All TTs should have more ARH carriers

As of right now only China, Italy, Britain, and the USA have 13.0 ARH carriers, only Germany and Russia have 13.3 ARH missile carriers. Everyone else is forced to play top BR if they want ARH gameplay. IMO, (along with significant decompression) we should have more sub top tier ARH missile carriers.

Here are a few options for an almost all TTs.


I kind of struggled with this one, the best conclusion I arrived at is the Singaporean F-5S, 2x AIM-120s and 2x AIM-9P-4/5s


This one is pretty well known, the MiG-23-98. I don’t think a full real Su-39 would be a very good idea.

One could also make a case for the MiG-21-93


Unfortunately there are no good options for Germany, including Switzerland as a potential sub.


There was a distinct lack of British aircraft development until the EFT was ready, so the only real option is a Hawk 200.

If we want a competitive (ish) plane it would have to be a full real MiG-21 Bison.



For an indigenous option, the F-4EJ Kai ADTW with XAAM-4s and AAM-3s, really sticking it to the ICE lmao

For other options, we can look no further than the Thai Fighter of Doom ;)



The F-5E Tiger 2000 would be nice to see, 2x TC-2s and 2x TC-1s


European nations are really pulling short on domestic options today man, so we got the Brazilian F-5EM



I personally love this one the most the most, the Moroccan F1 MF2000, this picture shows the MICA IR but it can carry the EM as well.


I almost said no options for Sweden, than I remembered the JAS37D carried AMRAAMs, brain fart lol



An option could be the MiG-21-2000, an upgrade program provided by the Israelis. Only catch is we would have to reverse gaijin it and convince them it could carry the Derby.


Oh you wanted a domestic option? How about another F-5 lmao. Here the Chilean F-5E Tiger III

It can carry the derby too, it’s just a little shy right now…

Obviously some missiles must be omitted ATM for balance reason such as the Python 5 and IRIS-T

And that’s it for my ideas, feel free to post any if you have them, especially for nations I couldn’t find planes for.

Also keep it civil I would like to keep this topic open.


Half true. Britian has loads of outstanding “top tier” aircraft. Including something like the Hawk 200 which could carry Aim-120 Bs/C5s

There is also the possiblity of adding Aim-120C5s onto the Tornado F3.

But Britain focused a lot of its energy on ground attack aricraft for much of the 1990s. So we have aircraft like the Tornado Gr4 and Jaguar GR3A that could both come with ASRAAM (Basically IR “Fox-3s”) or the Harrier Gr9A (which could get ASRAAM as well, but could be a tad OP with them)

Over even more crappy soviet C&Ps, it would be better to look at other CW stuff. The Cheetah C from SA I think had 4-5x ARH and then there is always the CF-18 from Canada.

TLDR. Please no more Mig-21s

Would likely be on the Japanese tree now, I think.

Best bet would be the F-16ADF with AMRAAM. The entire reason they leased the F-16 was to acquire an AMRAAM capable aircraft without paying for the necessary upgrades for the Tornado ADV as a stop gap until Typhoon

edit: Cheetah C not D


Updated with the hawk 200, can’t believe I forgot about that.

Things like the cheetah would likely be top tier because it has 5 ARH missiles as well as (I think) IRCCM missiles, I would like that in game though.

Of course I want the Italian and Chinese F-16s to get their AMRAAMs but that would make them top tier which kind of defeats the purpose of this post.

I scan read the post :D

I just read it as “more ARH carriers for all nations that wouldnt be more than what we have now, i.e not Typhoon level aircraft”

Yep, 13.0s are more limited in choice

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For Israeli ARH capable aircraft, there’s also:
• The IAI Kfir “2000”, a predecessor to the Kfir C.10 boasting Python 4 and Derby missiles along with • a new radar and much more.
The Kfir C.10, an upgraded an updated Kfir with Python 4/5 and Derby/ER missiles, LGBs, and much more.
• The MiG-21-“2000” with the Python 4, presumably the Derby, and much more!
• And the final unique addition would be the Lavi. Half the community voted for the ability to use the Derby and Sparrow on the aircraft along with its Aim-9L/Ms and Python 3s, and given the Yak-141s treatment I don’t see how this aircraft couldn’t also receive a little love.

