C&F tactic

It still very much negates positions of concealment compared to all other graphic settings in WT. It very much still is an advantage that simply shouldn’t exist in this game.

However, discussing ULQ in detail is for another thread so I’ll leave it be for now.

@PercussionCap some people still belive that ULQ is what makes objects not render and that removing it will change something.

You can’t discuss things with some, as they are so stuck in their point of view that they don’t want even to test it out. So they just roam the forum talking about it instead of having an actual discussion.

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You can just leave a game with absolutely no crew cooldown since it’s a reserve vehicle so if it’s a map you don’t like then just leave


Woah, someone have read the initial post before replying!

Thanks :D.


You won’t bother with discussion because there’s nothing to discuss and you know it. Leaving the unsuitable match (Battle) doesn’t help the player–often, it actively harms them.

For instance: if you’re on a GE wager doing CnF, the presence of a relevantly ranked aircraft (like an F4U-4B) in your lineup will set off the wager’s activation conditions…leaving the match will result in a failed stage.

As I’d explained above, CnF is failure-prone…and Battle is just the simplest of the three modes where it can fail!

Nobody is lying by calling out the failings of your pitch, it’s just honorable honesty.

CnF simply does not work in Battle mode and remains wholly conditional even when technically possible in the Conquest/Domination modes. This means CnF is inherently unreliable–a far cry from what you hype it up as.


Actually, I explained to you the naive foolishness of encouraging inexperienced players to drop 5000kg bombs beside their teammates…lots of teamkilling happens with that.

You didn’t seem to grasp the issues involved then either…but hey, my PMs are still open if you want me to help explain matters to you.

I understand you’re trying to hype CnF up…but don’t get mad at me. Facts and reality are what get in the way–I’m sorry.

I have no problem with people who need to use ULQ because they’re on grandma’s laptop.

However, if a person is using it while not it is not technically necessary to do so, it is obviously with the intent to game the system given ULQ’s effects on visibility with more capable platforms.

I’m too humble to boast…but my understanding of the game is considerably more advanced than you own. (You have more Nintendo 64 experience, but that’s about it.)

Video footage of lousy enemy teams being outplayed and defeated don’t make compelling points about…well, anything. Getting outplayed and defeated doesn’t support the hype.


Because You can’t read inital post, we know it. Even someone else have mentioned it.

Which aren’t being given to players since 2 years?

Because You don’t play battle mode with this tactic.

Sorry, but if You want to prove yet again that You don’t know anything about the game, I won’t bother replying as everything was already answered in initial post.

Coming back to that, I proved that using PE-8 is effective (which was being talked about there).


But I don’t expect nothing more from You than lies.

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Not really…simply entering and leaving a battle is often enough to hurt a player.

Considering this:

I pointed out GE wagers, but there are plenty of other relevant ones too…Battle Victory/task/mission medal wagers/etc.

The shortcomings of the CnF pitch presented by ULQ_Lover cannot be overcome in this scenario by leaving because simply entering the match from the queue triggers potential negative effects. It certainly isn’t so flawless as he pretends…

I read the post and watched the video before replying too…that’s why I have such a competent, sober and thoughtful take on the matter.

I understand CnF better than you do–which is how/why the Battle limitations have come up now.

Lmao–as anyone with eyes can see, my reading comprehension is excellent (again, better than your own…but I’m too humble to boast).

I read through your post and watched your video…then saw what you have missed. That’s what I’ve explained in the posts above.

Irrelevant–I have plenty and, as I mentioned above, GE wagers are only one of many types of wagers which can be affected by CnF’s limitations.

CnF is not half as viable as your hype claims…the boasts of CnF have fallen apart, whether you admit it or not.

Players don’t get to choose what sort of mode the matchmaker gives to them…or didn’t you know that?

Lmao, actually I’m proving my understanding of WT is more advanced than your own (sorry)

You really need to stop replying without reading. Read what was written:

What results you might have yielded are irrelevant–as noted, I was talking about effects that would be had with much newer players. You missed that part…

Don’t blame me for your poor reading…if you’d read before you reply, you wouldn’t make the mistakes I have noted. I wrote everything down plainly but you missed it–that’s not my fault.

I understand that you are probably a bit self-conscious about the flaws of CnF hype coming out now–but the facts matter and honesty means these realities must come out.


Coming back to topic as it was liked by people and is showing how to use the effective tactic, I haven’t talked about bombers per se in relation to C&F tacitc.

In order to spawn a bomber (Like PE-8 or Lancaster B Mk. 1) You need to follow the tactic talked about in initial post and gain around 112 SP by simply getting an assist, doing some hits on the enemy or being hit by the enemy a couple of times (artillery mostly do the job as it hits enough enemies).

It allows You to spawn PE-8/Lancaster B Mk. 1 and drop a bomb before any air vechicle will be able to stop You (if done properly).

It is recomended to use this tactic on smaller maps, where You know that enemies have to close enough to each other. (And with this tactic You can choose at what map You want to play).

With everything done properly, You will see such views (or even better) often:

The best part? You can drop bomb from an altitude that no SPAA can hit You.

