C&F tactic

…but CnF won’t help you if you are playing with secondary considerations like wagers in play. If I don’t like Battle but am playing on a wager, CnF leaves me jammed despite your pitch.

Your post discusses gameplay. Grinding is no different than gameplay and wagers are a passive mechanic activated before match starts.

I read it perfectly–but saying other more costly vehicles can do CnF is not true. By your own admission, more is needed.

You pitched it as universal, not I. I am simply pointing out that it is not as you’d claimed–that it’s more complex and even you are conceding that now.

Now that you’re coming around to what I’ve said all along, there isn’t much more to it. :)

At 2-5 minutes into a match, as could be expected for an “early” spawn (depending on cap timing, spawn location and aircraft speed), you could reasonably expect competent teams to have dispersed themselves.

If they’re like sardines parked together after that…they’re probably gonna lose no matter what.

Putting aside language barriers and people not paying attention, the bomb dropping player may have done all of that correctly…only for some lummox to rush ahead into the drop zone.

To borrow what your sarcasm:


Because C&F was never ment for wagers.

Again, it is as trying to grind top tier tank with reserve one.

Again, there is nothing about grinding/doing wagers in C&F tactic post. Please don’t try to force this tactic to what You would like it to be.

If You read it You would know that this tactic works for fighters to spawn with bombs/rockets. I have quoted it for You.

Nope. I have described the tactic. You want it to be something else.

You are the one wanting this tactic to be something else, something it was never meant to be (and it is because You still refuse to read the post).

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That means it doesn’t really help with gameplay as-is then…you have to limit what you’re doing if you pursue CnF.

You say CnF is suitable for dealing with uptiers, maps and matchmaking…but if it cannot function with conditions that are not controllable in the match itself (mode/wager activation) it is inherently restrictive and cannot guarantee the freedom you suggested

I’m not forcing anything, I’m just highlighting the limits of what you talked about.

It is not so expansive or universal as was promised–it has its own needs and terms.

I read it perfectly–but you seem confused about the rest: what I said was calling obtaining an attacker/bomber “CnF” is a misnomer.

If you have to get a cap and then get an assist and getting favorable map, it isn’t just capturing a point and flying now is it? There is complexity to it…that is what I said.

No, not really…your description was just vague, undetailed and did not consider all aspects. Thus, it missed some aspects of WT.

Please spare me the chatter about ‘refusing to read’…it’s incorrect and boring. I read everything you wrote there–that’s how I got to understanding the matter and then explaining things to you (I even commentated on your video with timestamps! lol)

I encourage you to read what I’ve written above…it’d improve your grasp on these things. For sake of bloat here, if you want me to ‘tutor’ you a bit I can try via PM.


this is Completely inaccurate. And The exact opposite of factual.

Sure this CAN happen, but more often than not planes kill 3 or 4 enemies, or cause 5+ to BE killed (distracting… wounding… etc)

so… no.

A Halfway decent CAS/plane player will do Serious damage to the enemy team… CAS is a blatantly over powered role and is abused. its okay to think otherwise… you are just wrong, if you do.


Not really–I saw this play out back in 2017 when CnF was similarly hyped.

The people trying CnF tended to be inexperienced players and, of these, most had little experience with aircraft too. They tended to be easily defeated or just fail on their own (missing enemies with intentional/unintentional kamikaze attacks).

More successful people tended to just play their vehicles in the traditional manner: play → die → respawn → repeat (which is more efficient than wasting a spawn anyway)

If a player deals damaging results to the enemy through skillful play, it is laudable…that should be celebrated.

As for CAS being overpowered or abused, I have to chuckle: at lower BRs kill shares and mechanical limitations mean that just isn’t the case, especially for the vehicles’ high SP costs. (Top tier may vary.) I don’t buy into CAS hype because the facts don’t support it…nothing more, nothing less.


yes, really.

Sure, they can just fly into the ground or a building, etc and be done… but WAY more often, they kill 3 or more, and cause 3 or 4 others to die, for ONE plane

"As for CAS being overpowered or abused, I have to chuckle: at lower BRs kill shares and mechanical limitations mean that just isn’t the case, "

Dude… No. Sure at lower BR’s its much less prevalent or untrue, but starting at about 4.0 CAS is blatantly and ridiculously over powered and simply has WAY too much influence on the game, as well as costs way to little to spawn and takes way too little damage (and 20 other things) all the way up to at least 8.0, but even then they keep buffing CAS/planes at higher/top tiers and nerfing SPAA, so its becoming more like 4.0 ALL the way to max tier.


As it is with all tactics in the game. If You use ‘x’ tactic You won’t be able to perform ‘y’ tactic (or You will be very limited in doing so).

I have described when in the initial post.

With the mode of the game it does as You don’t have to play the gamemode that You don’t like (aka no crew lock for leaving the game. It was already described in initial post).

There are other tactics suitable for wagers. For example, playing solo already limits Your chances of finishing one… but C&F tactic doesn’t resolve around doing wagers.

There is nothing about grinding/doing wagers in initial post. You just want things to be what they are not meant to be and act baffled that they are not.

You don’t as all things You talked in this topics were already talked about in initial post.

