British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain

Bhishma isn’t the be-all and end-all of T-90S though. It’s just one early version that was exported to India. There’s room to expand T-90S into more modern iterations in the Russian tree with Relikt and better thermals to bridge the gaps between T-72B3 and T-90M+T-90MS
What gaijin have proposed adding is very specifically the Bhishma, because it is just a quick copy paste of the T-90A with Shtora removed. Adding it to the Russian tree is just adding a lesser variant than Russia should have.

The lead-in time for creating new vehicle assets for this game is at least 12 months. If there are no British tanks being made to fill the top-tier squadron vehicle gap already, we’re not getting one for at least a year - probably 2 or more. By not adding a copy-paste T-90, they’re not suddenly going to pull a new British tank out from where the sun doesn’t shine.
The decision to not spend time modelling a new British tank this year was already made. Look at the state of the Challenger 2E: it’s a quick copy asset flip that was made because Britain has no fast-ish tanks, and gaijin thought it was an easy solution. It’s not got the right hull model and probably isn’t going to be fixed for years.
May as well have the Bhishma and have some fun with it until gaijin actually decide to make something.

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I said need; I was ignoring light/mediums if that’s what you meant.

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Then that’s a failing and the solution isn’t to encourage that behaviour, it’s not like a one off, besides the Khalid and Churchill NA75 what in the last few years for Britain has had an original model? It’d be nice if people pointed this out more. Gaijin has always been weird with models in game, some are fan made, some are contract made, some are in house.

And when we do get unique new additions like the sea harrier. They are unfinished. Sea harrier has copy paste radar from the F5E and the copy paste cockpit from the Harrier Gr3.


The Al-Hussein Falcon seems like an obvious choice to me, and would definitely be welcome at top tier. I would prefer if the Vickers Mk.4s or Chieftain 800/2000s were added in the TT but they are also possible options.

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Just going to leave this here…

The T-90 Bhishma will arrive to the game as a new squadron vehicle in the upcoming War Thunder major update. Its ERA protection, guided missiles and a modern fire-control system make the tank an exotic and desirable addition to Britain’s top-tier ground forces lineup!

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First and foremost, we’d like to let you know the reasons as to why we’re going to be adding this vehicle to the British tree. Britain’s top-tier MBTs are generally niche and are typically geared towards methodical combat engagements. Because of this, additional export MBTs and other vehicles that have ties to some Commonwealth nations will allow for more options and new approaches to Britain’s gameplay. We’d like to note that we are continuing to work on filling the British ground forces tree, which will include various armored, infantry fighting vehicles, and light tanks. These are planned for the future.

T-90S to Russia and Falcon for Britain

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geared towards methodical combat engagements

allow for more options and new approaches to Britain’s gameplay

Introduces tank with

  1. bad gun handling
  2. less pen than others
  3. bad mobility
  4. no reverse
  5. bad survivability

They really outdo themselves on this


if war thunder fix challenger we don’t need T90 tank


This is laughable at best in my opinion, it’s not like there weren’t options. They have been listed here already

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Well whilst i suppose there’s little that can be done now, i’d like to express my disappointment

We haven’t got any CVR(T)s in our tree, we have Vickers MBTs that are missing, we have Chally 1 modifications not considered, we have a gap in our SPAA, we have gaping big holes (literally) in the accuracy of the models we do have…
and we’re getting a T-90 reskin?
come on…

How is it Britain, despite having a fairly diverse palette of vehicles, somehow manages to not get anything diverse or new

Damn air tree is the same deal, we beg and beg for Tornado, and by the time we get it we have F-14, F-16, MiG-29 and it’s, lo and behold, dead on arrival.



Let’s sell propaganda to the Brits for golden eagles instead so we show you how ‘‘niche’’ your Challenger 2’s really are. Hey, we even said that clearly in the dev blog text. Behold our mighty Russian tank to the tank tree that has nothing to do with it. Only for golden eagles, cause we know you will buy it, because how bad Challenger 2’s are right now! Why fix the problem when we can sell you the fix?


That should say everything that’s wrong with this vehicle being added.

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The addition of the T-90S is so tone deaf on Gaijins behalf here and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it because they don’t listen and will just gaslight us into thinking it’s what we need

British ground forces need it’s light vehicles and IFV’s adding. That will open up new approaches for Britains gameplay not a low effort Copy Paste MBT’s

Put some of the MANY different forms of Warrior IFV or other indigenous designs into the tree,

Light vehicles planned later means nothing


average brit tank announcement

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Yes I agree, this tank have 0 reason to be in the British TT. I would rather have even an ukranian challenger at least it is a british tank.



What annoys me the most is the British community was not asking for this, MBT’s is the one thing the Brit tree has in abundance, the entire British Suggestion discord has been asking for light tanks and ifvs. Something we have been asking for for over 3 years now and in that time the only vehicle we have gotten is an event Alecto. I would say who ever gaijin has helping them suggest the vehicles that are being added are super detached from what the community is actually asking for, as just from a glance there are over half a dozen other things that could have been added instead.


you could also add in the Vickers mk 3 (M), or chieftan 900 as an option, but instead, we get a copy paste t-90, when Britian is no where close to gagging for their own native MBTS. This just seems like a continuation of the Swiss hawker hunter controversy, as it seems gaijin just hates the British tree.


Especially if planned later has been what they have been saying for the last 3 years, all we have gotten is the alecto as some meidocre south african vehicles that are worse than the british equivillents.

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