Arcade Battle should be changed to pure tank battles

Yes “new to the game”.

Yes because RB players want a tank only game mode and the complaint that always arises is it will split the playerbase too much so why not take the already existing basically tank only game mode and make it legitimately tank only so we can show this to people asking for tank only.

SPAA can go to play RB, strong tanks can increase weights, is there any difficulty point in this!

Luckily u r not a developer.Otherwise this game will be f***ed up in your hands.You are trying to sacrifice the other players who dont like RB modes to satisfy yourself,just because you cannot handle those CAS planes.Why not practice your skills and use SPAA to shoot those planes down?


Vamilad has made it clear he does not understand the majority of tank players play arcade. Yet he wishes to dump his problems on the “other”, more frequented mode.

A bit like: I have a british car, let us change traffic layout in this nation so I and a few other snobs can use their british vehicles trouble free. Driving right side is for noobs anyway.


Same old story:

People come to a game
They don’t like it
They want their own version

Go find something else. Your failure to commit like true War Thunder players (aka CASvocates, as opposed to whiners who are not intelligent enough to work out the game in the first week) is a huge part of why modes are poor, the “I want my own game not the one on offer”.

There is no combined in Air as it would be BORING and completely pointless. What role could you even fill? You can get bomb dropped from 5k as you will be visible to all and most tiers SPAA will never get close or even get a target. By all means ask Gaijin. No one has because the “argument” is silly.

If you don’t like a game stop playing it rather thsn ruining it for those that want to play WT.

Where is my unicorn mode? Where is my flying cheeseburger mode? Why can’t I have a strategy turn based mode? Where is my text/typing version?

Game is the game, they hopefully will not cater to all the simps who are not able to play WT for what it is (seriously, would yoj cater to players who after 1000s of battles didn’t work out how it plays!?).

Game gets dumber every year it seems.


There’s nothing wrong in asking for a TO mode, considering there’s AO mode running for years. Ground branch is big enough to sustain itself, without any third-party interference.

People want equal treatment between modes for obvious reasons. So please tell me:

  • why is the Air branch only branch with a standalone mode ?
  • why does ARB has the same (x1) multiplier on crew points as GRB, whereas one mode is single-spawn and other is multi-spawn ?
  • why does Air have much better RP gains than Ground, where being close to useless in Air will grant you same amount of RP as a really nice match in Ground ?

Good old “stop playing/play something else” argument.
Let’s just delete the BR system and let top tier vehicles roam around in same lobbies as 1.0 ones, if you don’t like it just stop playing it bro.
Using this in the same post where you call others to be not intelligent enough is peak irony.

If TO is an unicorn mode, AO is too as well.
Also, comparing those things with a TO mode is completely ludicrous.

You fail to realize the game would get better if TO was added, since people who aren’t interested in aircraft would jump ship to TO, leaving current GRB to be played by people that want to engage aircraft and have the means to do so, thus making both modes more enjoyable.

But I guess, good job going against a change that will make the game less dumb for everyone.


World of Tanks is only tanks VS tanks. Is it a bad game? Are there fewer players?
You say that you like to play SPAA and planes, but don’t like to play RB, this is very unreasonable, this is your heart?
I like to play Tank AB, my SPAA skills are better than yours, my arcade win rate is better than yours, I just don’t like to play planes in AB, it is unbalanced in AB and not competitive.
I also like to play Air Combat RB, not Air Combat AB, because Air combat AB is too abstract, and the revenue is low.
In Tank AB, my 72AV played 1700+, 56% win rate, KDA3+, I want to stop talking about improving skills, I just want to play tank VS tank in battle.

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Oh really,your SPAA skills are better than mine,I checked out that you just played few of some cold war SPAAs,you didn’t try any SPAAs in WWII,that means your skills better than mine?What is the basis?You wanna say the higher tier vehicle means skills better?When you get higher WWII SPAA’s KD than mine, I might admit that you’re the better.But you even didnt try’em.
And follow your logic SPAA players must be like RB,what is the basis?
Ok,you said your win rate is better than mine,but I can say that my rank in AB is 77% and yours is 59%.
If you think World of Tanks is better,then go ahead.The airplane has already formed an ecosystem in AB’s environment.It can’t be changed by my will neither yours.