If You read then You would understand that I have already described that with this tactic You are meant to obtain fighter with rockets/bomb as spawn after capping, not attacker bomber.

Simple math and reading skill allows You to understand that. As again, it was already talked about in initial post and even in follow up.

There is nothing about getting into all air units after just capping a single zone. You would know that after reading how C&F tactic works.

This comment again wouldn’t be here if You read what I have talked about C&F tactic.

It talked about all aspects. I have yet again quoted You the parts that You miss.

Sorry but I won’t be responding anymore to comments that were already answered to in both initial and follow-up posts. First read this posts, ask the question and then reread the posts as probably the answer is already there.


Yes, please do this, my SPAA are hungry for free kills >:)


Judging by Your stats, I would love to meet You as SPAA.

Nothing wrong with this comment ;)


Wow, your post here is a confused, meandering text wall. Here is a simplified version:

CnF doesn’t work on Battle maps, which makes CnF a bad idea during wagers

Isn’t that a lot prettier than that clunky text wall?

I cut down all that bloat and made your comment simple!

If you face @JuicyKuuuuki…heaven help you.


I have already said that multiple times that C&F is not for doing wagers as it was never meant to be for it.

As said again, there is no point in discussion if You don’t understand what is being said. This tactic works if You don’t want to play Battle gamemode as:

It was never meant to be for wagers. As in order to do wagers it is best recommended (in case of ones for GE) to be playing in a squad with certain nation/B.R…

I’m always checking if he is in enemy team so we can finally test things out ;).

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hooo man, you know the sarcasm? he promote and proven a unique gameplay logic created by GAJIN, just that, just that.

Actualy we can’t say, doesn’t work… it’s a *** REALITY xD, of course and fortunately there isn’t much of player who play this gameplay.

I don’t play the C&F or any other name… but yes when you take a focus of the situation, yes actualy and since the begining of ground battle that WORKS

For a ground player, it’s a crap and anomaly / for the air player, it’s OK, logic mechanic by gajin. The game orient player base, C&F is the gameplay where you have better chance of Win and FUN. We can eventualy say, the game promot air player… (it’s logic the game was and is a type of warplane)

I speack frenchglish xD, if you don’t understand, nevermind lol


All that means is that CnF is something that requires planning, you cannot simply do it whenever. You cannot plan if you’re gonna get Battle mode or not…so again, CnF is unsuitable for a whole swath of gameplay.

It just doesn’t work all the time, as you now admit.

There’s no point in discussion because I’ve already been proven correct: CnF doesn’t work in Battle

Spawning in to die and leave =/= viable gameplay

As Battle is common and other factors (like wagers) cannot be adjusted in matches, CnF is prone to causing players issues. It’s okay–the limitations of CnF have been exposed now and so people are more informed. :)

As an experienced player, I can tell people thinking about CnF that simply playing well is better than trying to make the CnF gimmick work.

If by ‘proven’ you mean his video, I went over that earlier…it was a case of a lousy enemy team more than anything to do with CnF. The enemy team got outplayed and defeated.

CnF is so conditional and needy that it’s impractical.

ULQ forgets that his conditions (experience, Nintendo 64, etc.) are unique…so when he pitches his ideas, how others will react to them is very different.

As seen in 2017, inexperienced players trying CnF will mostly faceplant–literally.


You don’t have to play battle mode, You can just leave it without crew-lock. It was already talked about in the initial post:

Because You don’t have to play in battle, see the quote above.

Nothing was exposed really. You just wanted to use tactic not suitable for wagers for wager and act surprised about it.

It only exposed that You don’t understand that there are tactics suitable for things and at the same time they don’t have to be suitable for another thing.

Sure, everything was already said in initial post. I hope people will read it not like You who talks about things that were already said in initial post.

We are just going in circles because You:

  1. Haven’t read the initial post
  2. Try to use a tactic for things it is not meant for.

Nothing new. The conversation we are having right now is:

A: You can’t use this tactic for doing wagers!
B: Yes, because it was never meant for wagers.
A: So it is limited!
B: Yes, because it was never meant for wagers.
A: But You can’t do wagers with it!
B: Yes, because it was never meant for wagers.

You can already cut it as I said in initial post and over and over again, You can’t use tactic not suitable for doing wagers to do it and act surprised. This tactic is not meant for doing wagers. I have never said that this tactic is good for doing wagers.


If something doesn’t work in 1/3 of the modes you face in RB GFs, it doesn’t work a fair portion of the time…

Incorrect. It is because I understand the limitations of your CnF idea that I am able to call these things out…you never mentioned these limits in your original post.

Wager use is a pretty standard thing in gameplay…as CnF isn’t compatible with it all of the time, you should certainly be disclaiming that in plain view.

Wrong again, lmao

I read your original post and watched its video too…I even wrote up timed notes on the video (which is how/why I understand the team you faced there was lousy).

You have bloated the thread going around in circles by not reading before replying (my original post was thorough) and not admitting that you got it wrong (CnF does have limits).

You were too busy hyping CnF to remember to note its many needs and shortcomings…you’re only beginning to step up to deal with these things now that I’ve illuminated them.

