Air Simulator Battle Rewards

Like in 2024 or in previous years, a solution that would not cripple casual sim players could not be found. Gaijin just used those examples as an excuse to make the grind harder overall.


he just wrote his opinion on the current state of EC. what are you, a gaijin bot?

As I new comer to SIM (not the game), I absolutely agree with what you said. Sim is PvP the guys farming it as PvE are the negative influencers in the economy.
I may be new and might die quite a bit but how else will you get better? From what I have seen this weekend people dont struggle bomb bases or attach ground objectives.

My only complaint is that the 23ML should be at 11.3 not 11.0 lol

because you are new to Sim. Sim is not PvP but PvPvE. The AI air targets (Bombers, Attackers, Reconplanes) and the AI ground targets (Tanks, Guns, Bases and AFs) are mission objectives.

how should a developer react if you give the following feedback: “the people who execute ground mission objectives are all to blame!”
what should the developer do? remove all ground targets? move the mode to space?
the outcome will never be positive!

also the F-4S and F-4J should be 11.0 and not 11.3.

Due to how ARB is made. Sim is the best place for certain types of aircraft, especially strike aircraft/interdictors. I personally play a LOT of Jaguar, Buccanneers, Tornados and Harriers in SB, often targeting ground targets and where appropriate, avoiding the enemy team. Unlike in ARB, it is entirely possible to actually avoid the enemy team entirely, if you know what you are doing and hit only ground targets (which happens to be PvE)

So its making sure the rewards are still fair for these aircraft and not so low, its pointless to even try fly these aircraft (they previously nerfed many of these ground attackers by giving them insane repair costs which basically made them impossible to play without farming SLs in a premium first)

Ground targets have mixed levels of difficulty, with some quite dangerous and others no danger at all. It does vary from BR to BR and aircraft to aircraft.

We all have that complaint. Its insane


I never said those that go for ground objectives are to blame. However they need to add different objectives for ground attack aircraft/bombers. Instead of the mundane farming.
If the ML definitely doesn’t need to be at 11.0.


With the reward generally being inversely proportional to the danger/difficulty.

We have a quite variaty of ground targets, maybe they could add small unitsof tanks or troops scattered in the map, or add some bridges to be destroyed so you delay the enemy attack, but besides that, we have quite a lot of different targets: Small ground battles after the air supremacy event, caravans (deadly as hell at almost any tier, till you use some mavs), small bases and the main bases that cannot be destroy as easy as some years ago (bombers could ended the match in a matter of minutes). or what do you suggest? maybe it’s a great idea

I like to think that Sim players prefer to play any game the way they want. Just look at DCS Enigmas Cold War Server, some people love and do only attacks to ground targets while others just hunt fighters/attacker, some do both. It’s the same for some servers of IL2 Great Battles. Sounds similar? Just like WarThunder EC battles

The problem is you think that all bombers/attackers are doing it to farm, but not every sim pilot do that, at least not for me. If I want to “farm” SL, I´ll play sim ground battles as it doesn’t punish the players as EC and you can find more dogfights there than in EC at certain battle ratings. I can end up with between 60k to 300k SL per 15 to 30 min of battles without boosters in GB. Some of my GB matches are just to keep my F16C ´s battles, that costs me 15k SL for every spawn with very few rewards, even with premium I can just make between 10k to 30k per 1 to 2 hours of battle.

Im not going to lie, i miss the old days Sim random battles (like RB/AB) or WW2 weekly events, those were awesome and sometimes very frustrating when it was full of radar guided gunships bombers (the old days). You only had 1 live with a true DF match, but a lot of people cried and said that it was too fast paced, or that you could die quite early, or that it was harder to improve as the dogfights were insane and, at some tiers, it was infested by DF bombers (imagine a full team of Be6 dogfighting you). Not every game was perfect but it was great.



Yeah, that certainly is true. They could also add meaningful rewards for actually removing that danger, Make SEAD worth it

I have it with talisman, thats why high RP and low SL.
Now, according to images “base dañada” = “base bombing”, 100k RP in 1:13 hs vs 90k in 2:07 hs
6 landings ( 15 min useful actions ) vs 14 takeoff suicide bomber

Not saying that useful actions is good or rewards are good either, just showing the difference in gameplay style

Am I a good gaijing bot ? @Lieutenant_Camel

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I don’t. But I do know that the people who argue here that “farmers and abusers” are solely to blame for everything are always gaijin bots.

There are different ways the ground strikers go about things. If you fly out and hit bases and return to the airfield, then you will get great rewards. If you fly out, hit a base/airfield and then crash to get back to the airfield faster you won’t get great rewards.

If you intentionally crash and don’t have any flight time then it makes complete sense why you don’t get any rewards. Just think about how much it costed for repairs. Around 98k sl for repairs alone for the OP. Let alone the lost rewards due to short flyouts. That is the attempted abuse. The people who deliberately crash should, and do, get less rewards than players that fly out and rtb multiple times. That is the abusive mentality that people complain about. If you don’t play Air sim properly, you shouldn’t get as many rewards as people who do.

I just had a short game today where I played around 40 minutes. I used the Tornado IDS, and I killed a partial base and died a couple times and then had a 25 minute long life where I put 2 full bombloads on an airfield. I made 30k rp and 150k sl for 40 minutes. That doesn’t happen for strikers in Air Rb, especially right now with the rocket damage. Hitting two bases (with 12 1000lb bombs) in a single game is practically impossible at 11.0, and even hitting a single base with bombs using a striker is tough. That is using a supersonic striker, Harriers, A7s, A10s, Su25s, and the other subsonic strikers stand no chance in realistic.

Was that the Premium Tornado IDS?

Sounds a hell of a lot higher than I would in the Tornado Gr1 doing the same thing

Yea, I guess I should have been more specific.

Just double checking.

But yeah, I agree with what you’ve said. If anything I think the rewards for strikers needs to be tuned up a bit in SB. Taking out something like the Carrier rewards too little, and I would like to see other objectives become more rewarding (both in terms of actual rewards, and in terms of gameplay/beenfit to the team). Would insentive players going for those objectives over just dumping on an AF, like convoys or battlefields.

But also definetly more could be done to deal with AF Kamikaze. But needs to be done so without punishing everyone else

who cares what others earn? if you can make ends meet and earn enough yourself, that’s fine. these constant mutual “the other guy earns too much SL” accusations get on my nerves.
I don’t care if another player earns more than me. the silver lions don’t interest me at all. I have a cushion of 8 million. and I only fly here because I find military aircraft interesting. tactics, technology, fly. learn new things. I can also be happy about the success of others. silver liones only disturb. does not interest me.

By the way. All Gaijin wants to achieve with SL is that we players spend more real money and that we all compete against each other in a negative sense.
SL makes a flight simulator worse. SP for the techtree would be completely sufficient. SL is just a shitty psydo currency. In which real air force is there a “silver lion” as a tradition? none. it doesn’t even exist as an real emblem.

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The rewards are never coming back. Just enjoy the mode for the modes sake and grind in rb. Snail can’t even get the sim brs right. Looking at you f4f.

Except, you can’t win the game with PVP. The game requires actively participation in the PVE aspect. It’s a mixed mode with both having equal need. Simplifying it down to PVP only is unrealistic.

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I was specific in what I said and didn’t mention gameplay for a reason. I was speaking only about the mode itself, not gameplay. The basics of the mode stand true that it is, at the basic level, a PVP mode. I understand that PVE actions will win the game. That doesn’t take away from the fact that it is still a PVP mode in the aspect of having two player teams that can actively attack each other.