Arcade Battle should be changed to pure tank battles

There’s nothing to be engaged with.

Now I’m derailing while talking about TO and how it should be implemented, interesting.
As a matter of a fact, you’re the one here doing shady stuff, just imagine a dude coming on a forum that’s made for suggestions with his ridiculous “if you don’t like it, leave it” argument.
Just imagine coming here suggesting something new getting added to the game, just to be met by a troll saying: “why do you want new stuff ? play with what you’ve got and shut up.”

I mean, if you can’t cope with the fact people will come here and suggest various things, it’s better for you to leave.


You’re the one who’s wrong.

I just checked the last 10 pages of Replays and for Ground Battles the results were 64 AB matches against 43 RB matches BUT this is just normal matches cause you then have to add the Newbies Matches which are basically all AB.

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Wow, that’s kinda condescending don’t you think?
I, like many others prefer Arcade over Realistic. Realistic is just too boring.


Gajin is collecting 2024 suggestions, so if you want to play pure tank battles, go ahead and make suggestions.

Or if you don’t want tank only battles which was what I suggested to Gaijin in the first day(and not the first time).
I prefer them to improve and balance CAS cause I think that some small changes could make it much better for everyone.

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Guys - they are collecting suggestions for the new roadmap here:

From what we’ve seen, removal of aircraft from standard modes is not going to happen because it is supposed to be a combined arms game, and we’ve talked about it multiple times on old forums.

Closest thing that we can get to get rid of the stupidity of air mission is to push for having the same aircraft spawn system as in the naval AB, because then same players won’t be taking that big risks and also won’t be taking planes over and over again, and won’t be doing that so early because they would need to bail out of their tanks etc. If you agree with that, there is a suggestion for that, so please vote for this suggestion here: Use Naval AB aircraft spawning system for ground AB and possibly submit it in the roadmap survey form.

If you still think we should have ground-only mode, then ask for removal of the planes or resolving the problem with them in arcade or something like that. The only thing that I can see that could happen, would be a competitive mode with limited amount of player in match like the ones in tournaments, but that feels like a feature creep.

The last 10 “pages of replays” isn’t legitimate data.

No, Arcade is a meaningless game mode. Changing it to tank only will give it purpose and value. As it stands it reinforces poor behavior and trivializes the game.

Still more “legitimate” or closer to the truth than your delusions.

If it’s so “meaningless” like you say then why do you care so much to push your idea of a arcade only tank only game mode? Seems to me that you just can’t deal with higher tier CAS in RB.

Ranking delusions is illogical.

Gaijin doesn’t release player count information, no one can definitively state what game mode has the most players.

There are two issues you’re tying together even though they are two unique separate issues.

The balance of CAS in GRB is not good. CAS is too strong.

The existence of CAS in GRB is an entirely different issue. I personally enjoy combined battles. I think it adds dynamic gameplay, some people do not enjoy this.

Arcade is meaningless and is designed for players who don’t wish to engage with the game. It’s good that there are game modes for people who don’t want to take the time to learn and play the game to at least see what the game is like. I’m not advocating for removing arcade battles.

Ground Arcade battles can be used to fix a longstanding issue specific players have had, the existence of CAS in Ground battles. The CAS feature in Arcade battles is rudimentary and pointless. It doesn’t add value to the game mode. Removing it both improves the game mode as a whole and provides players who have been asking for tank only gameplay a mode with which they can finally play only tanks.

I feel like this actually makes sense - in arcade its really easy to get into the match because there’s no limit of nations facing nations in the matchmaker, in RB it takes more time - if there was a significantly larger amount of player base, I feel it shouldn’t be that noticeable.

The fact that there are more RB players visible on the forums and reddit is simple - Gaijin wants to promote realistic mode as the main mode, so the content creators are focusing on realistic and thus arcade players don’t have their CCs on such scale, so they don’t go to the forums to discuss, as well as because RB players think they are in majority, they tend to behave poorly against AB players treating them as worse players, so those AB players, either newbies or experienced ones, simply don’t participate in the online discussions. Being more vocal doesn’t mean there’s more RB players there.

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GFAB is not meaningless - you just don’t understand the difference here. There are players that prefer RB because it’s a tactical game of flanking and surprising enemy, and there are those that prefer AB because it’s about quick brawling - arcade is more like fencing where it’s more about your positioning to block the shot and how to strike than figuring out how to surprise the enemy. It doesn’t mean it’s meaningless, it just means the difficulty and skill is in a different place.

