Arcade Battle should be changed to pure tank battles

Nothing wrong in playing the objective, but the problem arises when your objectively easier task grants you way more RP than doing some other, harder tasks and this surely isn’t good for obvious reasons.

This is the main reason why people are upset, since you work your ass off in Ground having an amazing match, just to get same amount of RP as someone who simply took off, bombed a couple of bases and got a single kill.
There’s a clear skill difference between those two, which is an issue.

Tanks are a natural threat to other tanks, same goes for aircraft. You simply don’t need vehicles from another branch to balance things out in another.

Why should I jump between branches ?
I have over 11k battles under my belt and I still have to touch several nation’s Ground branch, which means you’ll spend countless hours in order to research every single vehicle from every nation from a single branch.
So yeah, someone interested in aircrafts only can spend thousands of hours touching nothing else than aircraft, which is perfectly fine by me, but I guess some people don’t want this to be the case for people that want to do exactly that but with tanks.

I don’t see they’re forcing air mains to grind some other branches to stay competitive in Air modes.

Even if CAS was perfectly balanced, there would still be people asking for TO mode since they want pure tank vs tank combat, which is perfectly valid.

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But there are SPAAs in the game because there is a combined arms aspect at least in RB, which means that if AB goes TO, then in arcade most of SPAAs are useless except of those that can act as tank destroyers as well. It’s not good to have a feature that doesn’t work in a mode at all, from perspective of developer it’s a wasted effort if those vehicles would only be useful in ground RB. Also it would be a friction point for players to jump from AB to RB if they realise that they need to grind all the AAs from scratch that they ignored before because AAs are useful in RB, and gaijin probably wants to reduce friction of going from AB to RB.

When a player gets bored of playing this specific mode, not specific vehicles. You can grind out few nations and be bored. Having option to play air or naval instead of installing a different game, while still you feel like you’re pushing forward your account in the game is better for gaijin then you leaving the game to go play for example world of warships. That is why it is important to have planes in the tank matches for gaijin - it’s an opportunity to extend the play time/reduce the risk of leaving the game. It doesn’t necessary mean it is something focused on you exactly/the type of player that you represent, but there are various cases that tend to be covered to optimise retention in this kind of game.

That’s the problem of air modes being the legacy mode - there would potentially be significantly higher friction from the community to change that, then solving CAS in ground. Also the other problem is that in ground getting air vehicle means going for something more powerful, while in air modes it would be really weird to go get the ground vehicle that is weaker than aircraft. That is unless the mode would be truly combined arms as it is with RB SQB and it was with AB SQB - but again, allowing players to go all air doesn’t really work well and that’s exactly why gaijin isn’t doing the actual “use whatever you want from the start” combined arms mode, but rather “call of duty airstrike/titanfall’s titan drop cooldown” implementation of combined arms.

Yes, it’s not even/fair between modes that air has its separate mode while ground has the air forced, but with air it would be more difficult to implement a balance that would actually make it worth it for players to play ground there.

That is correct and you are free to ask for it, while I’m free to comment on that as well. I’m not saying you shouldn’t ask for it. I would actually really like to have something like competitive mode that is just 4v4 where squads enter and only tanks are allowed like in the tournaments, where random matched up players don’t affect the match outcome, but with how many modes there are already and how many times TO was already asked in Q&A, I doubt it’ll happen.

From my perspective, it makes more sense to get to a point where the modes plane spawn mechanics are as close as possible to RB first, and then we will be able to show that in both modes the CAS is still too strong, because as long as modes have widely different implementations of this, it’s “divide and conquer” of the player base where each side screams “we have it worse”. Only coming together with RB players to do something about it will have chance, otherwise from devs perspective even if one side of ground players community would completely went on strike and leave the game, there’s still the other side.

All-in-all ask for small steps first. We only got removal of markers shown to the fighter planes after so many years. The closest we can get is either getting spawn system from naval that works, OR some kind of nerf/improvement in communicating that you’re getting a bomb on your head. Naval spawn system is bigger and more complex, but is already done, and bomb mechanics tweaks are something that would require development, but that’s potentially a small feature.

