BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Credit where it’s due. Gaijin actually model the Harrier ejection seat blowing out just the cockpit glass, rather than the whole canopy, like most jets in game currently:


That looks absolutely gorgeous and hopefully this translates to all Harrier variants in-game!

Just need first person ejection now for SB

Gun job seems to de doing quite well in it.

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Maybe he does. He might be really lucky on the matchmaking front or just very good

However what I can vouch for is the stock grind is pretty horrific still. 140k or so RP to get to the Skyflash SuperTEMP. Granted once you’re on Skyflash you do have a somewhat consistent killing weapon that isnt reliant on whether the enemy pays attention. From my (limited) experience in custom 1v1s and the one or two times i’ve dared to take it out I have been absolutely demolished

I’m absolutely sure once spaded it’s a capable platform. However it’s my opinion that the only reason it statistically “does well” is more the incompetence or inability of enemy teams. What i’d characterise as the “Britain Effect” (and no it’s not exclusive to Britain.)

Enemy Team is/does bad - plane that isn’t actually that competitive at so and so BR looks really good
everyone points and screeches “ITS TOO GOOD” when its actually just average

And if it is genuinely performing that well, a BR increase better not be on the cards. The Tornado F.3 is not 11.7 material, so don’t even think about trying to move it up next BR change. We know what you’re like algorithm. It just does not have the weapons fit, nor the airframe performance of an 11.7.

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It is definitely the same in Air… the amount of times i’ve seen players from a certain two countries make unforced errors, mistakes, being taken by surprise, etc etc, that have either resulted in me scoring an easy kill, or have resulted in me dying needlessly is insane.

I mean, the vast majority of my games in a Phantom are uptiers to 12.0. And I manage a K/D of about 1.84 in said FG.1.

Given the overwhelming technical advantage an F-14, F-16, MiG-29 possesses over a Phantom (with a Gunpod!) on paper and in practice I am unsurprised at how the Tornado “performs well for its BR”

Yeah, Tried a few SB matches in the Tornado last night, I engaged a Mig-29 and locked him with my radar, he just turned away from me giving me an easy shot instead of turning into me or continuing to fly level and drop CMs.

Exactly what I mean. If he turned into you he’d have won

Lack of player knowledge or he just panicked, didnt ident and realise he was fighting the worlds worst dogfighter, and gave you a easy shot.

And then people wonder why this thing performs so well.

As I said, 1.85 K/D on the Phantom in constant uptiers…

Threat warning panel typo for MAW which was typo’d as NAW (again) is fixed in dev (again).

GR.7 RWR updates;


What about Alarms or was that for the Sea Harrier ? (Sorry I get confused with the different Harrier versions Sometimes ^^)

Que the absolute motion sickness for VR Pilots XD

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Does it have IFF?

Wasn’t able to test that.

Ah, okay, thank you. Heres hoping

@Gunjob can you look into the report I made about AV-8B ? I know this is not the place to write about it but pretty sure some aspects of it can be reflected here such as T-pod being mounted on wing pylons
“T-pod inaccuracies for AV-8B”
it is in the main forum in the dev section with aircraft tag

Still closer to reality than most of the Russian shit they are happy to throw into the game.

Not sure what the issue is, carrying the TGP on the wings would result in less carriage of guided weapons and the TGP doesn’t block use of the gun pod already.

Adding the TGP to the wings would only reduce the number of Maverick/GBU-12 you are able to carry.

still it is a feature , moreover , the center pylon is also capable of mounting Jammer pod for the future need .
in a stances of dev server the Gun was not mountable along with the Pod so yeah , it got corrected.

Works for me. I’ll forward it.