Another Brake of the game R-77 vs AIM-120 most failer update. Blalance missing

max G doesn’t matter its all fin AOA

I did not talk about range. The r77 has a lot of drag. Plus I don’t think there is a lot of loft, that also reduce the range.
But still I found the r77 more reliable than aim120 under 20km. And I had more issue with aim120 missing target than r77 from my experience on live server. I played f16c, mig29smt, Grippen SAAF, and Mirage.

If you have data/tac view comparatif of the same situation showing that indeed tracking of aim120 is better, I will agree on. But from my experience I had better results with r77. Under 20km again. I don’t spend missile on longer shot, whatever the plane I play.

Have you seen the derby ? Massive loft. Hard to notch because you don’t know what type of missile is on you. If you notch a missile thinking it is coming horizontally, you will be killed since the missile comes from above more than the other. Got surprised a lot.

Go play different game modes and lower BRs.

No,i did not,but on dev,DERBY was same as R-Darter. Also seeing israeli plane is kinda rare,they are like shiny pokemons.

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Wdym ? I am not offering a capacity for the enemy to counter my strategy. You can be in the enemy team at any moment. So I keep my strat personnal.

No they were a bit different. But they all changed with the live stream, so dev data are not accurate anymore.
Yeah you are right, Israeli is a shiny Pokémon.

They were the same. They are still the same. It's only your imagination.
Physical properties
Mass: [kg] 118 118
Mass at end of booster burn: [kg] 92,94 92,94
Mass at end of sustainer burn: [kg] 74,75 74,75
Calibre: [mm] 160 160
Length: [m] 3,62 3,62
Engine properties
Force exerted by booster: [N] 21500 21500
Burn time of booster: [s] 2,74 2,74
Raw acceleration at ignition: [m/s²] 182,20 182,20
Specific impulse of booster: [s] 239,63 239,63
ΔV of booster: [m/s] 561,20 561,20
Booster start delay: [s] 0 0
Force exerted by sustainer: [N] 11280 11280
Burn time of sustainer: [s] 3,79 3,79
Specific impulse of sustainer: [s] 239,58 239,58
ΔV of sustainer: [m/s] 511,90 511,90
Total ΔV: [m/s] 1073,10 1073,10
Fuse and warhead properties
Explosive mass: [kg of TNT equivalent] 8 8
Proximity fuse: Yes Yes
Proximity fuse range: [m] 12 12
Proximity fuse shell detection (80-200 mm): Yes Yes
Proximity fuse delay: [s] 1,8 1,8
Guidance properties
Guidance type: ARH + IOG + DL ARH + IOG + DL
Guidance start delay: [s] - -
Guidance duration: [s] 90 90
Seeker warm up time: [s] 1,4 1,4
Seeker search duration: [s] 100 100
Gimbal limit: [degrees] 55 55
Track rate: [degrees/second] 60 60
Uncaged seeker before launch: Yes Yes
Maximum lock angle before launch: [degrees] 55 55
Lock-on range from all-aspect: [km] 16 20
Maximum break lock time: [s] 160 160
Can lock after launch: Yes Yes
Band: I I
Angular speed rejection threshold: [degrees/second] - -
Acceleration rejection threshold range: [m/s^2] - -
Sidelobe attenuation: -30 -30
Transmitter power: 100 100
Transmitter angle of half sensitivity: 15 15
Transmitter sidelobe sensitivity: -30 -30
Receiver angle of half sensitivity: 15 15
Receiver sidelobe sensitivity: -30 -30
Distance minimum value: [m] 300 300
Distance maximum value: [km] 150 150
Distance minimum signal gate: [m] 300 300
Distance ref width: [m] 300 300
Distance gate search range: [m] 5000 5000
Distance gate alpha filter: 0,8 0,8
Distance gate beta filter: 0,05 0,05
Doppler speed minimum value: -3000 -3000
Doppler speed maximum value: 3000 3000
Doppler speed width: 20 20
Doppler speed ref width: 80 80
Doppler speed minimum signal gate: 5 5
Doppler speed gate search range: 300 300
Doppler speed gate alpha filter: 0,8 0,8
Doppler speed gate beta filter: 0,05 0,05
Proportional navigation multiplier: (affects how far ahead it attempts to lead) 4 4
Base indicated air speed: [m/s] 1800 1800
PID proportional term: 0,0035 0,0035
PID integral term: 0,0221 0,0221
PID integral term limit: 1 1
PID derivative term: 0,0007 0,0007
Inertial guidance drift speed: 2 2
Flight characteristics
Maximum fin angle of attack: [degrees] 40,0149 40,0149
Maximum fin lateral acceleration: 41,34 41,34
Wing area multiplier: 1,45 1,45
Start speed: [m/s] - -
Maximum speed: [m/s] 1500 1500
Maximum statcard (useless) speed: [Mach] 4 4
Maximum statcard (useless) launch range: [km] 80 80
Minimum range: [m] 30 30
Maximum (flight) range: [km] 80 80
Maximum G-load: [G] 40 40
Maximum statcard (useless) G-load: [G] 40 40
Flight time until guidance starts (delay): [s] 0,3 0,3
Flight time when pull limit reaches 40%: [s] - -
Flight time when pull limit reaches 100%: [s] 0,31 0,31
Loft: Yes Yes
Loft angle: [degrees] 30 30
Target elevation: [degrees] -20 -20
Maximum target angular change: [degrees/s] 2,5 2,5
Thrust vectoring: No No
Thrust vectoring angle: [degrees] - -
ETA to impact when prop multiplier reaches x%: [s] 80/10 80/10
ETA to impact when prop multiplier reaches x%: [s] 60/20 60/20
ETA to impact when prop multiplier reaches x%: [s] 50/50 50/50
ETA to impact when prop multiplier reaches x%: [s] 25/80 25/80
ETA to impact when prop multiplier reaches x%: [s] 10/100 10/100


