C&F tactic

i mean… maybe… but there are Plenty of whiners and tattlers on here…

and whats worse is they feel Good or empowered to report…

Like look at me mom, im virtue signaling… when it all boils down to them being beta/weak/immature/toddlers

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i mean… checking their profile doesnt really do That much

Or do anything to fix the root problems… which is 1. they are pathetic people who whine and get offended by everything, and then cannot handle problems on their own. (And then the beta/weak/immature/ comment i just posted too)

and then 2. mods/admins and society has been corrupted and twisted to not only Allow these things… but to Encourage and Reward them (like Most HR complaints and people able to sue you for Anything. When whiny B es make claims and issues like them, then need to be told NO, and/or get there @ _ _ kicked / or slapped in the face.

Not punched, because you punch Actual men, and not these counterfeit versions that are now… well… everywhere.)

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Oh boy, now you’re trying to start witch hunts too?

The flagging system is a joke that’s utterly prone to abuse and everyone knows this–but nobody knows who is doing the flagging because it doesn’t say.

Despite all our talk, I didn’t flag your posts because that would be totally petty…it’s beneath me.

It surprises me WT Reddit didn’t jump for that post (CAS is a hot topic for them) but it’s sitting there with 1 comment, lol

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Some do not like people providing constructive advice but prefer the throw toys from the proverbial pram.

Telling people how C&F works and how to do it properly is a constructive advice ;)


I found these tactics didn’t work.Not enough certainty of capping the point.On certain maps you cant anyway.SP is often not enough to guarantee a plane with decent load even if you do and even a couple of tank kills with first spawn plane is not enough to get you another.My stats turned to $#/£ doing this.

Yea, after reading the first sentance of what You have wrote I can see that You don’t know how this tactic even work.

Please post a screanshoot of Your line-up.

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I used a uk tectrach and an avenger or p47.Bt5 and Il2.Reserve us tank and premium corsair.plus other permutations.

I asked You to please post a screanshoot of Your line-up.

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Im on console and its too much of a ballache to be honest.im interested in it working but found not enough sp even after two kills and multiple strafings

Have You followed all the rules I have listed?

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I think so ,what is there to miss? I mean even capping the zones gives random sp,sometimes enough for a loaded plane sometimes not.only major achievement was taking out a late kv1 with a tectract ,that was funny. What am i likely to be missing?

Probably something from this


Not sure you read what I had written, as usual, as not relating to what I said other than using the word “constructive”.

I am sure working out that “Capping” and “Flying” involves… Capping and Flying is difficult for some and they need a post explaining it. Not sure about the “no point playing ground vehicles” element as does not seem “constructive” in context of you doing fine in ground vehicles regardless of the dominant CAS. But that was covered by others very well so no point you needing it explained twice. But yes, I see the “constructive” element of your topic, just your reply is irrelevant as it often can be.

It is a shame that you do not promote change in current GFRB that might alter how C + F works. Or support the threads on new modes that could be added outside of survey replies. Where is the topic about new modes? I can no longer see anything after trawling the forum! Just a lot of closed topics and no actual real one!

Sadly the OP is against altering systems in current GFRB and so WANTS Cap and Fly to be kept as it is. For altering things like SP and ability to Cap and Fly there is quite a reasonable discussion to be had:

As many players have shown, they don’t understand the tactic involved and make mistakes doing it which results in poor results. Even some who talk about understanding the game well failed to understand how this tactic really works which lead to their inability to understand the potential of this tactic.

So one person doing fine because of how something overpowered is not being used as common means that there is no problem? Because this is how Your logic goes at this point.

I support changes that are going to provide real change, not ones that are just going to sweep it under the rug.

But it requires taking into consideration like players who are playing the game to understand.

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I came into the game ready to accept all its faults and systems ,what is hard to accept is the constant change and infuriating tinkering.

Adjustment will always exist. I personally would not be effected (OK, IF I played) by making “Cap and Fly” more difficult if it truly makes it pointless to play ground vehicles (mentioned in topic I believe).

This game will constantly be, and has been, changed and tinkered and to be fair would be less popular if it was left as it was a decade or less ago.

But of course asking for changes is another topic.

Sorry I think you were confused again:

Not sure you read what I had written, as usual, as not relating to what I said other than using the word “constructive”.

And please stop attempting to speak for others and what they are saying. PM me if you cannot control yourself.

No it does not. But thankyou for your opinion and solid argumentation (that is sarcasm)