I don’t like to play SPAA, I have played SPAA in WWII, such as DF-2 and M42, 73 games DF-2 KDA greater than 3,58 games M42 KDA greater than 2, you can look it up.
Ww2 SPAA sucks, I won’t waste my time playing WW2 SPAA, in WW2 I am on CAS, no enemy on fighter intercept, then I am a death god, I can easily kill those WW2 SPAA, Cold War SPAA is much better, missiles can easily kill CAS, but if one side does not use SPAA, Then CAS is God, which limits the competitive ability of Tank AB.
I don’t think World of Tanks is better, but I think Gajin should make a change to please players who just want to play pure tank battles, which are numerous
It’s GAJIN’s business to make changes. You have the right to speak your mind, and I have the right to speak mine.

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What ask? The RB or AB one, or both? And yes, if the answer is known then stop pushing. All the other “not happening” features happened without this same amount of “discussion”.

Currently there is NO mode which people here are asking for, there is nothing on the horizon either. We know that Gaijin knows various TO ideas are wanted why keep asking? (Though refreshing to see an AB version of this topic since the last topic is still lost in the old forum).

Ask away but when you have been responded to don’t keep asking over and over, you CHOSE to do what you do (i.e. play WT). In fact I am not sure how your 201 matches in AB give you much of a grounding on this subject.

You know why there are AO modes. It mafe this game (first) and ground would be pointless in them, yes?

Is it now? Which one, AB or RB? And it appears not since Ground are combined with no new modes for them. So where are you getting this information? (Not sure what you mean by third party interference. You might see players as this or that but to me there are just players, I don’t need to divide and make this into a debate on tribalism ).

By ignoring why it is as we have it? We know why so this is nothing to do with equal treatment. In various modes you can do as you like, if what you want is not there then why are people here? (Hence daft people, yes?)

Said already countless times, are you being silly on purpose since you know why?

Ask Gaijin? Also this is AB not RB.

How can you know since you play essentially no ground and very few air AB matches? AB TO would not change rates. Rates are set by what Gaijin thinks slows down ths grind to the right level. RB is more tricky due to air being 1 spawn and ground unlimited, but again, ask them if you wish to know (No idea on official response or if there is such an issue).

Also in RB I find if you are “useless” in Ground or Air you get squat. But again, this is about AB and making RB the only combined (is that what you want??).

Old because it is true. Please tell me why you play a game you do not like? And comment on a mode with 200 plays?

Yes, if they did that people have a choice to continue. As far fetched as it is. However, in this reality we had Air, then Ground beta, then since then (most of the life of the game) it has been air and ground in the AB mode (and RB). They did not recently change it to combined did they? So who would be silly enough to play a game where there was no mode for their interest? Not me, but it appears many are that silly.

So no, your “peak irony” statement is just personal guff.

No, there is NO unicorn mode. Point being that you are asking for something not there and where should it stop? Remember that RB topics say AB is fine as is, and now here AB wants it but RB should stay the same. Exactly the issue I have brought up where certain TO advocates have pushed it under the rug.
Where do they stop? Why can’t bomber pilots and strikers and fighters all have their own modes too? Why can’t we have a history mode? Why can’t we have things that are NOT in the game? Exactly, because they are not here on game and you come here knowing this. Hence lack of using one’s noggin.

On paper yes, ideal world yes, but apparently Gaijin see things we do not. Yes, I would have played TO versions, nothing against it. But the reality is the question got asked so asking more won’t help. I predict when they can’t push any higher and lomg termers lose interest and newer see the game stagnate TO options might start to appear, but not until they are finished with their WT project. We are already getting 16 v 16s in air and narrow maps in GF, the decline/simplification is already happening.

Which brings me to my point of why play NOW then? So either you are quietly getting on with it (while asking for TOs) or are here actively playing a gamd not for you and intentionally making it worse for those willing. Which is it? So yes, those playing but not engaging air vehicles in ground but moan how air get free reign (aka self made issue, at least worsened) are silly and my opinion stands. Especially in AB (the topic) where all have the same access with zero need to grind air tree as it is.

So do you agree? AB should remove air and become the TO mode, RB stays the same as now? Since this is the topic you are engaging with. You do not want TO in RB but AB should be fully TO?

