Another Brake of the game R-77 vs AIM-120 most failer update. Blalance missing

SIM is different, try your skill issued tactics in RB where everyone is hyper aware in your 29G. you haven’t even played it in AIR RB.

Skill issue.

You also have only 1.2 KD in 29G

I have a 3KD in F-15C

Get skill issued son

Yea, when every other nation gets an equivilent modern ARH missile with similar ranges.

Literally most of them are already equivalents.

R-77-1 DELTA V= 1056
MICA= 1102

So that’s invalid reasoning

1.2 lifetime, including not even being spaded yet. It’s closer to 3.0 since switching over to ETs since the patch

R-77, RVV-AE: 80 kilometres (50 mi)
R-77-1, RVV-SD: 110 kilometres (68 mi)

60–80 km



Like I said, add the R-77R1 when everyone else can get a missile with similar ranges.

You will never hit a single target at those ranges in the game. These are useless numbers.

Mica and darter already have similar stats to R-77-1. Game data for these missiles matter, those numbers i shared are from game files.

What you shared are useless wiklpedia numbers.

It’s literally uselss.

Screenshot (804)

Ok then, tell me the burn time difference between an R-77 and an R-77R1.


R-77= 952
R-77-1 DELTA V= 1056
MICA= 1102

It would just be a good small buff, it’s only %11-12

Do explain these numbers and their significance.

It’s how much speed the missile gets from its own engine after being fired, in M/s

Bigger better

Thank you. With those speeds, would the much heavier R-77R1 carry much more energy than it’s lighter counterparts?

Yes but only if the missile flies straight. Heavier means bleeds energy MUCH FASTER when it turns. And you don’t shoot against straight going bots.

Also depends on the drag modifier gaijin gives it.

Currently R-77 has VERY HIGH DRAG.

Aim-120A has the lowest DELTA V but reaches farthest, because it has very LOW DRAG I think.

I understand that the heavy, high drag, high pull R-77 can bleed energy quickly when compared to the AIM-120. My train of thought is that the upgrade would cause a performance imbalance where the R-77R1 (with higher g pull and more drag) would be on par with the range of the the Aim-120 (with less g pull and less drag). I see each missile having a general tradeoff compared to the other right now, and I would like to see them keep their strengths/weaknesses instead of one ot the other being higher performing in all aspects.

I would like to thank you for explaining the speed and whatnot. I am not familiar with the game file information. Is there somewhere I could go to learn more about the information like that in the game files?


It really doesn’t pull well, it says 50G but it really isnt anything special. MICA has thrust vectoring if you want pull, and higher DELTA V with less drag.

Justl iike how AAM-3 is supposed to be 40G but it basically pulls the same as 9M.

Use here for basic comparison

Guided weaponry data (in-game values) Honorable mention for Jaek_ for making amazing videos on missile on YouTube If you want to reach enlightment, then you have to spade the Italian heli line, no talisman/ premium/ boosters - Google Sheets

Thank you, that looks pretty interesting. I cannot wait until I get some time to dig into it.

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139/54 = 2.6, not 3


Everytime I see a discussion about weaponry it always derails into senseless arguments like bringing KDAs and, hell, we bringing mf ChatGPT of all things here.

I agree with the fact that USA currently dominates BVR with the longest range Fox3s (AMRAAM - Phoenix), but It’s absolutely playable and not another F-14 situation.

If you play RUS, try bringing ERs and 77s, dont forget ERs are still better missiles than some Fox 3s even if they are SARH.

As for the derby, darter carriers I cant say because I’ve hears things about weird loft angles, and I really have only used the MICAs, which are good


As for the derby, darter carriers I cant say because I’ve hears things about weird loft angles, and I really have only used the MICAs, which are good

MICA is the best missile below 10km, but everything else it’s … useless.
Sure u can hit 30km shots, but not while the missile is any good, more while the enemy is distracted, afk, or flew in a straight line.

Agreed, but that’s why I stick to WVR and be opportunistic, Mirage playstyle has always been like that

Which is why I understand, to some degree, why this thread has been made, russia dominated BVR with the 27ER before patch and now It’s AMRAAM, it feels like a tug of war, seeing who gets the deadliest, fastest doom stick each patch

Not really fun imo