Yet Air mode is air only…
Wouldn’t it be realistic to have Patriots and S-300s then too? It works on both ways buddy.

On top of that, your last sentence is completly bollocks. It is actually the Air element in ground mode that is OP.

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Rewards from destroying planes is reduced so no.

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There is no public data showing the playerbase count for different game modes.

Air mode has SPAAs defending bunkers and escorting vehicles moving on the ground. They do exist. The problem of balance of this or vehicle type not catching up to the tier is a separate topic. We’re talking here about how the mode works.

Can you quote which sentence you are referring to? I’m not arguing that the CAS isn’t OP. I actually agree with that, but that’s the balance side of the problem, and I believe that removing of CAS completely, which would be going right to the extreme, isn’t the only valid solution.

Actually there is. Assuming that we want to only count actively playing people in specific time range, you can data mine the replays. It’s just that we’re all to lazy to data mine this. It doesn’t mean the data is not there, it’s just not given to us on a plater with the specific data points we are interested in.

Those are literally useless and not player controlled. You know exactly what i maent when i said that air is air only, yet you chose to be dishonest about it.

Last sentence in the quote :)

You literally can not make CAS fair, nor balanced in tank mode.

Yes replays is not public data showing the number of players playing specific game modes.

No, you are choosing to twist my words around.

I’m pretty sure I explained that if we are treating “the other type of vehicle” as something that you get to use as a reward like Call of Duty’s air strikes or Titanfall’s Titan drop, going from tank to an aircraft feels like a valid reward, while going from aircraft to a tank doesn’t, so this kind of mechanic doesn’t make sense for starting in a plane, while it makes sense when starting in tanks. It could for example make sense if the mode was with helicopters and the reward vehicle was a plane.

The valid point is that those are not controlled, so trying to be symmetric, we could have air strikes be not player controlled, but AI controlled planes - I’ll give you that I didn’t think about it before here. It could be like a heli air strike in call of duty and, the SPAA would still make sense to have it to defend against such special attack.

So this one?

Then I have no idea what you don’t get here - open top vehicles, the ones that rock solid and unpenetrable “front towards enemy” have a lot of counters that may not work in a game that has a defined front line and limited element of surprise. VFW or maybe even Maus would be kings of their BRs if there weren’t any CAS in the game. There is this problem that either you’re supposed to face the natural enemies, BUT you implement stats according to historical performance and as in this game you position those units/vehicles/aircraft against others based on statistics on how they perform, so that’s WT’s BR, OR you balance things in non-historical way to place specific vehicle in a bracket against another vehicle that you believe should be there. The problem is that in air modes the AAA guns are not a deterrent and this is a legacy thing of this mode being air players vs AI, but the AAA not being a deterrent is a whole problem of the game.

You can, you all just can not think of ways to do this because you are not game developers, so you only can think of ideas based on what you’ve already seen in existing games.

The main problem of AAA, turret-top guns etc not being a deterrent against CAS is a lack of human factor implemented. In context of tanks, the crew works as a proxy between player and functionalities of the vehicle - you can shoot, drive, reload as a single player. If commander dies, you don’t get killed, but you still play. If there’s track to be repaired or barrel to be replaced, you don’t have to walk out of the vehicle to do so, but there is a mechanic representing this based on the crew you have in the vehicle.

If we assume that pilot has to cover behind the armor plate, then in such situation pilot should have limited situational awareness, so whenever SPAA is shooting at your plane, or other plane is chasing you, limiting the awareness to just what you can see in front (and right behind with mirrors if the plane has them) with the similar effect like with high G-s/overload, would be the first thing that would increase effectiveness of SPAA. That is because if you’re not strafing right at the SPAA, then you wouldn’t really see properly where the fire is coming from - the limited awareness should also make it so that you don’t see precisely where the fire is coming from under side of the plane. This means that only situation where you still see the SPAA shooting at you correctly, would be either when you’re actually turned up side to it, which isn’t a given at all times, or when you’re exactly strafing at it, when it’s the easiest for SPAA to shot you down.

