Are the air sim BR changes an early April fools joke?

Only 8 changes total, but instead of using it to address some problems they actually ruined 9.3 matchmaker.

J35A 9.7 to 9.3

It’s the ONLY supersonic at that BR, over 200 kph faster on deck than anything else it faces, this is no longer ignoring sim, this is actively trying to sabotage it.

And the cherry on top is moving F-14A IRIAF and M2K S5 from 12.3 to 12.7 when there was no 12.3 bracket to begin with, thanks I guess, what a useful change, I guess at least it doesn’t make things worse, so we should be thankful for THAT.


Well, we can still hope this is in preparation of a change in Sim EC rotations (which would be high time).

IIRC rotation changes so far usually are done a short while after the BR changes, not at the same time…

Ground RB waiting for a good br change year 4


Fairly certain they’ve always been done during.

So im now not expecting any until April now

Please Remember that the J35A also has limited fuel so it won’t always be going full speed

Are you trying to imply that J35A is okay at 9.3? So same BR as stuff like F-86K Sabre Dog / F-86F40 / CL-13 Mk.6 / Shenyang F-5?

While stuff like F-100 / Hunter F.6 / J32B sit at higher BR than J35A.

To me it makes J35A seem a lot like another P2W premium plane candidate


Gotta dance with arietes at 8.0-9.0, j35s at 9.3. Gunfighter/weak IR jet BRs are the true pinnacle of fun.


Would also want to hear somesort of explanation why J35XS was lowered to 10.3 while J35D stayed at 10.7? I thought the J35XS was clearly a better version of the two?


I can tell you the reason, because they forget

Su-11 is still criminally outclassing everything at 7.0.
Su-27 is still completely useless at 13.3…

What are they doing?

Seems that every dev that can do something for sim is working on Aces of Thunder since years.


Please remember you can’t get the 35A anymore plus people will still use the 35XS as it has better gain and research more stuff

I know you can’t buy the J35A right now, that makes this even worse. “oh, you have this exclusive premium no one else can get right now? enjoy your broken matchmaker and free kills”

Yeah. I am very sad about these changes too.
A-10C is still at 11.7 making that br unplayable for everyone else with its IFF cockpit+ aim9m+MAW.
Fox3 slingers still face fox1 only planes.
Very sad. I was hoping to finally see some new life injected into sim, but every plane from 12.3 to 11.3 that doesnt have fox3 is still either unplayable or at such at a disadvantage that it just isnt fun to play. I’m especially sad because I would love to use again the mig29, the f16adf and the su27, but it’s simply not possible right now. You cant even play in a lobby dominated by planes with either 6 or 4 fox3 missiles.

I agree with that, and I have that plane. It was ok were it was, it’s equivalent to mig21s, f100 or mig19. Luckily, not many people will play it, so I dont think it will be a common sight, but still…

Is going to bomb harder than Anthem

upteirs do exist

Please Remember that this is air Sim section. Here you can join a “downtier” match 100% of the time if you choose so.

Do you also think it would be okay to raise the BR of J35A to 12.7? I mean, you still cannot buy the plane at the moment and you could just buy and use a better farming vehicle like J35XS. So almost no one would be affected right?

still the 35A has Aim-9B so it not that good unless your flying straight tunnel vision

Gaijin has been trying to sabotage the simulation for some time.

It doesn’t bring profits to them.

Less sabotage instead feels more like they’ve forgotten it even exists and most of the time is just an after-thought

J35XS moved down to 10.3 in sim but, J35D is still 10.7.
