C&F tactic

nothing like that ;).

More people use this tactic, more GF RBs mode becomes what devs want it to be.


but yeah, im not doing it. For any reason.

And whats that ? AirRb but also having tanks ?

Isn’t it already?

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Thanks for this! I’m so tired of people trying to play tanks in GRB when it’s clearly a mode strictly for planes. Using tanks is so toxic and gives them an unfair advantage, I’m happy I can finally get payback


If I played ground, this is exactly the way I’d do it… only problem is I can’t drive tanks (I removed all the controls for that in part of an effort to stop the mouse from moving my airplane when I mistakenly touch it reaching for my keyboard with my VR headset on).

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Griefing is the name of the game with this one 😉
When I get back to playing I’m gonna abuse the hell out of this!

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It is not abuse, just what gaijin wants us to do.

You can use a heli as first spawn as a CAS plane as second spawn. Just to remember to put a reserve tank in your lineup so you don’t get crew locked.

This tactic is absolutely FILTHY, and yet it is even encouraged by poor game design. Incredible.


This depends imho just on your pov.

As the game in itself is just designed to earn cash with the lowest investment possible regarding game play, you have usually just one way to initiate changes: Vote with your wallet.

In a nutshell you can play Ground RB up to a certain BR without the necessity to buy tanks, as all you need is a free reserve tier tank and an aircraft which is rather easy to get up to rank III / IV.

So you are outsmarting them with this strategy as you save time and SLs for basically useless tanks whilst you play by their rules.


This is an absolutely hilarious thing to do. I will forever keep this in mind.


SMH, again with this ‘Cap-n-Fly’ hype?

CnF invites players to waste a player slot (like ODL), shortchange their teammates out of capturing zones by rushing and/or both while CnF is not even a reliable nor practical strategy.

CnF relies on the enemy team failing to stop a reserve tank…if the M2A4/BT-5/whatever is kept from reaching the capture point or dies during capture, CnF fails and that’s it.

As many equidistant maps do not have a ‘home’ cap for these reserve vehicles making CnF attempts to aim for, the strategy is particularly prone to failure on such maps.

Despite your comment about modes that people ‘don’t like’, CnF is highly limited: in Battle mode, CnF is not possible; and in Conquest, the possibility is extremely poor.

Aside from being a sneak peak of War Thunder for Nintendo 64, your video there doesn’t contest (much less disprove) any of the above.

A detailed log of the match shown with timings:


1:45: F4U-4B is spawned

2:33: 6 enemy tanks are grouped up (with 4 of them bunched extremely close together)–a 1000lb bombing kills 2

2:51: Strafing attack on a 2S1

3:31: Tiger II (H) killed by 1000lb bomb

3:55: An R3 T20 SPAA with ample opportunity to target your F4U ignores you; he dies as a result

4:01: An enemy SPAA (a Wirbelwind) is finally engaging you and wounds your F4U

4:38: Despite his initial success, the Wirbelwind has flubbed his subsequent shots with repeated misses and is defeated by a direct hit by an HVAR

4:46: A Nashorn is killed, also by a direct hit by an HVAR

5:00: Despite the F4U overhead, no apparent enemy fighters/SPAAs around

5:08: M109 killed by 20mm strafing

5:32: A Tiger H1 is killed by a direct, vertical hit to the cupola roof by an HVAR

5:41: An enemy aircraft (a Fw 190D) finally appears to intercept you…and he flubs his initial chance

5:59: The Fw 190 D bungles his intercept, overshoots your wounded F4U (which has oversped its flaps) and is killed

6:10: Despite their other deaths, the enemy team only has 2 fewer players than your own team

6:15: SPAA fire is audible, but is missing its mark

6:37: An Ostwind lingering in the enemy spawn is killed by a direct hit to the turret by an HVAR

6:52: The enemy team has the A cap and neutralizes the B cap; the US team retains the C cap

7:10: Another Ostwind, who was not engaging the F4U, is killed by a vertical strafing attack

7:57: A wounded, immobile Waffentrager is killed by a 20mm strafing attack

8:10: A newly spawned enemy aircraft (Bf 109F) is up

8:33: The Bf 109 deliberately ignores your F4U, which is right in front of him, to instead make an unsuccessful bombing attempt; the Bf 109’s bomb misses and he crashes on his own

9:00: A new aircraft (Do 335) is spawned; a few seconds later, he attempts to engage your F4U but misses