When playing them in the dev they were doing that. (I know this video is from first fox3 test, but the results were identical in last dev)

I was talking about Dev server. I can’t test derby on live server.

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You cant speak about the skill issues here. The main problem with R-77 is range. Range give a huge advantage on AIM-120


Darter and derby still loft into orbit and have stupidly high drag for no reason which limits their range


Yeah so you do take war thunder random pub matches this seriously… I could understand if you were talking about competitive play

The platforms carrying the r77 are the bigger issue here. Both the su27 and mig29 have gimped FMs in contrast to usaf planes. The F15 seems realistic for the most part, the f16s… lol…


They are worse in almost every part. I think the main problem is radar.

it caused a gap in your attack range. you are just a sandbag in this situation, hard to fight back while they can do whatever they want

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swear to god gaijin always pulls this bs. everything is slightly broken enough to piss everyone off

You can make an attempt to rectify that gap by leveraging your IRST system. When you have locked a target with one sensor system, swapping to the other sensor system causes it to make an attempt to reacquire the same target. There is no 10km range restriction for locking targets with IRST. The target simply needs to be hot enough for you to acquire a lock. Assuming conditions are favorable for a lock with both systems (no clouds blocking LOS, the opponent isn’t coincidentally notching you already, etc), then you can first lock the target with IRST and then swap over to radar so that you can fire your R-77.

It’s not as good as having every advantage handed to you on a silver platter like the Americans, but it’s serviceable. It’s faster than waiting to fly within 10km or praying that the slow scan finally highlights the right target. BVR lock controls are significantly more pleasant on the Yak-141 with its faster scan rate and adjustable scan patterns.

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it’s fixed long ago, in last update, it’s no working. IRST has a 25km range in good weather, but if you lock someone 10km+ and switch to radar, it will loose

I mean yes and no. I don’t want to die. I am here to enjoy, it does not mean I don’t care.

Yeah, I did not denied the fact that r77 has no range. I said that it has other qualities

Yep, I tried Grippen again. The loft may be good if launched at 10km alt on 10km alt target. But at 4k m alt, 10km range, it did not have the energy to catch an F15 doing S on the same alt level… Whereas all other missile would have get him.