BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Unless its a Typhoon, it will be a side grade at best

British just to suffer

?? what

Not sure what this has to do with Britain? We didn’t operate any AV-8B’s, the GR.5/7/9 is fairly different compared to the US versions. And the Sea Harrier FA.2 is a Gen 1 Harrier evolution rather than a Harrier II.

It gets or it atleast should have two less pylons than the British harrier. Yes it has a radar but not going to help it as currently it gets no radar missiles. So I don’t get the whole about britain suffer here?

No AIM-120s
It’s just a GR.7 with the FRS.1’s radar slaved AIM-9Ls as of now. Minus GBU-24, BOL and loses A2G ordnance to carry the second set of sidewinders. Hardly an insult. I’d be more peeved if I was American
Zunis are nice though

Though they did just get 100 new ground vehicles. Weve got nothing this update so far

OK. whatever



Yeah, the US tree is really starved of competitive jets at the moment…


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with 10 laser guided bombs…

I’m sure you’ll find a way to be upset GR.9 wont be able to carry 10 of them either, because we don’t have dual racks for Paveway

And do remember that 4x GBU-12 is at the expense of 2x AIM-9s

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Instead we get like 18 brimstones on a GR.9 )))


You’re taking it into off topic. This is the thread for the British variants, not the american ones.
Still, surprised to see they, the devs, are too lazy and can’t model the AGM-65F/G.

Basically a better Harrier GR.7 for Italy and the US in the future? Brimstone for the Harrier GR.7 and moving it up to 12.0 or 12.3 appears more and more feasible every patch…

Brimstone should go to the GR.9

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Honestly I believe the Harrier GR.9 wouldn’t have much of a place in-game and especially when compared to the Harrier GR.7 and other British Harrier variants. I’d prefer to see the Harrier GR.7 go up to 12.0 or 12.3 with Brimstones rather than see the Harrier GR.9 sitting at 13.0+ getting stomped by much more modern Air Defence platforms.

The triple Brimstone rack can also be used to carry two Paveways, so in theory the GR.9 could carry 12 Paveways.

I don’t think that was ever done IRL though. The dual Paveways thing seems to have only been done on the Typhoon, but the Brimstone launcher is the same on the GR.9.


The GR.9A would have a significantly more powerful engine than the GR.7, so deserves to be in the game. It could then be Given Brimstone and ASRAAM.

I wouldn’t say better.

If you take 4x Mavericks with both, the GR.7 will have more SW and more CM’s. Granted the 10x GBU-12 loadout is cool, but using all 10 will be difficult with Pantsir around.

For high altitude bombing the Harrier II’s are pretty slow easy targets for SPAA. They’re much better at low/medium popup attacks with Mavericks.

For the Pasta Harrier I’d take these loadouts;

And GR.7 these;

I wouldn’t say one is particular outstandingly better, their largely just different.

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It’s guaranteed AMRAAMs in the future and the addition of a Radar (and a good one for that) would make it excellent in Simulator games compared to the Harrier GR.7 which is a high selling point for me. It’s basically a matter of time before the AV-8B+ outshines the Harrier GR.7 and a simple solution would be giving it Brimstones separating the AV-8B+ mainly for A2A and the Harrier GR.7 for Ground Attack.

The GR.9A would have a significantly more powerful engine than the GR.7, so deserves to be in the game. It could then be Given Brimstone and ASRAAM.

A good engine (which wouldn’t be game changing) in exchange for a bad Battle Rating isn’t a good addition for me personally. The Harrier GR.7 could also carry the ASRAAMs so the only real difference would be better avionics and a better engine.

I’d prefer the Sea Harrier FA.2 over the Harrier GR.9A literally any time of the week