BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I mean different tools for different jobs.

@Gunjob is there a bug report open for AGM-65E on the GR.7? If so here’s a photo of one fitted:

Difference is that one tool is more meta than the other (and more enjoyable).

I have an internal report for the various Mavericks the GR.7 should have access to.

There’s no reason that we shouldn’t get both the GR.9A and Se Harrier FA.2. They are completely different jets for completely different purposes.

A GR.9A could also get the the larger LERX, Paveway IV, etc. It’s the ultimate British Harrier, so should be in game.

Including that photo?

Included now haha.

Thanks. Always good to show it was actually done. Rather than just “possible”.

Included this in the AGM-65 versions reports as its AGM-65JX;

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And on the outer wing pylon too. Is there a report for Mavericks on the outer wing pylons?

Same report as the 6x report.

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Late to the party maybe, but apparently the AV8B+ is in the 2nd dev.

yeah that is one of the main topics here currently xD

Call me Internet Explorer, because I am slow AF.


what are AGM-65JX?
never heard of them before.

Any info on why the AV-8B+ doesn’t have outrigger pylons with Sidewinders? All AV-8B NA and + are wired for outrigger pylons and can carry them and Sidewinders on them

That was a fibreglass mockup to show the concept of a modern-day multi-purpose TER to increase Typhoon’s stores and be adaptable for both Brimstone and SPEAR 3. The in-service Brimstone rack isn’t designed like that
The launch rails are set deeper and bolted in to the sides rather than being suspended from above

There’s no provision for a bomb ejector to fit the in-service Brimstone launcher.
And AFAIK the SPEAR 3 rack is now going to be a quad-pack ejector like BRU-61/A the for the US SDB

US probably didn’t clear them for use because with an AIM-9 there, they have insufficient clearance to fit a TER on the wing pylons either side.

Can see with the fins on AIM-9L it was a tight fit even with a low-slung triple launcher like Brimstone’s (this time it’s another mockup of the Brimstone launcher, before that was finalised). Bombs on a BRU-42 TER sit quite a lot higher and aren’t as compact.

That’s unfortunate. It seems the Government gave BAE a bunch of money to investigate the common weapons launcher in 2015, but there’s been no news since then. Interestingly they do still display it at air shows (this was Farnborough last year):

That whole Typhoon is a fibreglass shell though (as far as I can tell), so I guess you can’t read too much into it.

The AV8B+ seems to have the 100% LERX

This is the GR.7 below

For those that don’t know LERX (Leading edge root extension) had varying degrees of application from 65% which is what you see on the GR.7 to 100% which you see on AV8B+. GR.7 where upgraded to 100% LERX in service. GR.9 also had 100%.

Only thing i can think of is that Britain has always required a lot more skill and effort than US/USSR. I think its know that if you want to learn where to aim in GRB, you play Britain, might be the same for air. We just get better players on average that are use to playing with handicaps