Bring back the old Forum

It’s not just inability to edit posts, it’s posting and reactions limit, infinite scrolling instead of sensible page system, lack of migration of old forum content (which should have been done before new forum even went up), replies folded under post that reply is made too disrupting flow of conversation, putting basic functionality behind automated “trust” system that is harmful to the very purpose of game forum, lack of ability to set e-mail address connected to account, UI which does not have easy way to distinguish read threads from those unread, still lack option to choose style/colour scheme, completely pointless icons with profile pictures at thread instead of just name of person who left last message or number of people viewing thread, bad reply box (because what idiot thought that taking half of width of screen with how text will look like when posted is good idea when you can just add button that will let you switch to that).


Yeah, I don’t like the new forum, the old one was more informative, comfortable and simpler. In general I liked WT forum more than forums for any other game. That’s sad it’s gone…

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OMG the new forum is so confusing!! come on gaijin bring back the old one!!


Here’s the thing, they didn’t “have to”, they chose to and per usual they implemented it in their usual hamfisted fashion… right after telling us they would:

“communicate better, be more transparent and roll back changes the community don’t like”.

They gave no warning or notice at all that they had planned this and the reaction has been overwhelmingly negative… so much for communication, transparency and rolling back.

Just because something is old doesn’t make it bad or inferior.
Just because something is new absolutely does not mean it’s good.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it… it wasn’t broken so they fixed it until it was.
The new forum has less functionality than the old, even basic functions such as Editing posts and PM’s are locked behind a ridiculous social credit wall… ergo it is objectively worse.


Honestly as long as they somehow figure out a way to bring over most, if not all, the content from the old forum I would be fine with it. There is a lot of detailed discussions on the old forum that deserve to be moved over, along with a lot of suggestions. Changing it like this and then leaving the old forum for dead instead of moving everything, or trying to at least, makes it feel like this change was way too hasty.


The forum is for the community. yes…
But we have no right to have it. It is purely a privilege.

Is it unpleasant that they did this. Absolutely. But it’s really not that bad once you look past it. I do not know why Gaijin chose to update their forum after 10 years. It’s none of my business. Nor any of yours.

Giving up years of content???
Guys, lets be honest here…

No one cares about the research, and post any of you made 5 years ago. No one goes back and marvels at it either. We got dudes crying that their hard work was “for nothing”… No… The goal was to change the game and they did.

This is becoming some forum warrior’s personal issue because they want their “work” to forever be immortalized and remembered by the generations to follow. lol.

So, look. This is what is going to happen. The forum is here to stay. You can NEVER go back. It is what it is. You can accept it or not.
WT will move on without you. The community will move on without you. I hope all of you who are running away after all the updates you been through reconsiders.


It’s like there’s a competition to see which Gaijin department is more disconnected from the community :/


What is this abomination?
Why do people mess with things that nobody asked for and had no reason to be messed with in the first place?

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I think you’ve seen the feedback and it’s overwhelmingly negative. We want the old forum back. We want the ability to edit posts without upping our social credit score. We want access to the tens of thousands of useful threads where discussions are still happening. We want our signatures and emojis. We want Gaijin to stop trying to make things worse for the people who pay the bills.


There was ALWAYS a reactions limit. Posting limit is only for number of posts in a row. I LIKE that.

Considering what happened last month with the immaturity showed by the player base this is not only reasonable, but wise.

was not available on old system either.

This is a happy to glad change. If you don’t like it, fine. But it is not an objective issue. This is subjective.

Just gonna have to disagree. The old box was less useful and had less capability.

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If I were them I wouldn’t change it. It is entirely within the parameters of people just not liking change. The old forum was just that, old. It was archaic and outdated. In a month nobody will care. In two months people will finally admit they were just unhappy 'cause different is bad.

Most of the community already moved… to reddit.

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Yes, developer-community communication is an awesome thing. It allows us to petition for changes, back up our request with documentation and improve the game overall.

However, you need to get it through your head that this type of communication with developers is a PRIVILEGE, It is not a right.

None of us has a right to demand how it looks, or how it is run.

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Yeah, right.

Isn’t it the job of Moderators, to moderate the forum and to punish behavior, wich isn’t covered by the “Code of Conduct”?

Suuure, let’s punish everyone.

I mean, I can understand where you are coming from.
It’s Gaijin’s forum and they can do, whatever they want, as long as they didn’t violate Law’s.

But they should realize - as well as you - that this move will get the community even more upset.


That’s right. I also got it. And as you have stated, it’s irrelevant if someone pays money or not, if his/her opinion isn’t in line, nobody (at Gaijin) will care.

Do we still have the right to our opinion about it?


Sure, but maybe only post it at steam, reddit and any other platform :-)

I do use Steam to start the game, maybe it’s time to post there, it seems to work better.

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It is irrelevant how much any of us paid into the game. The forum is a privilege outside of the licenses you paid for.

You can have an opinion all you want. It’s not that GJ does not care. What’s done is done, and you need to come to terms with that like all things in life.

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Who said anything about not having an opinion?

The title of the thread is a demand.

You have no right to demand as I made very clear. The forum is a privilege, not your right.

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