Both RB and AB have the same high-level issue of CAS being to strong because SPAA is not a deterrent, but lying in a slightly different source - in RB the problem is that there should be a lead indicator calculated by the crew of your SPAA as long as you have whole crew, as precise as the technique for estimating it was available back then. On a flat screen, without stereoscopic depth perception, without proper tools and two to three soldiers working together, you cannot properly estimate the lead. What actually happens is that the more you play, the better you can roughly estimate the direction, and then the game is helping you while still maintaining the RNG odds - and the proof is there in that you can have it auto-locked on lead when playing with gamepad. If you want others to actually play SPAA and have your back, then assume they may be playing on a laptop with worse screen and display/graphics settings, and without lead marker, they won’t hit anything, won’t learn to use SPAA and won’t play it ever again. You want to play tanks and not SPAA in RB without being bothered too much by aircraft - let noobs actually be a working deterrent against CAS.

In arcade the rough lead is there, but SPAA is not a deterrent because losing the plane isn’t a penalty/loss.

I talked about the problem of SPAA not being deterrent in the suggestion on the old forums here:

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No, Ground Arcade Battles isn’t meaningless. Its air component is.

My bad, misunderstood you there.

Still - the air component isn’t meaningless:

For one, there are vehicles that wouldn’t have their natural counters in planes like light tanks and open top SPGs, SPAAs wouldn’t have planes to shoot at in GFAB if they removed the planes.

Secondly combined arms give room for more variety of seasonal tasks and challenges, and overall gameplay variety.

Finally gaijin wants the game to be combined arms, so it’s not meaningless to them them, and also planes do affect the match outcome, so they do have meaning. They are meaningless in AB for the grind - yes, but it seems their existence is for players to steadily get introduced to plane trees and RB. It’s an in-game advertisement which makes it so that once you’re bored with one mode, you may jump into another mode or tech tree instead of picking another game.

They’re not meaningless…

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I disagree.

Light tanks and open top SPGs can be countered with HE shells.

Yes which is why Realistic Battles should remain combined arms.

Yes, Gaijin wants the game to be combined arms. If they insist on the air component of Ground Arcade battles to remain in the game they should model it so you can use your own vehicles as the spawned vehicle.

Planes do not seriously effect the outcome of a match in Ground Arcade battles unless 10 tanks were stacked on a single position. The reason they have an effect in Ground Realistic battles is due to the ability to rearm and engage multiple targets, especially at high tier. In Arcade battles you’re lucky to kill 3 tanks.

No, they actually do. They create snowballing effect. The team that is winning with kills for a moment in a way that noone from other team has a chance to do an interceptor run, OR they do it and get spawned to far away, the winning team will be able to precisely drop bombs from high altitude on tanks that are in positions where they can’t move away without being hit, so they either get killed with bombs, or they move and get immobilised by ground units and killed off. I often get only hits on the targets that moved away from my bombs to later get multiple assists from those being killed right away.

I did play a lot with VFW and it let me get 3 kills fast enough before anyone else can counter it, when it happens and you do an effective bombing run, you decide whole match right away. I once did it on Berlin with one objective in front of the Reichstag while just two of my squad mates from my squadron blocked enemy team from rushing towards the point for a moment by rushing there with light tanks - no actual cooperation to do it, it just happened. I dropped 14 bombs and got like 12 kills and it was all over, our team rushed to their spawn and the match was done in like 3 minutes.

The problem with arcade is that RNG decides whether you’re able to do it, IF you’re fast enough like I said above, or if your team is not winning already, but still there are times when you will change the tide of battle with it. So it’s not meaningless. It’s still “RNG” having a big effect on that, but that’s a separate topic. You have a chance of effectively affecting the battle outcome with bombs.

The reason they have effect in RB is that you have your own plane with your own selected loadout that you know how to use and is fully spaded and also most of the players don’t know how to precisely estimate lead and hit you unless you strafe right at their SPAA.

In arcade if you know what you’re doing and RNG isn’t putting interceptors right on your tail, you can effectively get kills with like 50% of your bombs, except for the small crap like those from 25 bombs Shackleton, and do the bombing runs multiple times in a single match. I often have like 12 to 16 kills, where only 7 to 9 are in tank and rest is from bombing runs. It doesn’t mean everyone can do this effectively, but it means that one skilled player in each match can affect the outcome of the match with the bombing runs.

BIt interesting to see that people in arcade adapted very quickly to no nametags when you fly a plane for 30 or 40 seconds.



You’re not getting 12-16 kills a match with Ground Arcade with the arcade planes.