Another Brake of the game R-77 vs AIM-120 most failer update. Blalance missing

I mean everybody knows that NATO is far more capable when it comes to advanced technologie compared to Russia but yeah good to see it ingame now, r27er has taken control of ARB for 1.5 years now while the aim-7m cannot compete with it, so its our turn to have fun :)


r77 bether does short aim 120 better for long distance ?

The opposite?


No you see, its only the people who are looking to be annoyed and get annoyed by just about anything that get annoyed and post about it on the forums. The American US mains get annoyed when they are not dominating, the German garmany mains get annoyed when they dont have the by far best version of an originally german vehicle, the Blackshirts get annoyed when they feel like Italy is being slighted, the Swedish sweden mains get annoyed when they aren’t teated like a major nation, the British Britain mains get annoyed about just about everything and so on. Most people just play the game and stop when they stop having fun, but you get this quite loud minority on the forums that is always complaining about something, and it makes it seem like the game is constantly Fubar, when it isnt, and the majority of players dont care about the things they whine about.


nato sells overpriced stuff

But its still advanced compared to Russia.


Hiding and the pilot flying at low altitude and aiming for him? also i doubt this one.

Still doesn’t change the obvious fact buddy.

u are know to doubt the truth , is why u have safe space and trigger warnings and similar things

It might be true or not, but still killing a pilot flying at low altitude doesn’t change anything.

so if u so intelligent why not put better armor to protect pilot from small caliber?

They do

Flak vests are meant to stop fragments, which is what would most likely be hitting the crew a regular rifle round would go clean through still also the image you used is from a 2021 article about the military investing into better ballistic protection for pilots


Agreed. People cry a lot.

i see only picture , not armor

It’s still the same thing, a vest to stop all damage to not hit the pilot, i don’t know about the vest specific details, also the video that been shared from 2003 which is two decades ago, i bet they use something more useful to stop any kind of threats.

You weren’t playing the same game that I was for the past 1.5 years. The game I played was one where all radar guided missiles were non-meta due to strong multipathing and the meta was dominated by furballing with fox-2’s. A meta where not one single player flew the Su-27 and its “overpowered” R27ER during gaijin’s big esports tournament.


But the aim 120 is better then the 77

US airmen only have flak vests they dont have plates

sadly, no. even in close range, 120 is better, r-77’s turn rate is worse, though with more aoa, cause more air resistance
the image is from a dataminer’s test in custom mission, he modified the code so the 2 missile can launch in same time.