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G’day once again lads. I’ve seen that Israel lacks aircraft by a considerable amount, hence why I’m suggesting a vehicle for Israel’s air tech tree, which would be the MiG-21 2000!
The MiG-21 2000 is an evolution of the classic MiG-21 fighter aircraft, brought to more modern standards by the Lahav Division of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). This upgraded version has been meticulously designed to enhance the pilot’s experience (such as for example comfort, as normal MiG-21’s were quite cramped) and improve the aircraft’s performance.
The cockpit of the MiG-21 2000 has been completely redesigned to be more user-friendly. It now includes a head-up display (HUD), multifunction color displays at eye level, and hands-on throttle and stick control (HOTAS). It also includes a solid-state charge coupled device (CCD) camera. These enhancements address the limitations of the original MiG-21’s cockpit, which was known for being cramped and lacking in modern interface characteristics.
One of the standout features of the MiG-21 2000 is the Display and Sight Helmet (DASH) system. This innovative system allows the pilot to aim the aircraft’s weapons simply by looking at the target. The DASH system measures the direction of the pilot’s gaze relative to the aircraft and relays this information to the aircraft’s sensors, avionics, and weapon systems. While the original MiG-21 was a daylight interceptor without radar, armed with guns and missiles on two wing pylons, the MiG-21 2000 is an all-weather interceptor and ground attack aircraft.
The MiG-21 2000 doesn’t really have a lot of history, as its quite obscure (well, atleast for me). It was first showcased in 1993 at the Paris air show. Not a lot was shown, aside from a few weapons it could’ve carried, aswell as it’s upgraded Elta EL/M-2032 radar.
However in 1998, it had it’s first series of test flights at the Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, where it exceeded the original expectations.
It should be noted that the very first model of the MiG-21 2000 is a 21Bis that was bought from Nigeria!
The MiG-21 2000 somewhat went well into the future, being sold to Cambodia, Uganda and Zambia. Sadly the original IAI-304 MiG-21 2000 rots outside somewhere in Tel Aviv.
4-5 weapon hardpoints
1 GSh-23L with 200 rounds
Unguided rockets like S-24’s or UB-16-57’s
Only bomb i could find that it could carry are the Griffin LGB (i thought it needed to be buddy-lasered, but on the left side of the 2nd image, you can see a LITENING pod, which it probably carried)
Air to air missiles like the R-3S/R and Python 3/4
Derby (possible, as brochure mentions BVR capability)
In terms of specs, the MiG-21 2000 weights 5350kg empty with a max takeoff weight of 10500kg.
It features a wingspan of 7.154m, a wing area of 23m2, the length of 15.76m and lastly a height of 4.71m. Like all fighter variants of the MiG-21, it can only carry a single crewmember. In terms of engines, it still keeps the old R-25-300, giving it the engine power of 40.26 dry and with afterburner 69.63 kN aka 4100kgf dry and 7100 kgf with afterburner. This gives it the maximum speed of 2230km/h with a cruising speed of 1300km/h, aswell as a rate of climb of 15250m per minute and a maximum service ceiling of 18500m.
As I already mentioned, it can carry the Elta EL/M-2032 radar, which has multipurpose functions, like having high detection ranges for lots of areas like Air toAir detection and tracking range which goes up to 80 NM, an mode where it can do Air-to-Ground mapping, High Resolution Mapping and surface target detection up to 80 NM, aswell as Air-to-Sea detection, tracking and classification up to 160 NM. Of course it features a lot more other modes, however they will be contained in the image below!
MiG-21 2000 Fishbed Fighter Aircraft - Airforce Technology
IAI Mig 21 improvements and modernization program | Secret Projects Forum
IAI 304 | IAI 304 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21-2000 (N75085304) a… | Flickr
1993.06.070 LE BOURGET - MiG-IAI MiG-21-2000 (5902) | Flickr
K-13 (NATO: AA-2 Atoll) | Weaponsystems.net
Thanks a lot for reading! If you have any extra information about the MiG-21 2000, then feel free to share them in the replies, as information is quite limited on it! As always, have a good day :)