If You have any more questions, please ask! I will provide answers to things I have not already mentioned in initial post or give clues on how to properly do C&F.


It doesn’t, I have used it on my laptop recently. If anything, I played worse because of ULQ.

I would like to stop with derail of the topic and focus on the C&F tactic here, so I would appreciate if You could take ULQ discussion to another thread or PM.



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Lmao, desperately running away from the flaws in what you said before doesn’t erase them…on the contrary, this is pretty much a concession from you.

CnF doesn’t work much of the time and you know it…but won’t admit it. SMH

Woah, CnF got more needy all of a sudden! The Battle limitations remain and now this too…

This is why the large bombs are generally impractical weapons…they rely on this condition.

If the enemy team doesn’t bunch up, large bombs are no better than more conventional options like 250kg/500kg bombs (which are also more numerous).

If you’re trying to whack a bunched up enemy team on a small city map or something, friendlies are probably nearby and the risk of teamkilling is great…limiting the practicality and viability of the large bombs.

As before, CnF remains heavily conditional…it isn’t so straightforward or universal as your hype pretends.

Step back a bit to take a cerebral look at the matter: you’ll understand what a lot of us grasped long ago.

  1. I’m not running away from anything. I just want to stay on topic and not talk about things that were already answered in initial post.
  2. C&F works if it is being used for what it should. If You want to use C&F tactic for grind or wagers (as there are proper tactics for it), You are doing the same as using reserve tank in order to grind top tier tank. It works, but not as well as other tactics that are made for it.

As to the other things, it was already answered in initial post and the comment talking about bombers. Please read that before replying. For another example:

As bombers were not talked about it and the cost of attackers was said to be higher than fighters (which are the main use in this tacitc)

I have never stated that it works as You are trying to portray it should You are the one trying to use C&F tactic for things that it was never ment to. As described in 2., the tactic is for what I have described it to.

If You use it incorrectly or for something it was not ment to, then it is Your fault. It is like blaming tank destroyers without turret for not having one while You could always pick another vechicle with turret.

It works for people who:

There is nothing about grinding or doing wagers.


They aren’t impractical at all? Especially when used early game as this tactic does, when most of the enemy team is still well alive. Even if you don’t get many kills, you just secured a point for your team as they’ll meet far lower resistance.

Even bigger maps will have hotspots of player activity.


Cough cap zones/spawns Cough

Your initial post promised CnF could get people around modes they don’t like.

I don’t like Battle mode, but CnF cannot help with that because CnF doesn’t work at all there.

You didn’t spell out any such restrictions in your original post. You said it’d handle uptiers, undesired modes/maps, being at a disadvantage and tank gameplay as-is.

None of that forecloses on anything I’d said about wagers or anything else really.

As I have always said, CnF is more complex and conditional than you had let on…it’s not so simple as you’d claimed.

You’re backtracking on that now, but the original texts verify my comments.

You pitched CnF as a strategy on how to play the game…wagers are passive (you play the match and either success or fail to meet its requirements) while modes are not even controllable.

CnF doesn’t work so reliably as you’d hyped…you were either overly optimistic, overpromising CnF’s potential or just ignorant of its limitations. None of that is my fault.

The use of the large bomb is reliant upon enemies being grouped up and, at certain ranges, small ‘large’ bombs like 500kg/1000kg bombs may achieve the same effect while being more numerous. These ‘medium’ bombs have the additional advantage of being harmful to groups of enemy vehicles while being more limited in their threat to nearby friendlies.

Bombs like the FAB-5000 are more complex than hype lets on…a big bomb is just as threatening to friendlies as enemies. That’s proven every day in game…

Eh…not really. It would be very poor tactics for a group of players to bunch up, especially on an expansive map. I would have to say it is a skill issue if groups let themselves be killed regularly in such a matter.


If You read the initial post and what I have quoted for it, You would understand how You don’t have to play battle mode if You don’t like it and that You don’t get crew locked for leaving such match (as people playing normally do).

Please quote where I have said that this tactic is for grinding or doing wagers?

And it does. What I have said in initial post talks about it.

As from original post that You still refuse to read:


Not to mention the part of:

So please, read the initial post and don’t require this tactic to be something it was never meant to be. It is the same as using reserve tank to grind top tier one and being angry about RP gain.

Please cite me on what I have said in initial post to not be true.

And again, if You are going to talk about wagers/grinding, then there is no point in further discussion.

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Dropping it a little past the point is a surefire tactic for a few kills. Even works on the weaker SC2500.

Like they would be at the early stages of a match?

When used by players who can’t look at the map, yes. This can be entirely prevented with a little care.

Because WT players are known for their smart map positioning and good tactics…

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welp now I’m gonna have to do some not nice things to some unhappy people(Tankers)


if you REALLY want to make some people angry, take the A7M2 with the rockets. costs 494 points to spawn, and the rockets are capable of killing everything except some heavy tanks with direct hits, and the cannons with the ground belts are very good against light tanks, SPAA’s, some medium tanks, and all aircraft