Battle-rating deprately needs a decompression!

Except the Tiger 2H no longer faces over half the enemies it use to, thus the Tiger 2P never faced over half the enemies Tiger 2H did.

Since 2014, I’ve seen lots of things within this community…

But the last thing I would expect is for someone to fight tooth and nail to defend BR compression and saying that full uptiers are aktchually fun and engaging.

This is almost as weird as those players who defended and advocated for extreme repair costs “because it increased the stakes and gave more of a rush to play with them”.

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The one thing they all have in common is that they think they are skilled enough that it doesn’t matter, but in reality they are not much different from the average WT player


Well you haven’t found anyone defending compression here as no one did.
So not sure why you posted that.

I defended decompression personally as decompression is good, and the weirdest defense was Miragen’s posts defending no-items Final Destination where any minor difference require an entire BR increase.

This is precisely why I want every decimal place used. It wouldn’t change “decompression” per se, but it would give over three times the space to fit in slightly different variants like this.

Stuff that shouldn’t be at the same BR as something simply better/worse, but can’t go up/down 0.3 for other reasons.

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Decompression is less work and gives a better result.
You have to realize that the average player doesn’t care about the BR system nearly as much as we do.
The average player cares more about their existing knowledge being usable tomorrow.
Any drastic change will cause backlash and player drop no matter how good the intentions.

So a solution within the existing system is what’s necessary, one where peoples’ existing knowledge can stay accurate so they don’t have to re-learn the entire BR system.
Which is another reason why general decompression is king.

You did…

I don’t understand why you always say (X), then deny you said it and state that you actually meant the opposite, then say you actually agree with whoever you’ve been arguing for hours, and repeat the cicle. It’s pretty confusing, it’s very difficult to figure what’s your angle on matters.

The average players are precisely the ones that storm off to Reddit, the Forums and social media the most, outraged that they need to face tanks far beyond their own capabilities because of full uptiers and compression…

What? I literally exclusively defended decompression this entire time.
I attacked compression this entire time.
Go look through my posts, they’re all public. At no point do I defend compression. No change in argument ever.
I exclusively defend decompression, and I also attack the idea of making the game too flat.

There are 4 states: No items Final Destination [you could also say flattening maps] - Decompression where I am. - As is where other players are. - And compression where no one is.

We cannot fight for decompression, we need to want decompression cause we’re fighting for balanced challenge. We should all be fighting for balanced challenge, with acknowledging that there are a few BRs left to decompress where the game balance is good enough.

Negative posts are more likely to occur than positive posts, and on top of that negative posts over-represent negative opinions as is.

Huh!??! Is this a joke or something?

They are indeed. And that is exactly why I quoted you before and I will quote again you defending compression:

On the other hand, you state at some points that you want decompression indeed, but then, you defend it… so it’s really confusing, it comes off as contradicting and it’s really difficult to gasp your position entirely.

Well, precisely. The reason why we fight for decompression is because we want it, and we want it because we want a balanced challenge.


All the quotes of me you did are me defending balanced challenge and decompression.
Challenge isn’t compression, they are two separate meanings and I use words literally.
I do indeed state I want decompression and defend decompression; Consistency.

I may have forgotten to type in the same post that I want M26 and T26E5 separated again, and that’d be part of decompressing 5.7 specifically.

This is a math-heavy, and technical-heavy topic. Things will be hard to describe on all our parts.
We will all make mistakes in forgetting a detail that helps people understand our statements.
So we should all be patient with each other on this topic.

And yes, me in my M6A1 should struggle against Tiger 1, and I do, but I also kill them with practice.
Struggle is not suffering, and people shouldn’t consider struggle suffering.
Walking up flights of stairs? Struggle.
Dogfights? Struggle.

Well, it is.

In a competitive and presumably balanced game, no one wants to be objectively and technically outclassed to the point of struggling just because the opponent has significantly stronger machinnery.

Imagine playing a car race game, and you join a race with a 1980 Lancia Montecarlo, on a race that’s meant to be among late 1970s-early 1980s cars, all within the same or close enough range of capabilities… and suddenly someone hops up on your race with a 1990 Jaguar XJR-12, which is significantly more advanced, lighter, aerodynamic, stable and with a more powerful engine.

Would you enjoy it because “it’s a challenge and struggling is fun”? Of course you wouldn’t- because being outclassed just because your rival has objectively superior tools is just not balanced or fun. In such a competitive game, balance is essential- “balance” meaning fighting counterparts on the same ground, and not being hopelessly outclassed in the technical field.

I don’t want to face a Tiger II (H) on a M4A3 (76)W, or an M48A1 on a Tiger II (H), the same way I wouldn’t want to face a Jaguar XJR-12s on a Lancia Montecarlo.

Competitive? PVP sure… but competitive? IDK about that. That sounds more like an opinion.
Certainly some competitive modes like SQB and tournys, but entire game? Nah.

I have a better example. I bring a 2006 Ford GT with 850HP, my competitor is a 650HP GT 500 Nizmo.
Disparity, it’ll be a challenge to out-compete the Nizmo, but I can and do.

Struggle is facing Tiger 2 with M36B2 firing HEATFS.
Suffering is using the Sherman against a Tiger 2H which we’ll both agree on this one for.
I mentioned decompressing 5.7 earlier, and hopefully I didn’t forget to before that as well.
As for M48… no my Tiger 2H kicks an M48’s behind when I do things right. I think the better example would’ve been Tiger 2H vs M60. After all, Tiger 2s would’ve been facing M48s shit continued, it’s mostly a coincidence that Tiger 2s can still kill M48s.

Gladfully, that’s over! Well, not for Tiger II 105… since that one was compressed against 8.0s, so it still faces M60s.

Hmmm, maybe there was some kind of grammar misunderstanding here, then, since we seem to have different conceptions of struggling. I wouldn’t say M36B2 struggles against Tiger II (H), since, as you said, it has HEATFS that has no issue with it, and it has a rather good mobility and good handling. Besides, they are a full BR apart, so it will only come across it in full uptiers.

I still think the technical gap between Tiger II (H) and M48A1 is way, way too large.

Just look at this; M48A1 can slice through Tiger II (H) like a hot knife through butter… while also being smaller, faster, lighter and more agile. Tiger II (H) is literally and objectively outclassed by M48A1 in each and every single way that it feels pointless to play it if you know the enemy team has M48s.

Such encounters should never be able to happen.


Now that amount of green is why I think Tiger 2H is fine to come across one once in however many matches.
Just enough green to give one options on where to shoot IF it’s front on, usually turret side shows making it easier.
Or even the hull.
Since it is 7.7 it’ll be rarer than say IS-3 or M47.

I agree with the rest of your post.

However, differences in performance must be as small as possible.

Taking Air as an example, F-2 Sabre and MiG-17 should not face against ANY supersonic jets, but at most only Gen’1 like Hunter FGA.9 and Lansen, CL-13B Mk.6.

This. So badly.

Maybe not H but against (P), my money is on Sherman.



Tiger II (P) can punch through the Sherman like a hot knife through butter at any range and angle, while the Sherman only has two tiny weakspots available for penetration in a best case scenario… and best of all, the Sherman doesn’t even have a much better mobility than the Tiger II (P).

Why war thunder i just want to play my game i have the premium phantom at 11.3 and they i get up tier to 12.0 and its anoyying i understand 11.7 getting up tier but not 11.3. can you fix this?

That is how the matchmaker currently works, it is a +/- 1.0 BR system.