British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain

Are you implying that the game is balanced?

India has replaced the engine of T-90S.

Yeah it’s called not being short sighted and undermining fundamental aspects of the game by supporting lazy poorly placed copy pastes. If you’re so in favour of these additions you can go make a suggestion poll about T-80UK for Britain and USA, and M1A1 Abrams for Russia etc (which are actually more justifiable than T-90S for Britain as they each had captured ones). As you say they’re powerful tanks and easy additions so why not! I am fully aware it could take 6 months to make a decent model, and I’d much much rather wait although long term incentivising Gaijin to use their 3D artists in a schedule that allows them to produce good models for actual additions in a well timed fashion is good, it’s called a development pipeline.


That is not correct, early T-90 had a different engine but our in game T-90A uses the exact same V-92S2 engine T-90S uses. You can hover over the engine in X ray it will give you that name.

I actually didn’t say that? Unless you mean I implied they’d eventually add things yeah, I mean you’re not seriously saying they’ll never add any ground vehicles to Britain again are you? Even Japan gets things occasionally :D

Assuming the UK will ever get anything (good) again is a optimistic assumption to make.

We got Churchill NA75 last patch I’m happy about. Don’t be such a grump

I’ll stop being a grump when they fix my god damned stormer.

Man, i posted this on reddit so that this cursed debate finaly ends and people accept it, they didnt change it either for the hunter and from my thread i can tell you people are just as butt hurt about that still as they are for the T-90

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Slightly off topic, but have you used other SAM platforms lately? It feels like they all suck. I have complained about Stormer and Starstreak nearly as much as you over time but trying ADATS recently and wow it’s difficult to hit fast movers with. Relative to everything else Stormer is actually almost even now, which just means planes bully everyone almost equally, and KA-52s infuriate everyone. My main annoyance is losing lock, I thought only Stormer had this issue but seems they all do, they’ll just randomly lose lock against Aircraft, drives me nuts considering how modern Stormers sight is.

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My fault but it has different thermal.

The losing lock is the biggest issue with it and makes hitting fast movers essentially impossible. But yes, off-topic.

Pray that it eventually gets fixed so I can continue my total annihilation of CAS.

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Yeah it was your post that prompted me to remake this poll. But I probably did word it poorly and it’s resulted in a less than desirable outcome so far. I didn’t want to call it copy paste in the actual post because it looks like I’m biased. Which I am. But attempting to be balanced.

Honestly, like i already said i dont care to much myself where it ends, that being said i would put korea to japan so the tree gets fleshed out and more polish vehicles to germany so that all panther tanks are in 1 tree ( ww2 panthers, KF 51 Panther, K2 Black Panther that the polish ordered). Generaly i find war thunder first and fore most as a game and dont care to much about the political backround behind it, but i am aware it is hard to with a game with military content. Most political it gets for me that i dont play ussr for reasons.

In those cases i see it from the site that those vehicles will bring a completly new play style to a nation and the ability for nations to try sth different without needing to research a whole other tech tree

I was on edge about the Swiss Hunter being added to the German tree, for a little bit I thought it was ok until I thought about it a little bit, not a fan of the idea really, something like the Challenger Falcon would be a better choice, it’s unique.

Only 2 tanks we need are the CR2(2022), CR3 TD and when publicised, CR3

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I do not think Britain should get the T-90S at the moment as there is no real argument for it. Perhaps if some more Indian vehicles were in the British tree aside from a somewhat lackluster premium it would make sense but as it stands Britain has nothing to do with the T-90S aside from colonizing India in the past. Some sort of British or Middle Eastern modification of a tank like the Falcon would make much more sense and personally I think it would be more interesting to have an unmanned turret rather than another typical mbt.


You are missing so many British tanks they could add

Only if you don’t want British tanks

Bhishma isn’t the be-all and end-all of T-90S though. It’s just one early version that was exported to India. There’s room to expand T-90S into more modern iterations in the Russian tree with Relikt and better thermals to bridge the gaps between T-72B3 and T-90M+T-90MS
What gaijin have proposed adding is very specifically the Bhishma, because it is just a quick copy paste of the T-90A with Shtora removed. Adding it to the Russian tree is just adding a lesser variant than Russia should have.

The lead-in time for creating new vehicle assets for this game is at least 12 months. If there are no British tanks being made to fill the top-tier squadron vehicle gap already, we’re not getting one for at least a year - probably 2 or more. By not adding a copy-paste T-90, they’re not suddenly going to pull a new British tank out from where the sun doesn’t shine.
The decision to not spend time modelling a new British tank this year was already made. Look at the state of the Challenger 2E: it’s a quick copy asset flip that was made because Britain has no fast-ish tanks, and gaijin thought it was an easy solution. It’s not got the right hull model and probably isn’t going to be fixed for years.
May as well have the Bhishma and have some fun with it until gaijin actually decide to make something.

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