Bring back the old Forum

You can navigate to other parts of the forum from the side panel no matter what you are doing.
The way it tracks your comments and replies to those comments is superior to the old system
You have more control over your alerts.

The old forum was ancient.

This is just a case of having to get used to something new. People thought the iPad was dumb at first too.


Sidepanel doesn’t work on Vivaldi @ Smartphones.

Maybe that’s just another big of this Beta.

I would do the following (but not limited to):
-Create sub forums. It’s too disorganized in its current form.
-Allow at least unlimited private messages no matter what “trust level” you are. If someone new is harassing someone just report it. I mean what if you’re taking to a mod and you run out of messages, now you have to wait like what, 24 hours?
-The U/I is not user friendly.
-Grace period for suggestion creators to allow them to transfer there content if you don’t end up linking it because it’s honestly a slap in the face if you can’t give them some time, maybe a month(?) for this. Especially those who have a lot of time invested in them for trying to improve the game. While a lot of vehicles are known, there are some that are lost in history that people dig up.
-Change the format on submitting suggestions because some people don’t understand code so it’s a bit user unfriendly.

Pretty much the most I can think of at the top of my head.

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I think this forum can work but it needs optimization which I’m sure everyone is aware of. It’s brand new.

You wanted say “Was rolled out way to early, with way to many features imemented, and without proper Bug testing coupled with tested User usability” right?

This release was - imo - once again way to rushed and way to less optimized and polished.

That’s where the money goes…

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Was rolled out way to early, WITHOUT many features imemented, and without proper Bug testing coupled with tested User usability”

Yeah right… Messanger coupled with smartphone autocorrect and no way as a untrusted rookie to edit. Thumbs up.

Doing the same think of Crossout with the forum is wrong. Alot of bug, bug account, I can’t manage my account after a name change, profile is bug, visual on topic is a mess

Back to the old and famous forum ! It was simple and perfect.


How does this forum look as if it was set up in an afternoon compared to the old one? lol.

People naturally do not like change. A slow free transition would have been impossible. Why would anyone freely switch over if they opened another forum when they are so used to the old? A warning would have had all of you wailing from the roof tops. Rather it be quick and decisive. What was insane about this?
You swear like they removed the ability to have an official forum.

You have NO RIGHT to demand any forum let alone tell GJ how it should be run. The forum is a privilege, not a right.

“Barren wasteland” & “Years of wisdom cast into the sea.”

Do you hear yourself? As if anyone is still talking about 11.0 vehicles let alone still visiting Bf-109 threads.

You are going to be ok, life will go on.
Change is a part of life. It’s for the better. You are not going anywhere. You cannot go back. Deal with it. You will never go back. The money is spent.
Why don’t you make yourself useful and bring topics over instead of sitting in despair.

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Blockquote The point is to make sure users are Active members of the Community so that things cannot be taken advantage of by just anyone…

One thing is for sure, this new forum is making sure I and many other community members won’t active anymore.

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*won’t be active.

An edit button would be handy, again.


I like the side panel and trust levels.

I don’t like the structure of the forum and the posts organizing and grouping I don’t like the design as a whole.

There is no art to it no beauty no depth and empty it’s really hard to describe it I can only describe it with this ( there is no soul to this forum ).

This is not a forum made by developers who care about their game and community.

This is a forum of a soulless corporation.


Once again, why do you force a change if it is not even ready ?
You could have pushed it back another week or two, polish everything, meanwhile create a project news article about this incoming change ? Gather feedback, opinions from community, incorporate them… easy as that

Honestly here in our country if my employee does something similar to this, which damages the reputation of my company or any company delivers half finished products it just looses it’s reputation and employees are fired if they are not able to get it running as it should…

And again you promised that changes will be communicated beforehand with community - we are back where we always were - same mistakes - damage to company = fire responsible people for repeated mistakes for forcing such (mostly unwanted) changes…

All we want (after 10 years) is for WT to thrive and prosper so we can all enjoy the game but this is quite the opposite direction, maybe I will drag my boycott till summer ends… and who knows after that I may not even consider launching WT at all

I am just tired from everything and now even this, I will not deal with this anymore, it does not work, in the screenshot you can see that I can not even click on some profiles - they are not loaded in, because it just can not handle loading all the replies at once without using page system, I do not know what else to say

Gaijin it seems like you need to gain trust from your community from the 0 because it was destroyed too many times, I hope you like gaining it for prolonged time like we will do gaining trust levels on this forum…



we will be gaining trust levels on this forum*
sorry no edit available so I have to spam replies…


I’m in very hard agreement here, first it was removing the ability customise your own profile picture and now this.

Why does Gaijin always push really unpopular decisions through on us like this?

Being back the old forum as it was working perfectly fine before and also give us the ability to customise our profile picture again.

The layout is awfull, why do i need to scroll all the way to the bottom to read the neweest post??? just make pages. we can’t see anything.

first they remove all the pfp of the old forum, replacing them with souless in game pfp’s, and now they give use this?? they really don’t want us to use their forums lmao, i can’t belive it.

(Took me 2 minute to find how to replay to this topic alone it’s qutie incredible)


@Pacifica I know they indicated that personal PFPs were not going to be reconsidered for the previous forum. Makes sense in hindsight. However, is it possible that it may be considered to return to this one?

The forum is FOR the community, if we’d never move given the choice then why force us, and what is the point of a forum change if it alienates a huge chunk of the user-base?

And you can’t seriously sit there and argue that Gaijin’s habitual non communication is a good thing, if they had told us 6 months ago they we’re gonna do this then yeah a lot of people would have complained, been up in arms over it same as now, but at least people would have been able to prepare for the actual change, in what world does telling us in advance create any more issues than just jumping it on us out of the blue?

What was so bad about the old forum that it was worth giving up years of content for this? Make people spend weeks just bringing back the old topic while Gaijin figure out how to even get this site working properly? Because they clearly haven’t finished setting up this site given the issues they’re already having with suggestions. Tell me how this is actually better?


Wait this is a new forum ?!?! I thought the forum is bugged and that is why it looks like this.
This is terrible ! It is so confusing and what happened our old threads that we created ad still using with alot of old stuff rating from pictures, vidos, links etc, are they all gone aswell ?!?

I also noticed that my chat history no longer exist ?!?
First Gaijin ruined the live.WT by stop people from posting real photos and i have stopped using it since then, now they are ruining forum aswell ? Why ?

If the old version is not returning, i will not using this forum in the state anymore. Horrible !!!


If you think developer - community communication is a waste of time then why the F*** are you even on the forum, petitioning for new content, clearly Gaijin can just do what they want and we should all just accept it, right? Clearly you’re just wasting your time.


None of the Forums are good on smart phones. But Your complaint makes more sense.