are really gonna work


One thing your suggestion raised to me was how bad my flying is and how ineffective CAS can be

Stop being ignorant. Thankyou.

The only one ignorant is the one not even playing the game ;)

Edit: Must have played on someone nerves


And another ignorant comment by you. Well done.

Nothing ignorant, just telling how things are

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I still think the time is right for the introduction of a TO mode.


People who don’t currently play War Thunder are being ignorant… no that is just your opinion.

Again, irrelevant derailing, like your initial reply to my comment to another.

How is the TO thread going now by the way? If one exists anymore.

If Gaijin continues to sleep, there will be fewer players and then …

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Sadly there is not even an active topic on it. A GFTO push is going to be difficult due to the lowest population outside of Naval and Sim, with the (lack) of information Gaijin give us.

Without a serious Suggestion OR (because I reckon a Suggestion will just get dumped by Gaijin, going by the history of TO) all the relevant questions could be taken to Gaijin directly (almost all discussed is player opinion as to why it does not exist yet).

Unfortunately if you push any of those that really want/need TO they refuse or ask in random surveys.

Put it this way, do you think the best way to ask Gaijin about TO (and ask for reasons why x,y,z, has been done) is in a random survey about the game? Or ask them directly and visibly? (These threads are not how to get things done in that regard).

Also slagging off anyone that uses air in WT is not a proactive way to get TO implemented. This happens a lot.

I welcome a TO if it came, along with any new modes (if or when I decide to try playing again). However from what I can see there is not even one topic about it.

If anyone finds it then bump it please, because I might be “Anti-TO” but I am not anti-TO. It seems to just flood other threads.

If they think that their point still has some meaning, of course they are.

Like Your whole TO talk in a topic not about it?

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I was replying to @BoveyBadbBoy69, who talked of TO, where I asked where the TO topic is now.

If you have issue take it up with him, or answer the simple question of where the thread for it is.

You replied to me, so jog on.

Edit: I see you liked the comment I replied to talking of TO… so you don’t see it as derailing here… hmm. Make up your mind!

So unable to rationally discuss anything so try to shut it down as you say my points have no meaning. Nothing has changed since I last played that alters the points made. If it does I am sure you can avoid explaining like many of your “opinions pushed as fact”.

Gaijin are aware of the issues with CAS and the demand for a TO mode as you are and as I am.They have their reasons why not and as you say, we dont know what they are. People moaned about spawncamping and we can all see the changes,they moaned about bushes and changes were made so the possibility of TO just coming online in the next update is just as likely as you or me going to our favourite sniping spot and finding a huge rock has been placed there.