Battle-rating deprately needs a decompression!

It’s just moving the compressed area to somwhere else.

The Tiger II P should be a lower BR than the II H, but it can’t because it will face 5.3 tanks.

The M26 shouldn’t be the same Br as stuff like the T26E5, Tiger II H, T34, and other tanks, it should be a step below them. But it can’t be because it is too good to be facing 5.3 tanks.


If everything moves, nothing moves.

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Nope, they were 0.3 away from 7.0 a year ago, as 7.0 was 6.7 a year ago.
So no, there’s no compression.
7.7 was 7.3 a year ago, which again means that M26 is not 1 BR away from 7.7 [7.3 back then] for the first time, as it was there prior.

Math isn’t hard.

Things got decompressed. Spreading disinformation is cringe.

I mean… Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while
Yes XM-1 can kill the 2A4 but chances of 2A4 killing XM-1 are far higher than other way around

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It can, but saying there is not compression, and there are no major upgrades is just a lie.

Even you’re previous argument about a 2.3 vs a sherman doesn’t make sense because most 2.3s can easily kill a Sherman from the side.

They got decompressed for 1 BR, but now the decompression has just compressed another BR.

Decompressing BRs without moving the top BR causes the compression to move to a different spot.


Armor and gun isn’t a major upgrade.
They’re a minor change in overall performance. Especially when the armor isn’t that much.

On top of all of that you and Miragen are misunderstanding the decompression.
M26 and Tiger 2P are currently decompressed. There is no compression with those tanks from 5.3 - 8.0. The 7.7s are 8.0 now, they DO NOT see 8.0 as the statements you and Miragen posted imply.

The top BR was moved.
Everyone knows this; 7.7 was made 8.0.
There are no 8.0s back to 7.7.

The only issue is a minor issue involving 6.7s having arguable disparities at the same BR.

It doesn’t matter what BR they are at, the Tiger ll P being at the same BR as the Tiger ll H is compression.

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Same could be said for M26, T26E5 and T26E1-1
They all share same BR
Except all three are vastly different from each other

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It is a huge upgrade, especially when you are facing a 2A4 in an XM-1.

The Leo can pen you at any distance at any angle, and will probably disable or kill you. The XM-1 can only pen a small area of the Leo and with the state of M735, you might not even disable it.

Eh no. T26E1-1 and T26E5 are essentially the same in performance.

@Ion_Protogen @Miragen
But yeah here’s the deal.
A year ago 7.7s were made 8.0, thus all 6.3s moved from 1.3BRs away from them to 1.7BRs away from them.
M26 and Tiger 2P were moved from 6.3 to 6.7; Meaning they moved from 1BR away from 5.3 to 1.3, and from 1.7BRs away from 8.0 to 1.3 again.
5.3 got decompressed and M26s face the same things they did in an uptier as they did 18 months ago.

This is how the math works. No compression.

Yes, there maybe should be something done about the 6.7s. However they are not as or more compressed than they were 18 months ago. They are still decompressed, just in a different place.

And of course general decompression for objectively outclassed stuff should occur.

How is it decompression if they face the same things they did 18 months ago?

They don’t face the same things they did 18 months ago.
They cannot face any 5.3s.
And they cannot face any 8.0s, which all the powerful 7.7s were moved to 8.0 before M26 moved many many months later.

They don’t face 5.3 but 5.3 is now 5.7 so they’re facing the same thing.

Plus if the Tiger ll P is now alongside the H, it means they were not moved equally, which means either the P version is now fighting .3 higher and got compressed, or the H is fighting .3 lower, and other things got compressed into it

There is no possible scenario in which you can argue decompression where it makes sense that these vehicles no longer have a gap between them, that doesn’t result in compression somewhere that wasn’t compressed before.

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No, 5.3 is still 5.3. Some, namely the heavies, went up to 5.7, but most stayed at 5.3 including: KV5301, M4A2 76W, M36 GMC, T-34-85 D-5T, M4A2, KV-122, Comet, Challenger, ACIV, ARL-44, EBR 1951, PT-76…

The only things that is new for M26 and Tiger 2P can face are Conq, AMX-50, and IS-4M.
None of which are particularly advanced for Tiger 2P as all would pen Tiger 2H just as well.
And using the same gun as all other TIger 2s, you can kill the 7.7s will well placed shots/flanks/multi-player attacks.

So facing new vehicles that completely dunk on the Tiger ll P, whilst simultaneously losing the opponents on the lower end meaning even in the best case scenario you are facing stronger enemies than before, is decompression?

They don’t dunk on the Tiger 2P anymore than they do on Tiger 2H. Nothing changes in the top bracket for Tiger 2Ps, the only thing that changes is they can’t decimate 5.3 matches. AKA decompression.
If nothing changes in uptiers, and they stop stomping puppies, that’s decompression.

An IS-4 and IS-3 to a Tiger 2 is the same tank in terms of armor. So their top opponents really didn’t change.

They dunk on the Tiger ll P a lot more now than when they could not face the Tiger ll P before the ''decompression.

All you’re saying is that the Tiger ll P got compressed so 5.3 can get decompressed, which is relocating the compression and not solving the issue.

I will pen the turret of Tiger 2H as easily as Tiger 2P using T26E5 let alone IS-2 and IS-4.
Their turrets are identical in thickness to the round I fire at them for the round I fire has 210mm and 280mm of pen respectively.
185 isn’t enough over 110mm to protect the turret of Tiger 2H against my shots.
So effectively the same despite the weaker turret of Tiger 2P.

And no, Tiger 2P didn’t get compressed for 7.7 became 8.0, and 10.3 became 11.3.

Tiger ll faces the same enemies the Tiger ll H did unlike before, that can never be explained as decompression.