Another Brake of the game R-77 vs AIM-120 most failer update. Blalance missing

It really is completely dismissible. It’s a tool for people too lazy to bother doing the research on whatever topic they are discussing and too lazy to write a well thought out response. Which further indicates they likely did nothing to verify what it has spit out as even being close to accurate. It’s also going to pull from IRL sources which have nothing to do with how things behave in game.


This has nothing to do with whether the tool spits out accurate info or not

Yes but paired with the entire second half of the statement it is. If someone can’t be bothered to look and write their own response, why would I assume they bothered to verify what it had spit out?



Shpw me replay where you are shoot it down a target on distance bigger then 20 km :) pls if that happen that mean a pilot is a bot

You just spoke a sh*ts. USA jets now can kill targets from 40 km away USSR cant do that never

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Is that why you had to create a whole thread whining about the Starstreak lmfao

Just bring 2 ERs mate, it’s still easy to splash enemies at range since their missiles rely on IOG if they go cold, meaning you push a couple of hard turns and maintain you lock on them to get an easy kill.

ChatGPT usually outright fabricates sources. It’s like a fancy parrot that’s good at sounding right.

I have asked it directly before for its source and it can pull good ones that back up what its saying

The fact that it sometimes can produce real sources does nothing whatsoever to change the fact that it often talks out of its @!*&$#^ in a convincing manner.

ERs are also more notch resistant than any of the ARHs added

That’s not what you said though. You said it was categorically impossible to hit targets beyond 18km, which is easily shown to be false. A maneuvering targets can defeat any ARH regardless of range, depending on engagement situation.

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I’m convinced he got a range of 100km for the AMRAAM from GPT and altered it in his post lmao, this OP seems content to cry about his precious russian missiles and disregard the NATO alternative.

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The irony is if the statistics show the missile/aircraft perform poorly enough, they could very well get the R-77-1, which is already in the files. Similar to how they got the ER within weeks of the R-27Rs addition.


ChatGPT doesn’t know anything. It knows what real information looks like.

It is lazy to use on a forum, and it should be heavily discouraged.


You’re wrong…

You’re wrong again…

Again, these are designed for high altitude fights. The R-77 should cruise at a minimum of 5 km up to 25km. So using it below that will impact performance because of the higher air density at lower altitudes. Please look into things a bit before making wildy incorrect claims.

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R77 should be upgraded to r77-1 to be fair , if you play sim its r77 vs all other missiles together look how many players are on each side , ussr jets are boats with unreliable radars and r77 is defeated by single turn


Which will still not change much, because the Su-27SM is lacking in every department.

They gave it a horrible absolute garbage tier flight model.

Notch 1 missile in it and you fall out of the sky.

The radar is horrible, the literal worst at top tier.

The worst.

The radar being bad is historical but they should have added another variant to counteract this.

Subpar acceleration and energy retention.


R-60M Vs 9L (Which literally had better IRCCM back then than the R-73 does now) and a radar missile worse than Aim-7E2 in terms of range (R-27R) Vs 7F wasn’t balanced lol

It’s the same thing all over again. 9M is super meta along with Aim-120, meanwhile R-73 is bottom tier in current meta, and R-77 is just meh made worse by how garbage the carrier platforms are MIG and SU


Lmao skill issue. I’ve been having a great time running just R-73s and 27ETs with the 29G since the patch. It’s easy to just leave the radar off when everyone is up in the contrails anyway.