Another Brake of the game R-77 vs AIM-120 most failer update. Blalance missing

Talking about intelligence with that english lmao.

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Literally every ARH has the same seeker right now.

Pure BS to justify the r-77 being terrible.


Is that why American hypersonic missile tests are still failing in 2024, meanwhile Russia had hypersonic tech for 2+ decades now. Even using them in wars.

Russia has always been ahead in missile technology.

Not electronics or stuff maybe, but missile tech? They were and are the leading nation.


not that all same, r-77, pl-12, aim-54 have 16km range, the others 20km. though not so influentional

In terms of chaff resistance, notching etc, they are exact copy pasted.

ARH seeker range is just changing 1 number, simpler than other parameters.

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i know 3 languages , u?

Cute that you assume I’m american.

But to answer you question, when I was in high school we had to learn 5 languages. Although I have to admit my German and French are pretty rusty now, but they shouldn’t be too hard to pick up again.


paying overpriced college then spend your years of life to pay that debt not very smart

Skill issue. Crybaby.

Why is the forum like this every time a USSR main states displeasure?

Be decent.


Because USSR mains also tend to be disrespectful whenever there’s other nations complaining about stuff on air or ground.
At this point it’s just an unsolvable spiral of distrust.


Does the 50g pull on the R77 in comparison to the 35G pull on the Aim120 not cause much more drag and energy loss on hard turns? I’m not up to speed on the missiles physical characteristics that could also co tribute to this, but does fin design also have an effect on drag and energy loss in turns as well?

I rarely see Russian mains in general, and when I see one complaining, everyone (mostly USA mains) is ridiculously hostile about it.

You are right about the spiral of mistrust. People are not willing to talk respectfully because of internal biases and assumptions. It makes it quite hard to have a proper discussion on this forum.


Because they do not mention it, you see them playing other nations yes, but mostly they play Russia.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Yeah… sure they are.


being easiest nation to play in the game yet act like an Ahole toward other
yep that Russian main for you and why people hate them

you guys really are an awful community. this is why no one used the forums vs the reddit.


Mostly us mains complaining dude you guys have been crying on every wt related post every second since the update dropped please get a new cope

I’m just telling the truth that’s it
nothing more nothing less