Arcade Battle should be changed to pure tank battles

I dont get the J bail as I make them kill me…I dont surrender my tank or position as usually i have others around me as well. If i see them coming I still feel i can dodge or MG them possibly or even if straight at me a cannon shot. Sure I die but I see this as more of team game…even if i just delayed him by making him deal with me it may break someone else lose for a base or kill. I know when a pilot J bails I have received kill credit for a plane as i was nearest to him even though im on the ground. If you J bail a tank dont you possibly give a kill to an enemy tanker or plane nearest you, who didnt deserve it? but im pitiful in tanks what do i know really.

I j out when the bomb is already landed, and know i will surely die. If it lands near me and i can run away, i do that. As i said, i only do that when i know the bomb would kill me.


If a tank or plane shot you before, they get credited. if you never got shotted in a tank, then nobody gets the credit for it.

If a tank already shot me, and i leave my tank because of a bomb, then the tank player who shot me before gets the kill. He might not deserve the kill, but deserve it more than a zero skill CAS player.

<100 lb bombs require direct hits
100-500 lb bombs require near direct hits to do any real damage.
1000 lb bombs have a fairly wide blast radius and can kill multiple tanks if they’re close enough
2000+ lb bombs will wipe everything out in a cap zone

1000 lb bomb payloads are the best. You can drop 5-8 of them sometimes 1 per target and get multiple kills

I’ve seen people drop the smallest which is 6 10 kg bombs on the HE-51-C and get 6 kills with it. All it depends on skill set.

So basically you are just another CAS player, though one who hides in the closet :D


What hmm?

Just different ways to play …I dont go revenge mode cuz i found out awhile back if he kills me once probably will again,it may be his vehicle , skill. but he killed me once so I am very careful of that 2x thing…if i can get a great shot at some point so be it but to forsake everything else to GO GET HIM …just Hmmm

Also as a senior player I know younger players just are usually faster reflexed and better gamers,Im amazed at some of the kills on me is it aimbot or is it a kid with great reflexes and eyesight hmmm


Since they are CAS players, they are not very good. I remember once a guy bombed me with CAS.
I respawned, and killed him with my tank, and the CAS spawn appeared. I quickly grabbed an attacker, spawned behind their spawn, saw the guy, pumped a Tity Tim rocket into him right in their spawn, i started to circle above their spawn (while 2 SPAA shooting at me), guy spawns again, starts to drive, i know his spawn protection is over, and he got a second rocket.

He deserved it. In a matter of a minute, he lost all 3 of his tanks to me. If he were to engege me in a fair fight, with a tank, he likely would have won. Despite the guy being horrible, he was using a fully bushed up KV-1E (his first spawn was a T-34-57), and all i had was 3 french Shermans, all with solidshot, and HE with the 105 version. It would have been really hard for me to take on his KV-1E with those. Using CAS? The second rocket didn’t even hit him, yet he died. He could do nothing.

If he were to use his tank against me, i would not have done it. But since he choose to use something unfair, he go the taste of his own medicine.

yes, but dropping a payload of 1000lb bombs doesnt require any skill.

no loss, no forfeit, no skill…and a handfull of free kills.

they need to be reduced to a max of 500lb.

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yes, that requires a modicum of skill, i got no beef with that.

but 1000lb bombs??

may as well just drop fkn nukes.

Are you saying it doesn’t take skill to get kills by dropping bombs that will kill you even through buildings or rocks? Preposterous!

500 lb is a 250, 1000 lb is a 500. It’s what a P-47 can carry.

the enola gay could also carry an atom bomb.
WHAT is the point you are trying to make??

i dont know iof you have noticed, but spaa aiming appears to have been massively changed of late.

i got suspicious so i took my spaa to the practice range and yup, things have been changed.

where it used to be a case of aiming on or around the airplane aiming reticle, now its a case of the reticle being only halway to where it ought to be.

i went from average 3 kills last week to this week being unable to hit a damned thing.’

this FKN game pysses me right off.

WHY are they changing everything to suit the fkn planes in a TANK game???

My point is most Air players in Arcade and Ground RB are not good plane pilots. They’re a sad joke to us who are seasoned WT Plane veterans of this game.

If you noticed most people who swap planes and have a bomb are purposely trying to get close to you to drop a large ass bomb onto you. Cause you killed them ->revenge killing. Trying to magically claim oh we should make it only 250 kg bombs kind of defeats the point of bombing and allowing our team to win.

Just like Arcade Ground RB Ground has to deal with planes as well and they complain just as much with dumb demands. Such as your own.

Removing planes->Does not fix a gamemode. It only makes said gamemode designed with it in mind not functional. I say this with every single complaint someone makes for GRB. Removing planes would lead to stalemates, people sniping at a certain distance, or outright guarding the flanks, and as long as the flanks are held you lose.
Screenshot (1972)
This is what I’ve noticed some of both AB and RB players want for their separate combined arms game modes.

This isn’t skill. All it takes is one team to play defensively and let you come to them. Once you’re out they just push and capture the points. Which leaves the other team not even having a chance to actually break the line and push.

To put it into basic English ->It makes battles very one-sided.


It would massively improve it. It would still have all other issues that are not related to this topic.

This was disproved a million times.
Every single case where there are no/very few planes up, you can move, and freely position yourself without having to fear a plane.
People many times do not dare to cap, or help repairing a teammate, because they are an obvious sitting duck to planes.
Same “argument” is used in WoT about arty, and yet reality shows the complete opposite.

thats all just lame excuses for being less than mediocre in a tank.

admit it, you suck at tanks, which is why you need the atom bombs in planes.

its that simple

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What’s that word the newer Gen Z and Alphas could be using oh yeah Cope. Don’t like my opinion well too bad cause I couldn’t give a flying f about your’s either. :D. I stand in my opinion that without planes it will have an effect. Doesn’t matter if it’s AB or RB. It will still have everlasting effects. This is why Gaijin has stated numerous times that they are hellbent on not changing combined arms it will not be changed, learn some social cues and you will take notice on how people write things.


you have your opinion sure, but your lack of skill in a tank remains unchanged ;)