Human factor could also be implemented in a way that instructor forces you to evade when SPAA is shooting at you and bullets are near missing the pilot, and the higher the pilot level, the closest you can be shot before the pilot gets scared to forcefully evade or before he pulls up himself from getting too close to the ground. It’s all possible to do to balance things out.

Also the tank turret-top guns could work as in naval with a toggle that you can disable them automatically shooting at planes. Also planes could only have markers for vehicles that are scouted by your team. They also could only score points for killing only scouted vehicles and everything else would be not scored for example. There’s endless possibilities to balance things out and verify the balance with statistics, but you want to just go to the extreme and get rid of planes because that seems like an quickest easy way to you, but you don’t understand the point of view of the developer.

You can data-mine it here: Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On :

replays are showing the list of players. It means that you can go through each replay and write down the number of players playing this match. The data is there, you just have to process it. That is why I said we’re not given the number on a plater.

Yeah, i am doing it…

Sure. And how valid and fair is it for tankers? Something they have ZERO chance to fight against, while littly Billy with his 0.5 (tank on tank) K/D can just hop into a plane and get 6-10 kills with a few SPACE bar presses…
it is not a reward. A reward is something that a good performing player gets, that has no negative effect on the rest of the players.

Just play a few matches in tank assault, and you will not say this anymore :)

This SPAA still useful thing is such a BS. Look at any player’s stats, and what you will see, that they have a large amount of SPAA with which they have more tank kills than air kills. Many SPAA are better tank killers than plane killers.
In a supposed tank only mode, you can still ue them as light tanks/scouts, or tank destroyers.
Oooooor, you can shoose to not play them, like you likely not play every vehicle you unlock.
If you still want to use them in their intended role, you can always just play the other mode with planes.



You can just balance the relative small amount of tanks, that are OP. Most of them have the only issue of being under BRd, because they are event/premium vehicles.

This “CAS is good because it counters OP tanks” is also such a BS. CAS players will always go for the highest number of kills, and the easiest kills. If they see a KV-1B, and a group of Panzer 4s (or even a single one), which one will get targeted? Spoiler alert: Not the KV.
Another thing, that i mention, before you would:
No, CAS is not a counter to spawncampers!

This would be such a BS. Oh, then WWII Japan would, or would not get this feature? You know, Kamikaze… Just this thing alone kills this idea.
You can not make a game too realistic, because it would make the game unplayable.
The rest above this quoted part is also rubbish.

That would be a welcomed addition, but would not make any difference.

Sealclubbers also don’t get any reward (basically, when you research a Leo 2A6 with a Panzer II, the reward is like 100 RP after a 20 kill game), yet they still do it…

And none of them makes it fair. Planes still don’t have to learn anything. What do you have to know to be effective as a tank?
1, 1000s of weak spots
2, 100s of reload times, armor pen stats, mobility stats, turret rotation, secondary weapons, gun depression, crew layout, armor angling, hiding your own weakspots, etc
3, 100s of key positions on many maps
4, distancing (especially in RB, but in AB too), fast and accurate aiming, etc

What do planes have to do to get tank kills?
1, Aim roughly at the enemy, press a single button/key, get the kill(s)

Many, many times i see awful players getting many kills with planes, when they play like absolute trash in tanks.
For a long time, i made screenshots of players who killed me with planes while i was in tanks (or attempted to kill me). I finally made a Java program, that can grab their kill and death number, and average them.
I already sorted 200odd number of player stats (i have a lot of other screenshots, so i have to sort these out), and their average K/D is 0.65 with tanks! When i have 1000 of them, i will take screenshots of player stats, that kill me with tanks, and then we can compare…

And when people are afraid to can a point, because they are easy kills for planes then.

