Bring back the old Forum

Yes, developer-community communication is an awesome thing. It allows us to petition for changes, back up our request with documentation and improve the game overall.

However, you need to get it through your head that this type of communication with developers is a PRIVILEGE, It is not a right.

None of us has a right to demand how it looks, or how it is run.

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Yeah, right.

Isn’t it the job of Moderators, to moderate the forum and to punish behavior, wich isn’t covered by the “Code of Conduct”?

Suuure, let’s punish everyone.

I mean, I can understand where you are coming from.
It’s Gaijin’s forum and they can do, whatever they want, as long as they didn’t violate Law’s.

But they should realize - as well as you - that this move will get the community even more upset.


That’s right. I also got it. And as you have stated, it’s irrelevant if someone pays money or not, if his/her opinion isn’t in line, nobody (at Gaijin) will care.

Do we still have the right to our opinion about it?


Sure, but maybe only post it at steam, reddit and any other platform :-)

I do use Steam to start the game, maybe it’s time to post there, it seems to work better.

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It is irrelevant how much any of us paid into the game. The forum is a privilege outside of the licenses you paid for.

You can have an opinion all you want. It’s not that GJ does not care. What’s done is done, and you need to come to terms with that like all things in life.

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Who said anything about not having an opinion?

The title of the thread is a demand.

You have no right to demand as I made very clear. The forum is a privilege, not your right.

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I’m fine with change if it has a purpose, and it improves the situation. This simply doesn’t. On top of that, tens of thousands of posts have been closed. There are posts with useful information that will be deleted, and includes many active discussions.


As i said, I know.

That’s just how the game industry and in specific the F2P industry works.

The only thing wich Gaijin and it’s employees will care at most is, if players are upset to a point, where they will start to vote with their wallets.

The communication on Gaijin’s side was more than lacking the last year’s.

A special thank you, that we now have even less options to bring specific topics up.

There is literally numerous forum warriors demanding GJ to take this forum down or they quit. LMFAO.

As if they have a right or any say so in this matter.

Again, I am sorry. NO ONE cares about the research and post you made 8 years ago about the P-51. If you feel a topic is SO important and must be kept alive.

You have all the privilege to bring over relevant data and carry the thread on. IF you care so much and this isn’t really about personal issues.

Well, i allready experienced a Forum going “poof” within less then a week.
It was the “Armored Warfare” Forum. They pulled the plug and shut it down on a moments notice, left the forum “read only” for the rest of the week and this was it.
Their new official forum is now discord. Of course only for invited members, no public accessibility.
So they turned theit forum into a simple messenger. Information provided from top to bottom.
All in all we could be happy. This is not a good forum but at least it is one…

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If you know how the industry should work.

Sue them.

While I do agree that this new forum is behind in most ways compared to the old one, I actually find the UI to be fairly easy to use (from the perspective of someone who was still learning the old one).

While it may not outweigh all of the lost / archived research, I’m able to consistently find what I’m looking for without having to make a google bookmark or go through a community member’s page to find topics in discussion.

I do wish we could edit topics, and get back the rest of the features for that matter, but I like that I can come to the new site and find my way around.

I know a lot of this is just me being new to the more traditional style of forums, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who got lost from time to time.

That’s nonsense and you know it.

The communication was much bad ( Trust lvl which is the biggest bullshit and does not belong in a forum)

You’re just lying that’s all.

That is your opinion. My opinion is that everyone here has the right to ask for anything, after all, they do not own the forum but the forum without them has no purpose. The same goes for the game, without players it dies. Doesn’t mean that Gaijin should listen to all that is asked.

I like the dark mode tho(although it’s not really a dark mode but the only mode).

I totaly agree, a dont like this NEW forum


I was about to log in and see the news and then this stuff pops in my screen.I also got mega confused by the fact that 20+ bookmarks regarding the forum dont open because “ooops looks like the page isnt available anymore or its private”

Just bring the old forum back

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The title is literally a demand by definition. That is a fact, not an opinion.
Many users are going so far in demanding GJ take the forum down or they quit.

They are giving GJ ultimatums LFMAO!

Your opinion that “everyone has a right to ask for something” is such an elementary observation. We all know this.

What many do not understand is that we have no right to demand and give ultimatums how the forum looks and is run. We do not pay for access to it, and it is freely given and taken away. It is a privilege, not a right.

Ask all you want my dear, nothing will change the reality of the situation. A situation you will inevitably come to terms with whether you like it or not.

Hopefully this one gets improvements.

But it’s pretty bad right now.