You hyped CnF up as though it was the “best” tactic before…so, yeah.

As I said above, CnF isn’t even as good a ‘tactic’…playing well is far better. A good player has more options with a full lineup than some goofy reserve tank that might get them to a cap for CnF. (Nothing stops a good player from obtaining/using an aircraft later.)

I suppose you don’t remember 2017, but CnF was tried then and all it did was worsen team quality by encouraging naive players to try it…and then they failed.

CnF advocacy now will probably just bring more of that back…more ODL players, wew.


In the initial post it was said that this tactic allows You to leave the game without crew-lock which other tactic doesn’t allow. That is why a player doesn’t have to play the gamemode/map/weather they don’t want to. Read the initial post.

I have never mentioned using C&F tactic in order to do wagers. This tactic was never meant to do wagers. Again, You are trying to grind top tier tank with reserve one and get angry over not getting a lot of RP.

You haven’t read it as we are going again in circles.

Again, You are trying to use a tactic not suitable for doing wagers in order to do wagers. It was never said that C&F is good for doing wagers. I have already told You that a couple of times and You still can’t get it.

C&F tactic works for people who:

I have already explained that in initial post. There is nothing about doing wagers.

Going by Your logic there is no good tactic in the game as all have some kind of limitations as they are suitable for other things. Again, You can’t try to use tactic wrongly and then blame tactic for it.

Read the initial post before replying, everything is there.

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Yeah, I read the whole post…CnF doesn’t really let a player do that if they’re just playing the game as they would normally because playing with just a reserve tank and an aircraft is itself special. If you take along a lineup of vehicles or have other things (a la wagers) in play, your whole premise there is blown up.

For CnF to work as you say, you have to dedicate yourself to CnF and give up everything else.

Lmao, no

  • I don’t bother with CnF myself at all (it’s inefficient and ineffective)
  • As above, I am pointing out the needs of CnF…you cannot do it with a normal setup, you have to be dedicated to CnF (which is itself a ‘need’)

You might be going in circles, I’m certainly not.

I’ve tried explaining matters to you many times but you’re struggling…as if you aren’t reading before replying.

Incorrect…you’ve had trouble just reading what I’ve plainly written, so it’s no surprise you get this attempt at extrapolation wrong too.

My logic is entirely solid when you understand all matters have conditions and limitations at play. What I have written here showcases my understanding of limits…but you’ve continually failed to grasp that.

There are absolutely good tactics in game. Under the right conditions, even CnF can work…but it’s so needy in that regard as to be inferior to plain good conventional gameplay.

That is what I have said–understand?

My reading is long done…you’d be well advised to read my first post with the video summary. (It’d help open your eyes to the enemy team’s quality).


If You did that then You would understood that this tactic is not meant for wagers.

Because this is not what C&F tactic is for, everything is in initial post.

As with all tactics. You are finally getting to understand how tactics work and that all have some kind of limitations.

For You it might not be effective, for others it is.

All things about C&F were said in initial post.

You are the one who can’t read initital post that describes how tactic works and try to point out things this tactic was never meant to be.

All things about C&F tacic were said in initial post.

Again, if You try to grind top tier tank with reserve one You will have an issue with doing so as there are better ways to grind top tier tank. Same with any tactic in game, if used for things they are not suitable, they won’t work as they should.

It is not as I have to quote all the time things from initial post that already talks about things You mention.

Again, this is the conversation we are having:

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I have understood the limits of CnF from the beginning…I’ve been pointing them out to you

CnF isn’t something you can do because you got a bum map or lousy MM, it’s something you set up for before you even leave the hangar…so you’re limited before you enter the matchmaker.

Are you following or do I need to explain this a different way?

While I appreciate your humor, you know that’s not the case.

I am simply pointing out your concept here is very rigid and lacking in versatility, given the conditions mentioned above. Taking a normal lineup offers far more options to a competent player.

If everything goes there way, maybe…if the enemy team domes their reserve tank, it’s over.

I don’t bother restraining myself so needlessly, I just play well to do well (and do).

You didn’t highlight the needy specifics involved with CnF…only after I’ve pointed them out have you acknowledged them.

Eh…you’re just confused again.

Tell us, how is CnF going to help a person with a lousy map unless they’ve set their lineup up for CnF? Someone playing normally (full lineup) is still prone to crew lock.

You have to dedicate yourself to CnF for things to work as you wrote, don’t you understand that?


Woah, You are finally starting to understand how this tactic works!

Because this tactic is not meant for things You want it to be. There are tactics suitable for ‘x’ and there are tactics suitable for ‘y’.

As said in initial post, they won’t be able to as home caps can only be reached by artillery and before it starts shootings leathal ammo, You already have the cap.

I have described all things in initial post.

Everything You have mentioned and more is already described here, if You have read it then there would be no discussion.

If You are going to use this tactic You need to use this tactic, not do something else and then be surprised that said tactic doesn’t work.

I have already explained how C&F tactic works in initial post, if You have read that You would understand it. If someone is not doing what C&F requires to be successful he can’t blame the tactic for it.

As I have said, You want this tactic to be something it is not meant for.

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