If you do not like it you move on. What is wrong with that?

If you want an official answer then I believe it is “No, it does not fit our vision for the game”, deal with it as most sensible people will. Or invest time and money in a game that currently does not fit what you want.

Yes, dumber every year.

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Both, there should be ATO and RTO.

Just because it made the game doesn’t mean it can’t be removed. If they really are serious about selling their game as “combined arms” deleting each and every mode that isn’t combined should be the on the cards. Then, changing the combined arms mode to fit both types of players should be needed.

Right now, our “combined arms” mode is nothing more than a half-assed try, where both in theory and practice, you can have matches that aren’t really “combined arms”, which just shows how much they really strive for it to happen on a larger scale.

Remove air modes completely → Allow people to spawn aircraft first in Ground

Buddy, branch is exactly the same for AB and RB.

Air and Ground branches are equally big, so if one can sustain itself, other should be able to do so as well, simple logic.

Without having vehicles from other branches as a filler.

Yeah, bombing a couple of bases and getting a single kill grants you more RP than 10+ kill games in Ground.
There’s already a thread about this hilarious unbalance.

I never said I don’t like the game, I said I dislike some parts of it and I’m voicing my opinion on it. Problem ?

As said above, I have interest in Ground and I’m voicing my opinions to make it suit more players. Problem ?

When it’s finally added ?
Asking for TO is valid, asking for unicorn isn’t.

Because those are only a sub-type of Air branch as a whole ?
Inner relationships between vehicle sub-types of a branch should be addressed in a standalone mode itself, eg. Air mode should cater to each and every sub-type in it’s branch.

If Air branch has A/R/S standalone modes, I don’t see a reason why Ground branch shouldn’t receive just that as well.

You look like you’re getting triggered when people ask for new stuff with your “game is as it is, if you don’t like it just leave, no need to ask for something new” stance.
People are asking for new stuff in every game, that’s just how it goes.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with 16v16 in Air and smaller Ground maps, it’s just they aren’t spending literally any time to change the modes to fit every tier nicely.
It seems like they’re putting game modes on the side for a very long time, while keep printing C&P 70€ premiums for an easy cash out.

This isn’t true.
Why should someone play a completely different branch of vehicles they don’t enjoy just to stay competitive ?
As it seems, pure Air players only need to play a single branch in order to stay competitive, what’s so special about them ?

I’m not really interested in pushing something onto someone, so no.
New modes should be added, regardless of what happens inside current modes we have.

The argument that beats them all.
What’s even the purpose of the forum then, if you don’t like something just move on, no need to talk about it.

My “wallet vote” is infinitely more important than any other “vote”, since it’s the thing they care about the most.
But I guess much won’t change seeing people actively giving them money while having multiple issues with the game.

Yes, they get wrecked by the “new to the game” players in Arcade.

I remember when I started using the old forum in 2015, RB players coming to the AB sections trying to bring AB players into playing RB cause of the queue times, they probably lacked players then. Now they are trying to push their RB problems into AB. Understand this, there are players in this game that don’t want to be you and that actually enjoy to play AB for what it is, if you don’t like RB for what it is then deal with it but leave us out.

Wrong topic then. Again, why are you here?

It appears you were triggered by a forum post, hence your shoddy reply avoiding my points made.

You appear to be clueless to the actual topic at hand here.

And yes, people can ask, why then ignore the answer?

Sorry mate, one can’t avoid something that isn’t there, it’s literally impossible.
Also, next time try writing only a single reply.

They already realized that Gaijin won’t ever make a tank only game mode for RB, there is a reason why they sell CAS premiums. So they end here.

Can you not read two replies? Ok.

And yet you have instead ignored what is there. At least try next time. Maybe check the topic you are commenting in.

Why should I read two replies if I can read only one ?
Not like you’ve written a dissertation so you need to break it in multiple parts.

There’s nothing there really.

Because there were… two. Not sure what this has to do with anything much like your comments here.

And yet there is, you just avoid it. Well done, is your troll over yet?

Come back when you work out what topic you are on 🤫

But why there are two when it can easily be just one ?
Do you want me to answer your every sentence in a separated post ?

And yet there isn’t.
You and your usual blabbering is nothing more than empty talk.