Arcade Battle should be changed to pure tank battles

On that last bit, I do wish we could bring our own planes for Ground AB. The random option could still exist for those who haven’t researched planes, much like both Naval modes.

It’s especially annoying that we can’t considering so many battlepass/etc challenges require very specific types of CAS kills, which tends to effectively exclude Ground AB.

Honestly being able to set up the aircraft you want for the CAS spawn would be cool, but lets be real.

People would just always take a hellcat with three tiny tims.

Aight, deal. Ill use my tank, and let you kill me three times to spawn an aircraft with bombs, and then we can test.

I am ingame currently, so you can squad invite me.

He just comes on here to argue with people and tell them they are wrong and try to put them down, dont waste your time with this waster.

Hey, I am in a good mood today, and want to have some fun. At least it lets me de-stress lmao

You need to find yourself a hobby, mate.

Serious, actual advice: This is incredibly unhealthy and you absolutely need to better value the very limited time we all get on this planet.


At the very least, and unfortunately, with all the other sound effects going on, often you can’t even hear the bomb hit the ground or the game doesn’t play the sound of the bomb landing. I assume there might be some kind of limitation in the number of sounds that can be generated simultaneously. I’ve often been blown up by a bomb that landed right next to (or behind) me, that I couldn’t see due to limited field of view, and the only way I knew it was a bomb was in the kill replay. A bit hard to escape a bomb you don’t know is there. :-(

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If someone kills you just move on, its not the end of the world. If you really feel the need to get back, cas them back or something ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Ngl, only changes they need to make are this:

  • Remove Tiny Tims
  • Make the bomb fuse start on impact

Then arcade CAS is basically solved, and they can focus on much more important stuff. like making light tanks good

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Sure. But unfortunately it happens so often, and particularly when you’re having a good game, that it gets frustrating after a while. And don’t even get me started on how you’ll be having a great game, only to be Kamikaze revenge killed by some talentless hack that otherwise would have no hope against you. But the revenge killing, while related to the topic as they use CAS to do it, is another issue too.

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Not quite. You need to add one more thing if you’re not going to provide a tank only option. Add penalties to CAS users for dying in game. They lose one of their three lives, and incur a repair cost that would be equivalent to one of the tanks in their lineup (could even just take an average of all the tanks in their lineup for that match and apply it to one of them or spread it across the lineup). That way they would think twice about taking reckless action when attacking and be far more strategic in their approach, or be penalised for taking high risks and dying in exactly the same way tank users are.

Many of the non-skilled Kamikaze brigade would refrain from using CAS because it no longer represents just free kills (already partially resolving the CAS issue), and you’d also need to adjust (downwards) the number of available aircraft to avoid this change meaning that a constant supply of aircraft was now available to the MORE skilled pilots allowing them to spend the whole match in planes.


Given there hasn’t been much by way of answers to the questions:

  1. Why can’t there be tank only as well as tanks WITH CAS modes for Arcade given plane users have the choice of both?
  2. Why aren’t CAS users subject to the same penalties for taking risks as tank users are?

It does look a lot like CAS users simply “want their cake and eat it too”. The “because it’s a combined arms game” argument goes out the window with question 1. If you want to use the “realism” or “authenticity” argument and say aircraft were a part of battles, my answer would be:

a) It’s an ARCADE mode, and
b) In few (if any) battles, would both sides CONSTANTLY be harassed by CAS. This is because aircraft have limited range/fuel and also, at any given time one side or the other would maintain air superiority meaning one side wouldn’t have to worry about attacks from the air. Clearly this wouldn’t work in game, so providing an option to play minus CAS, or at the very least reducing it substantially would be a step in the right direction.

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Just came from a game at BR4.0 where, as so often happens, most of the team contributed little to nothing (but that’s another thread :-)). Was having a pretty good game, and would have had some chance of balancing the match, but you guessed it. The enemy sees that someone’s a threat and carpet bombs my tank, not once, but twice, for both of my deaths, with absolutely no chance of escape. If this was an isolated incident, I’d say “fair enough”. But it’s gotten to where I reckon over half of my deaths are to CAS, and I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s getting to the point where the game isn’t fun when this happens constantly.

Combine that with the matchmaker dropping you in teams of players that seem to totally ignore aircraft and the problem magnifies. Yes, that’s a player skill issue when your team don’t seem to understand that aircraft are such a threat, but it’s one that never seems to be resolved and as it’s totally out of a player’s control, to have access to a mode where you don’t have to be the only one looking out for aircraft or to play CAS because nobody else will would be attractive to MANY players.


Skill issue!

it is obvious that you was at fault, because you could have easily seen it, and run away, or get to cover where they can’t kill you.
The fact, that you did nothing, and just let the enemy kill you shows your negative attitude that caused you to do nothing, and no you are just whining here showing your skill issue.

(sarcasm over)

Clearly. Given I killed about 20% of the total enemy tanks and finished No.1 on the team, obviously I let the side down. :-) “C minus. Must try harder!”

BTW… I was hidden so hard they had to level the building I was behind to kill me. Didn’t help me :-)

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You were the one who advertised how to exploit the bomb fuse timer though, so if anyone is precious, it’s you and anyone who took that advice to avoid giving the CAS player the kill.

Because they don’t deserve the kill.

You want to kill me? No problem! Learn to play with tanks and you will be able to do so!

And i did not advertise an exploid. I used a gameplay mechanic in it’s intended way. Leaving the vehicle.
It is not an exploit. It has been explained to you many times.

Then you don’t deserve to play or dictate any mode whatsoever…

(Edit - If THEY can say I don’t deserve a kill and to exploit the game to avoid giving me the kill, then I can tell him that he doesn’t deserve to play the game as that antic is pure bad sportsmanship and based out of spite.

If EVERYONE picked and chose how they would accept to die, no-opne would, so the sentiment he espouses can be put back to the exploiter.)

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No seriously, if you’re going to suggest and stand behind that, then why should ANYONE give you ANY kills… That’s the dumbest part in this… If ANYONE doesn’t agree with anyon killing them, then they just exploit the mechanic, leaving vehicle, to make them not get the kill…

It’s absolutely an exploit, even if some don’t actually understand how severe you passing that out is.

Then you don’t deserve to even get any kills, because that’s just how it should be…


Somebody who took their time, effort, or even money to get good at the game deserves to get credited for using his knowelge and skill.

Someone who just pressed a button once does not.