In those cases, you can’t even make the “argument”, of planes having to spot their targets, because at least (but most of the time more than 1) player is in a 20m radius circle. Even randomly dropping a medium/small sized momb is likely to grant you with a kill…

Bbbbbbbut there are ground units in Air too…

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Yes, because you are trying to separate two connected issues in context of mechanics and two connected issues in context of balance and argue against my position with each other separately, but it doesn’t work like that:

  1. Air AB / Air RB being the only standalone/not combined arms mode is there because being granted a ground vehicle when you have a plane as starting vehicle wouldn’t be a reward/an upgrade, so people wouldn’t play it and sit in the vehicle.

  2. But combined arms where you can choose ground or air from the start is not going to work properly because picking out just planes would be a winning strategy all the time, and AB SQB was a proof of that, so this is a proof as of right with current balance data air is indeed stronger than the ground, and because of that gaijin will not jump into this kind of approach right away because it would effectively kill the ground usage before the balance would have happened.

  3. Ground having air component is a choice of gaijin to have combined arms and because of that there are SPAAs and because there are spaas, they should be in the arcade as well so players grind them out as well, so they won’t have a friction point of not having SPAAs ready when jumping into RB, so effectively there needs to be a reason to use them in ground AB.

  4. CAS vs Tanks in ground AB is not balanced, and I agree with that, and it can be balanced, but this is a separate topic from the game mode issues mentioned above, meaning this can be handled separately regardless of decisions made for how spawning of aircraft works for the mode, but this doesn’t mean that mechanic of spawning doesn’t have any effect on balance - the current one definitely does.

Again connecting two separate issues together - it can be done that there will be a balance between CAS vs Tanks, getting rid of planes in GF AB IS NOT the only solution. In Titanfall the asymmetry between the pilot and titan is just a perception of player because actually titan is not really stronger than pilot, it’s just like exchanging light tank for a heavy tank as a reward. It’s a perceivable reward because you feel like you’re stronger and it’s cool to be a mech pilot, but titan has its drawbacks as well. It is possible to do the same thing with planes in combined battles.

Haven’t played those in awhile, but it doesn’t matter - you’re again focused on what is there now and not what can be. Imagine having similar air strike like artillery strike/scouting where you just mark a vehicle or position and there’s few CAS planes coming in quickly to attack those marked vehicles or heavy bombers to drop bombs around area. SPAA has just a brief moment to defend against those, similarly to how it is now. But in such situation there’s more room to balance it towards bombing being less effective if player is not piloting the plane on its own. So effectively it could be another attack similar to artillery strike that is not given to be effective, but can force enemy team to move from their fortified positions.

That is beside the point. SPAA being SPAA doesn’t mean it is supposed to be aimed 100% time at air units. In war those multi-gun turret SPAAGs were used against infantry as well, 88mm guns were used against tanks and bunkers as well. Being useful doesn’t mean they should always have planes to shoot at.

This is a similar situation as if you have heavy tanks with thick armour - you need enough penetration to get rid of them and lets say mostly the vehicles that have enough penetration are SPGs that are weakly armoured and open top and can be easily killed with MGs. So you’d want to get rid of heavy tanks because you don’t want to use SPGs and are forced to?

Again - the reason here is that they should be used - if you don’t farm those in AB and go to RB where they may be required, it’s a friction point for you. Any such friction point for moving towards the mode where gaijin wants players to be, probably needs to be handled, and seems like their decision is to put planes into the ground AB and virtually force us to use those SPAAs against planes through seasonal tasks and challenges.

With current CAS vs ground balance and mechanics - obviously yes. What’s your point here? My point about CAS being the counter is that some unique vehicles, would be hard to position between being completely useless and being top dogs of their tier, and having CAS and artillery adds more parameters to balancing. So rather than making their stats non-historical and having community argue about that, or pushing them forward to highest possible BR where they stop being OP but also make no sense, they can stay in BRs they fairly make sense. And I’m not talking about actual premiums and event vehicles that are OP because gaijin wants them to be, but the general tech tree stuff and principles of having CAS, IF it was balanced.

Spawn camping is a separate topic, and there is a valid solution to it, it’s just that CAS or artillery, or covers, or spawn protection, or mine fields ain’t it, but everyone thinks they know a great simple solution LOL.

