C&F tactic

I’ve understood from the start, it’s you that’s catching up lol

CnF doesn’t really work outside of its own dedicated conditions.

Um, no…it isn’t meant for what you said it was for.

The only way it works with that list you gave is if you enter the match with a CnF setup (not a normal lineup). That defeats the purpose of CnF as an ‘escape’ tactic.

Yeah…not every map has those things (which are restricted to a subset of matches (Domination)).

That access you’re talking about is a condition for CnF success, not a given.

I read it perfectly–your comments and implications afterward were just false advertising though.

You talk like CnF is a solution to lousy maps/bad MM/etc but you have to be in a match with a CnF setup to get the map or MM…which negates the whole ‘avoidance’ bit entirely.

CnF does nothing for someone who faces lousy maps/bad MM/etc in normal gameplay.


Conditions described in initial post on how C&F tactic works? Yea, they are there.

Cite me where I have lied about what C&F is for. Spare me quoting the fraction of initial post without the explanation on how it works ;).

And if You follow things talked about in initial post, You are not going to play on maps without it.

Nope. You are the one who wanted this tactic to be for something it was never meant for.

Using a tactic requires following its rules? Who would have guessed!

Because this tactic isn’t and never was for ‘norma’ gameplay. (As normal differs for players)

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It doesn’t help with the listed conditions in the abstract–only with CnF already set.

To a player playing their normal beat, CnF is thus worthless (despite the ‘best tactic’ boasts).

A gameplay tactic that cuts out the gameplay. Alrighty…

I’m just comparing your pitch versus its promises.

It doesn’t deliver on them unless you twist yourself like a pretzel and do exactly what the conditions specify.

You talked as though CnF was perpetually a way around those rules. Don’t you remember?

In this context, “normal” pertains to playing a lineup of assorted vehicles (not a dedicated CnF lineup).

Under those terms, CnF fails at least partially (crew lock avoidance).


If You don’t follow the tactic rules, don’t expect the tactic to work.

Please quote me where I have promised C&F to work with wagers or normal set-ups.

You need to follow tactic rules in order for it to work? Surprise!

Where have I said that C&F works around its own rules? With this tactic You:

Don’t have to play the game You don’t want to as You can leave without crew lock.

It is all in initial post, I haven’t said anything that differs from initial post.

So again, You need to follow tactic rules in order for tactic to work? Surprising!

What next You are going to discover, that in order to play GFs RB mode You have to select them in the menu? Or that You need at least one ground unit to play GFs RB mode?

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You hyped CnF up as the ‘best tactic’ and implied it is a solution to lousy maps and bad MM. Your later remarks touting CnF didn’t emphasize the need for a specific CnF setup (what difference does MM or maps make if you’re capping with a reserve tank anyway?)

Your statements were vague and imprecise…so unless you correct them, you’ll mislead people. I picked up on those flaws and oversights, which is why I call them out here.

I appreciate your try at humor, but the only thing I’ve ‘discovered’ is that you didn’t think all of this through.

Just as a mode proposal for something like TO needs to be thorough, so too does something like this CnF pitch. Your initial effort didn’t quite make the bar…


Sorry but all You commented in this post can be sumed up to one comment:

For tactic to work You need to follow the tactic rules and use it for what it is intended for.

I hope You will be able to understand it. For everything else, it was already discussed in initial post.

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A more direct and fitting reading is this:

CnF only serves those who want to attempt CnF…it doesn’t really help with anything else.


Tactic works for people who want to use this tactic and follow its rules! Of course.

I hope this ends the discussion about things already said in initial post ;)

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I’m just clarifying that it doesn’t work as you implied in everyday gameplay.

I’m glad you’re understanding and acknowledging that limitation now. :)

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The limitations already described in rules of the tactic, yes.

I’m happy that You finally come to the conclusion You would have after reading the initial post.

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I read it perfectly and even made notes about the video, I’m just helping clear up some of your confused and vague implications–that’s all.

If you want to discuss things further, my PMs are open…you needn’t bloat the thread anymore.


C&F is a tactic used by CAS mains, but anyone can do it, yes if they wish so. In fact, it’s just another playstyle besides just tanking. However saying that GRB is no place for tankers and no point in driving tanks is exaggerated. You gotten nukes with tanks and with CAS, others with SPAA Falcon (which resulted in getting nerfed a lot) etc…

This is a Tank & Nuke, what majority of other tankers want to do. 1 success/1 fail, all the same lol


I don’t like this map, but went with it anyways…

Map is ok, still went with it.

So making a post on how to play GRB using tanks/SPAA/proper line ups in GRB instead of C&F will help a lot for fellow tankers. Some will use C&F, but they not here to main CAS, but rather on ground.


GRB is no place for tankers for a lot of reasons:

  1. It forces people to play modes/maps/weather they don’t like to (aka crew lock for leaving).
  2. Tanks don’t have the chance against the air (spare me the talk about moments when air user did badly)

If You look at that from such perspective, You will understand that GRB mode is not for tankers, it is for people wanting to use the air/fight it. Some games where tank gets nuke won’t change it.


Just gave a lazy shot at this tactic…
Damn, it’s like shooting a fish in a barrel


As the topic was flagged into oblivion by some members of the forum who don’t want others to know about this tacitc, if anyone wants the full text write me a PM.

I’m waiting for moderator to review it for false flagging.

Link to reddit for the post which is like a copy-paste of it:



yes of course we can play Tanks (I play always tanks since 2018), But it’s as swim in river at counter ways.

Not easy, not fun, not gameplay tank (CQB 24/24 it’s cool yhea… ironic), snipe bombe or missile ect… i can write one hundred lines

Of course I love play tank (often fun and i love spaa) but it didn’t change the toxic and HARD way if you play just gameplay tank. (Not white/Not black)

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whining children. Who are enabled and encouraged, and rewarded by the mods (and most things in life atm…) its sad and pathetic.

I havnt reported anything on here ONCE… and i only would if i saw something disgustingly racist or like… SA type stuff


Same, I only flagged racist ones or inappropriate ones lol but just twice in other threads…I’m not really a the type to be flagging things.

I report all namecalling because that’s just simpletons throwing out hate…

People got their hands on the mechanism that allows censorship of things they don’t like/get offended by.

Good thing is that we can check their profiles in game and see why they are doing this.