Theres also a few more I may have missed :P, but the rest I can think of in ARH terms are the Brazilian F-5E modernization, which would be near identical to the Chilean one you suggested, or the F-15I/Later F-15A/Cs, the F-16I, or the F-16C/D Barack Is with their Derby and Aim-120A/B+ missiles. But those are really just American aircraft (Sufa and Ra’am aside) and aren’t as unique as the other ones I suggested above minus a few difference and Israeli weaponry.


Not many unique/modernized additions I can think of myself. Only one that pops up in my head is the Hellenic Air Force F-4E AUP, with 4 Aim-120(unkown variant) and 4 Aim-9Ms and APG-65. It would essentially be a F-4F ICE in the American tree, but it may have later variants of the Aim-120 than the F-4F ICE has, as well as far superior air to ground capabilities thanks to the targeting pod and new munitions.

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Unfortunately there’s no proof the MiG-23-98 truly existed or sources detailing its capabilities. It rumored to have a new radar, HMS, and new missiles, however it has yet to be proven.
The only thing that exists are these few images of a MiG-23MLD that was presumably just dressed up pretty with some newer weapons mounted to it. For gaijin, that’s not enough to allow for its implementation afaik.

Would be a cool plane tho, honestly a superior MiG-21 Bison, but unfortunately I don’t think we’ll ever see it added (unless gaijin wants to make some premium money and doesn’t care about historical accuracy in this regard).

(Also heck no to the “full real” Su-39, it could mount some missiles yes, but it could not fire them in any way, even if the radar could theoretically guide them and the missiles could be mounted. There’s no proof that the plane could launch to missile or the systems onboard could be adapted to use them.)

MiG-21-93 is a superior choice, as it did historically exist, and would be a decent counterpart to the Bison.

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It’s still a new technology in the game, let’s wait for some updates and we will surely see other planes

So, basically a better ICE…

Lmao, ye
I mean it was basically a late 2000s F-4, when the F-4F ICE came far earlier. I’m just surprised the Aim-9M was the latest variant of IR missile it used.

Cheetah is fun but it won’t really push the envelope, and CF-18 is going to be a little sad since I figure it would probably come out alongside the F-18C which is the same thing with better engines. Still it fills the “SPAMRAAM” niche perfectly and that’s not something you can really say for other domestic British planes at the point in time the game is at. As far as ARH-capable planes go I think what I would most like to see right now is the HAL Tejas. Funnily enough it uses the same radar as the Cheetah C but on a much better platform performance wise. As far as I’ve read the main ARH armament of six Astras is no joke. Plus it’s good indigenous representation for India rather than another MiG (though I’d contend that some of them would be pretty interesting). Unfortunately there are probably a lot of unknowns about the aircraft as it’s still in active service though that’s also true of some other planes we’ve gotten recently.


Yeah… Though im still holding out for a Hawk or Tornado Gr4 soon personally. Brimstones are the ARH I want to see added sooner rather than later :P

I personally do think that at least 1 ARH carriers at 13,3/13,0 should be given to every ingame nation to keep it balanced.
However I don’t really want to see more F-5s… They giving me PTSDs.

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I mean it opens up the Singaporean advanced eagles as an option, or maybe the Saudi one.

Advanced Eagles 100% belong in US, being US developed and tested with US kit and on a US airframe

Also an extra advanced F-5 would be nice.

As far as I am aware. Thailand, Singapore and a few others are all intended as a mixed Sub-TT for Japan, That could also include South Korea as well for something like the K2.

I’ve basically accepted that the Singapore Hawker Hunter will end up on the Japanese tree now and so our last hope of a Hunter with CMs will be the Omani one.


While your on the forums, do you have any tips for the f14a iriaf in sim? Also, is there any way to tell if my fakours seeker has locked onto something or if it’s just cruising?

And if there’s a way to tell target range on the f14

I have yet to use it in a sim match, but in the F3 I tend to just stick high and hunt things, run away if anything tries to attack me.

On the right hand side of some radars is a rnage indicator which will let you know if the target is within range of the missile. I dont know if the F-14 has that like the F3 does.

I think if the line of the radar panel goes from checkered to solid, the missile has gone active

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Thanks, I’ll make sure to check if it has the range indicator

Looks like this:


Stealing gunjobs screenshot for that

Not every missile has the LSZ

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I’ll check for it. Is there no way to get a solid number for range though?