They would, it’s just a game, and we already got rid of crashing planes into the ground and exploding vehicles. Kamikaze makes sense in naval and not in ground battles btw.

It’s not making a game too realistic, but representing human behaviors with mechanics that make specific balance between units work when mechanically they have their historical statistics. You either have to make fake balance between CAS and ground through inaccurate/non-historical stats so there is a balance, or you need to implement behaviors that did historically make those work correctly.
SPAAs principle wasn’t to shoot down every plane as it was with large amounts of heavy AAA flak guns. SPAAs principle was to deter plane from attacking a convoy, a formation of units, meaning the pilot wouldn’t risk dying by diving into the stream of bullets.

This fear factor isn’t going to work with players not caring about crashing their plane, so there are two choices here: make the spawn system like in RB/naval, so losing a plane is costly, but there will still be people that need to fulfill some tasks with planes, and so we will still have player doing those annoying kamikaze runs. OR make mechanics that force the human behavior on the pilot as pilot being a proxy for this feature like it is with all tanks’ features with their crews being the proxy.

RP isn’t the only reward in the game. Sealclubbers (me included LOL) are playing on lower tiers to complete seasonal tasks and event tasks. It’s not about research points in their fully spaded tree - it’s about the in-game score, either collecting it up to 40K like now, or killing specific amount of specific type of vehicle etc. Make it only count when someone calls for it and it’ll be significantly reduced because you won’t have team full of scouts.

Again - this is a separate topic and there’s endless ways to actually make it fair. Disabling bomb sights would be one thing, the rocket sights are already hard to use, but you can ram into the targets now, so it’s not a problem, or have tiny tims - if you’ll have your own plane as in naval, getting so close will be really risky. In arcade we could have indicator about aircraft coming your way, similarly to how artillery is indicated on-screen. But make it 100% that you get the indicator that aircraft is coming there and not like the bomb whistle that is not always there because of realism.

Survive long enough if they have interceptors on their tail. Right now it’s not really a skill, but RNG, but if it’s made as in naval spawn, there will be higher incentive to survive because most likely that’ll be the only time in the match you’ll be able to take the plane out, and there’ll be fighter planes sitting up in the sky waiting for bombers. It can be done as long as getting killed in a plane is not “free”.

Yeah, that’s right, but what’s your point? That this is the argument that the only solution here is to completely get rid of planes? This is the rubbish here…

Yes there is no public data on the player count of War Thunder’s game modes.

The data is public, you can process it to get the number. The fact that you have to process it to get exact numbers doesn’t mean there is no public data on player count. You can say there are no exact summarised numbers or total player count number available, but you cannot say that there is no public data on it…

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Players could grind SPAAs in TO arcade, and they could even play with them. So this is just BS.

Can they be balanced? (they can’t) So how could they be balanced?

The only good solution. Again, if it can be belanced, please tell me how!

No. A plane is always stronger.

Arty strike is RNG even against open tops. Anything over a 50kg bomb is much more effective, and destructive. And most of the time, the smallest bomb is going to be 250kg. it can even kill a Maus.
This whole ideas is just BS.

Exactly what i said. And i wrote this, because you have implied that they would be useless/not usable.
So which one?

But what the hell would prevent me from researching them in AB???

The point is that CAS most of the time does not target a single OP vehicle, or a tank in an OP position, because that is just a single kill.
If players do not use CAS to “counter” those hard to kill tanks, then your “argument” is invalid.
But, just for the sake of this argument, let’s grant you, that they counter those targets.
What prevents them to bomb the rest of the team? Including the fully uptiered, fully stock tanks, that are shit even in a full downtier fully upgraded?
Do you understand now?

