British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain

I think we should remove all challenger 2 mbt’s except for one since all of them are essentially copy paste… 👍

This is obvious. They COULD do a new tank based on models not in game (Arjun anyone?) but no. Recycle something RUSSIAN and done.

The words I wish to use to describe what is going on here would get me locked out of the forums

What I WILL say is that I will never unlock or use this vehicle. I also will say that I think that people who do support all the worst practices of Gaijin.


Hey man. They gotta tap that Subcontinent market and nobody cares about Britain. SO might as well be them.

This whole thing is awful.

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This is just a repeat of Gaijin being tone deaf when it comes to the British tree. we ask for ifv and light tanks, and we just end up getting more challanger tanks. there are more than a dozen mbt’s they could have added instead of this, but instead we again get a copu paste of an existing model with a few modifications, then they wonder why there is a back lash. History has also shown they intentionally go out of their way to add stuff to the british tech tree because they know it will make more money in other trees, thus hampering the british tree, just based on the list below:

  • Class 3 (P)
  • Ram II
  • Leopard Mexas
  • t18e2 boarhound
  • M1 AIM
  • swiss hunter

they literally make a rules for me not for thee when it comes to the big three, then like with this post here try and gas light you into thinking your wrong.


The thing is the fact they have been avoiding the light tanks makes the british tree less appealing, hence less people will play it as a self forfilling prophesy. Its just perpelxing, like they could have added the warrior hitfist 30 to the british tree, but instead they modelled it for the italians, and it was immediately forgotten, due to it being worse then the dardo, whilst at the same time the brits have been stuck with the first warrior for over 5 years now.


i see, mains of a certain handheld nation already got their pitchforks and torches ready

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Well Gijin sure has a funny way of taking “pity” on the brit tree, so i am not surprised

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I also agree, Britain should get one of the alternatives provided in that poll. But, knowing gaijin, they will just remove the T-90S without giving the alternative if they listen to those players I mentioned in my prev. message.

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The issue is they dont listen, if they did we would be getting ifv’s and light tanks, seeing as that is what we have been asking for for literal years, and only got the reply “we are working on it” which is an obvious lie as we have gotten basically zilch in 3 years. Who ever is picking what is being added to the British ground tree needs re-evaluating, as they clearly have no idea what they are doing


I am just here with the popcorn, i told all of you a long time ago the T90s gonna go to britain


another British main feels happy , finally no longer having to carry a tons of Chally.

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All of these should be in the tech tree IMO, not stuffed behind the squadron mechanic.
Rather we didn’t have another Sea Harrier case where something good in the tree is widely overlooked because people have to spend GE or wait nearly 3 months to grind it

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As said, whom ever is assigning things to the british trees needs to be fired, or given a talking too, as they are clearly detatched from what the community is asking for. IIRC @Headnaught wrote a long winded post about how all these commonwealth vehicles we have been getting are worse versions of stuff the that the British operated or produced, though i am pretty sure it was subsequently nuked due to it being wrong think

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maybe britain players should protest like the chinese did, chinese tree started to get really cool stuff after the person responsible for it was changed

Exactly what i am suggesting, the issue is we dont even know who our tree co-ordiantor is, like the chinese and italian community does


do we know who the co-ordinator for germany is? i would like to have a word with him as well <-<

No idea, its seems to be kept purposely cryptic, but i must ask how someone who is adding things can keep a finger to the pulse of one section of the community if they are not in the suggestion discord, or visible in the community they are effectivly representing.

In all honesty, I dislike this addition.

The T-90S has no correlation with Britiain at all, it was a vehicle developed by Russia for India, who by that point had already been long independent.

What’s more, the way they worded the new blog makes me suspect we’re in for a reallyyyy wild ride since they mentioned the plans of adding even more Commonwealth vehicles… this means Aussie F-18 Hornets, Canadian Leopard 2s… I don’t think there’s a need for me to explain why that would be bad going forward.


As said, they are going to half bake a common wealth tree, and add all the good stuff to other nations first. Looks at the leopard mexas, aim abrams, class 3 p and the swiss hunter. Britan will get the scraps of that which is normally trash like HMAS Arrow or HMCS Terra nova, or most recently that Harrington armoured car that is the worst 2 pounder armoured car that saw service with the British in the second world war

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The mine plow is British designed

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