9:05: The enemy team has A point capped and neutralizes the C point; the US team no longer holds any capture points

9:49: Another engagement attempt by the Do 335 fails

9:50: The enemy team now holds 2 capture points; the US team has 0 caps

10:13: The US team neutralizes the A capture point

10:44: After a minute long pursuit, the Do 335 climbs sharply and is killed by the F4U

10:55: In the distance, a friendly Horney kills an enemy Ju 87B; at the same time, the US team captures the A point and begins neutralizing the C point

11:22: An oblivious AMX-13 DCA 40 SPAA is killed by a 20mm strafing attack

11:30: The F4U is (needlessly) discarded because sufficient spawn points are available to obtain the nuclear B-29 bomber

12:54: Just before impact, the B-29 is hit by ground fire (but the bomb is already away)

Looking past the usual CAS hype, that recorded match isn’t very remarkable honestly.

You got your M2A4 under the enemy team’s noses, they weren’t prepared for an attack from the aerial flank and repeatedly failed to respond to the opposition.

The enemy team handled themselves poorly, got outplayed and were defeated…what about it?

Skillful use of a vehicle (like the F4U) should result in successes, especially when met by poor enemy countermoves as was the case here. A vehicle being used successfully is not a problem, it’s a laudable result to be strived for.

Key takeaways about match conditions:

For you:

  • You had over 60k matches plays…well above the average player experience level
  • You were playing on ULQ with a ~160+ FPS rate; such settings confer ‘unique’ conditions (the Nintendo 64 must be able to handle higher settings!)
  • You have played the F4U-4B extensively…again, you’re unusually experienced

For the enemy team:

  • Grouping up is a bad idea
  • Ignoring enemy vehicles for several minutes is foolish
  • Defending fighters/SPAAs are worthwhile vehicles to use…but they need to be used effectively

For everyone else:

  • Given the above conditions and the vulnerability of CnF to interference (reserve tanks generally die to higher BR vehicle quite easily), this is not something to take very seriously

I remember when CnF was hyped back in 2017 too…and its flaws became apparent quickly, as it did fail frequently and hurt the teams that tried it.

Naive CnF players would buy into the hype of “it’s easy!” before losing their reserve tank or a dying to a crash or shootdown scoreless. This would be the end of the CnF player and their team was left at a disadvantage thereafter–it was a drag. (Opposing CnF players went well…the CnF players would fall prey to fighters/SPAA and bleed their team, making the win easier).

Team quality in War Thunder lousy enough as it is: don’t make it worse hyping a naive, failure-prone ‘strategy.’


Yep, one of the best tactics in game.

It amazes me that there are still players who can’t even use it properly. Some still can’t read, but this is how world works.

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CnF isn’t all that impressive a tactic. Easy to shutdown by killing the target vehicle before they cap.

Only way they succeed in the event they can cap, J and then fly is if they’re not then countered by SPAA or CAP. It’s literally a tactic that hinges on the enemy team being terrible at the game.

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Especially that a person doing C&F tactic can choose the map where there is a cap You can’t shoot at before it is taken.

But ye, lie more about it as You don’t even want to read the post describing everything about it


Considering CnF doesn’t even work in one mode (Battle), is utterly unreliable in another (Conquest) and remains utterly conditional in the other (Domination), it’s more amazing that you keep hyping CnF up.

It is not a reliable strategy and doesn’t even live up to your own hype.

Tell us how CnF helps people “who don’t like” playing Battle matches…I’ll wait.

A large fraction of Domination maps have equidistant caps where engagement is very possible…nevermind reserve tanks’ vulnerability to artillery.

What he said wasn’t lying, it’s simple honesty. You factually had many things going your way…settings, enemy flubs, lots of stuff utterly unrelated to CnF.

You need to read before replying…if you’d read my post above, you’d have a far stronger grasp of what actually happened in that match you showed and why.


Considering You can’t read the initial post describing the tacitc (as there is an answer to it), I won’t even bother with discussion. For example:

And if You want to go with ‘but muh team’ argument, it gets another player in Your place if You leave the battle at the beginning.

Lie more about how this tactic doesn’t work. On old forum we had a discussion about PE-8 where such tactic was being used and You proved there that You didn’t understand how it works.


If one is using a 144hz+ monitor, no reason to not take advantage of it. Also ULQ isn’t an advantage nowadays.


Shhh, let him belive in things of the past.

He is just proving yet again that he doesn’t understand this game as he did that many times before.

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