Gzabi is very reliable and has been for years so I’d take his over anyone else’s. However leak lists are never a guarantee and you should wait for the teaser next week :)
Gszabi and chinese website guy are some incredibly reliable ones. They are the only 2 sources I personally trust.
Yep, same here, I never get excited until I see it’s from either one of those
Yea other than that I trust no one else at all
Same for me when I still could get excited from leaks.
During the course of this year my crippling depression would just return everytime they posted a new leak and I looked at the ground content lol, but at this point I’m beating a dead horse.
Is this an opportunity for a shameless self plug?? Yes it is!
Little outdated because of the Viggen getting RB.99s and the ICE going down but the point is there
ICE shouldn’t go down, everything better should go up instead
Yeah, I’m going to have to second this, moving the F-4F ICE down would be kind of like the old A-10 situation. Some poor 11.7 facing an AIM-120 is a bit nutty.
Yeah, some airframes on this list are really outclassed. However in some way fighting FOX-3’s in the F-4J has been fun, probably because I’m a Phantom Phan, but either way,
Reading through all those I just can’t understand why the Mirage 2000D-R1 is the same BR as the C-S4/5.
The 2000D-R1is heavier than the C-S4/5, lacks radar missiles, and has no internal gun which means you need the gunpod which makes the FM worse than it already is.
Muh statistics
Ya’ll might as well accept it, community opinion doesn’t matter at all
JH-7A can become the Fox 3 carrier, funnily enough.
But with the current BR compression I think it’s better off not getting PL-12s.
I also have a feeling it isn’t equal to a Mig-29 in performance. R27ERs are good, but the MiG only gets 2 of them compared to the Phantoms 4 Aim-120s. And in a dogfight the Phantom has vastly better missiles too.
If it goes down, 12.7s go down, and stuff is recompressed.
Gaijin is finally deciding to give Japan mains a taste of bad tanks, welp, the other bad tanks arent possible to be introduced so here ye at

Edit: might as well be coincidence
It was a regular MiG-23 MLD with some armaments thrown on it for display at an exhibition.
Basically Russia was saying “if you pay us the money we can develop this upgrade for you, and then you can buy it from us”
You know what would be funny, if when Thai VT-4 arrives Gaijin undoes the nerfs on Chinese tanks.
I really can’t wait for a patch to disrupt US dominance.
Imagine that it is very obvious who will win from this.
This guy brings up the same arguments every now and then
My bad, the US players all threw the match so hard it wasn’t even funny.
I would still like to get other nations being competitive without needing to rely on F-15E putting all their AIM-120 into MiG-17’s.