All of them could be balanced with porper BR decompression, even the premium/event ones.
Your “balanced by CAS” “argument” is already debunked, so…

Oh, so here we need realism, but there not. Cherrypicking. I hope you understand, that you can not make such a “realistic” change, and then choose to ignore it in other places.
You know, it is the same as in school, where you asked the teacher if you could get the better grade because you just need 0.5 points… You know, the answer is, that if the teacher makes an exception with you, then those, who only need 1 point could complain too… And then at the end, everyone would get the best grade…

So a plane destroying a ship makes sense, if it crashes into it, but not if it crashes into a tank. Yeah, that makes a LOT of sense.

Now you complain about historical accuracy, yet a few lines earlier you said that a plane crashing into a tank makes no sense…
Regardless, the game already has a metric ton of inaccuracies. You know, like crew members tanking a .50 cal into their head and surviving…
Or in fact, at any body parts, because no matter where they get hit, they get the exact same damage from that.

So what? Will they now deter the enemy planes from attacking? When many times CAS can attack from outside SPAA range?!

Yeah, because you can complete tasks with Panzer 2s, and 4Cs. Sure.

Again, please tell me how you can be balance it, so CAS needs skill. Because none of those what you wrote here would do anything.

The point is, that planes require no skill to use, while using tanks does require a LOT.
Let me use an analogy. You play a medival sword/bow fighting game, but sometimes the enemy can spawn in with MG42s, and modern sniper rifles.
Only the trash players would use the OP ones, because they lack the skill to use the conventional weaponst, so they need something that even a monkey could use.

One of the many.

Yeah, sure. Maybe read your own rubbish first :)

The data doesn’t represent 100% of users and is not “public” as you have to data mine to access it.

You can, but you have no incentive to do it if there’s no requirement to have them. Any other light or medium would be better unless there’s a specific requirement to be able to deal with planes. Again, you’re not looking at this from perspective of gaijin where they want to figure out how to encourage as much players as possible to use those vehicles.

I just explained how they can, but yeah, keep disagreeing…

… and being ignorant…

…again and again…

Again - it’s just the current state and I was separating the game mode and mechanics from the balance. The current balance is indeed BS and making artillery the RNG. But I was talking about the mechanics where you choose where the bomber or strike aircraft drop bombs/fire rockets, and wait for it to happen hoping it’d have an effect. Again - this is something that would make more sense in context of balance because we wouldn’t worry about planes behaving completely differently than when you can play them in air modes, so they could be nerfed, but still it would feel like RNG or it would feel useless like artillery. But it could be done if you would want a symmetry against air modes and have aircraft in the game while not being playable by players. It was just a thought exercise to show that it could be done like that if you’d want to have actual symmetry against air mode.

Again, two separate things. One is the presented problem of having to have something to deal with aircraft, another is that doesn’t mean this exact problem should be the only thing this vehicle is supposed to be useful for dealing with.

Prevent you? nothing. But if you don’t need to use them in AB, you’re most likely not going to grind them, unless there are some of them that are good tank killers. And once you’re for some reason deciding to go to RB, now you probably should have them and that’s a friction point. There will be people that will of course deal with it and do what you said, but then there will be a lot more that will not have them, keep complaining about CAS and leave the game or get back to AB, and gaijin most likely doesn’t want that.

Again - it can be done, for example with rewarding CAS points only when they attack scouted/marked targets. This would encourage them not to waste bombs if they’d have to return to airfield to reload for example. If they get killed by sticking all together, but it’s not rewarding the CAS - their fault for not spreading out - they could’ve been killed by artillery strikes or sturmtiger in such situation. Also if there was a warning system + awareness reduction when you’re diving into the stream of bullets + pilot reaction, then if you have multiple tanks that have turret-top guns attacking the planes, we get the same effect as in naval if players want to survive in the plane, as long as the plane is not freebie like in air mission.
Again you cannot separate current situation from what I’m talking about that can done and decide to ignore it.

yeah, right:

Yes, we cherry pick those mechanics that let us be in control of the situation in the gameplay. We cannot assume that we have to implement every realistic behavior, but we can pick them one by one and implement those that are added value for being able to balance things better.

No, it is the same as when you are designing a product and you are choosing what audience you are targeting it for, so you are discarding problems that you cannot deal with when implementing this specific product, while tackling problems that are advantageous to be tackled for marketing this product.

Yes, because hitting a huge object that has a wooden deck that can be put on fire with all your fuel makes sense to kill yourself for and neutralise two thousand of soldiers of the enemy team, while killing yourself by crashing into the ground and missing a 3-5 crew vehicle makes less sense.

I don’t complain about historical accuracy. I explain that because we have balance based just on historical accuracy of vehicle performance stats, there is no proper balance if the human factor of fear and perception under fire is not involved where it really mattered. Read about or watch video about the point of SPAAs in WW2 - they weren’t supposed to take down every plane, they were supposed to scare off the pilots and take down planes from time to time if lucky. That is why if you use flat vehicle performance data and put the planes against SPAA, the planes will always go YOLO and win.

I’m playing mostly WW2 tiers, so that’s one thing, but once this (balance through human behavior) happens for non-radar guided SPAAs, it will probably be able to look at the high tiers having similar problem and then maybe they’ll let SPAAs be more effective there. The missile range is a problem of vehicle types, so as you mentioned before - long range missiles shouldn’t be there in the combined arms mode, I think, unless at this tier there are those S300 long range SPAAs etc.

If you have BR 1.0 event vehicle, you can do the 40K points with 1.0 vehicles and funnily it works for the event. The same works with battle tasks that you can do them if just the first played vehicle/aircraft is rank II and then rank III corresponding to first and second task, so you can have just one low BR rank III vehicle and you can roughly play BR 3.3 in AB to complete season tasks.

Go read again or keep being ignorant. Remove the bomb sights, make it spawn like in naval, don’t let them get kills when you crash into the ground etc. All possible.

Right now that is correct, because you can YOLO and there’s RNG deciding whether you successfully do a bombing run or not because of air mission mechanic being stupid.

It’s not that trash players use it - the players that are optimising their grind - those are called min-maxers and it’s a thing in game design. Sadly the optimal way to grind events is to use bombers in GF AB ;/

Go back to school kiddo, if you don’t want to be constructive in the discussion…

It does represent active users in specific time frame. What sense would it make to get your info on the accounts that are not playing anymore. Also it is public, the fact that you have to mine it doesn’t mean it’s not public.

I can agree with that. tho there is the fun factor.

And yet, there are a bunch of other vehicles, that are practically useless, or tanks with useless mechanics.
And even then, why could you not unlcok them in arcade?!
Also, there are many other tank, that you likely unlock, but will never play.

Because they would not make it balanced.

I have researched myn tanks that i will never play. Just like a lot of other players.

Because it is still unfair. Even if your awareness bullshit is implemented, it will not prevent the CAS player to kill you with ZERO skill used.
Even if the no reward unless scouted thing is implemented, they will just bomb you anyway.
Most players using CAS are braindead, and they will attempt every chance of using CAS at any target, because those are the only times they realistically can get a kill.
And even if a good player is in them, he can either chose from a single scouted hull down tank abusing a position, or bombing the 4 unscouted tanks capping a base…

Read about or watch a video about the point of tanks in WW2 - they werent’t fighting tanks and planes most of the time. they were engaging soft targets.
See? it works both ways buddy.

None of the sealclubbers i’ve ever seen use even vehicles to grind events. They are just sealclubbing.

I know. But most sealclubbers just use the Panzer 4c, Panzer 2 combo at 1.7 rank 1.

I am being realistic.
So let’s see:

Still requires no skill to use. People can bomb in Rb without sights, so what’s the point? I just went into the test map in RB mode with sightless aircraft with bombs, and could kill them fine.
And dedicated bombers also have proper bomb sights, so what about those? Should those be removed too?

Losing a spawn? Wooooow, this makes them less OP!

It is not the crash that kills, but the bombs released right before the impact.

Yeah, sure. Not actually.

It requires no skill to use in any mode, even if it is not played like the yolo you describe.

If not just the trash players would use them, then the average K/D of them would not be only 0.65.

Sure. because insults help a lot :)

It represents generated replays. It does not show exact data.