Grinding quickly is not abusing the system. Get that part right. ABUSE IS THE PROBLEM, not how the game’s free to play model works, not how silver lions work, nothing of the sort. ABUSE is the problem. When you have players exploiting game modes with bots to bypass playing vehicles they don’t want to, that is ABUSE. When people are selling bots to other players for that express service, that is ABUSE. When gameplay is deteriorated because of people exploiting things, that is ABUSE. Noone wants to see people ABUSING things in the game.
If the Sim game mode has much higher rewards for completing the same tasks, then it needs to be toned down for fairness. If this was DCS we wouldn’t be having this discussion because there is no progression. Warthunder is a game based on progression for everything. Researching vehicles with rp, researching modifications with rp, earning silver loins for purchasing vehicles and modifications, all of that is the core of this progression based system. No game mode should have vastly more rewards than the other unless the difficulty is much greater. That is why the Realistic modes make slightly higher rewards than Arcade. Realistic mode has harsher physics, no lead/drop indicator, and no spotting (or shorter range spotting in Air Realistic). Sim has harsher physics, no spotting at all (except for allies under 1km), no allies/enemies on the map, and requires the use of relative control or mouse joystick controls. That makes it more difficult than Realistic, and it gives more rewards as a result. There was a point where Sim had even higher rewards than it does now, and the community spoke out because it wasn’t fair.
You cannot take an attack plane like the A10A Late into Air Realistic and use it for its intended purpose. You are too slow to make it to any bases and bomb them, and you get jumped on by supersonic fighters as soon as you are spotted. Even planes like the Tornado IDS struggle to do appropriate bombing and ground attack in Air Realistic right now. Their speed/maneuverability with heavy payloads makes them prime targets for fighters. Grinding attackers in Ground/Naval as CAS is almost impossible with a stock plane as well. Especially in top tier with advanced SPAA and Helicopters with all-aspect heat seekers. Now in Sim, you can the the A10A Late, the A7s, Su-25s, Su-7s, Su-17s/22s, Harriers, Yak-38M, and any other strike plane and attack targets virtually unopposed. Yea, it happens where people in fighters will kill you, but not anything like Realistic or Mixed battles.
So yea, it makes sense that people got upset that you could grind out any plane with bombs/rockets so easily and rewards needed to be dropped some. I can tell you now that rewards in Sim are better than Realistic by a long shot. A takeoff, hitting two bases (or airfield in sim) returning to base, and landing is worth more in Sim than Air realistic. But guess which one is actually harder to complete that flyout in? Air Realistic by a long shot.
I played two games, one Sim and one Realistic with the Tornado IDS WDT61. Both are interim results before victory/loss additions. The Sim game (Dover Strait) I dropped 10 1000lb bombs on an airfield and came right back to an airfield and crashed prior to landing. I earned 8,494 RP and 31,997 SL (with 7.1k used for spawn) in 11 minutes and 26 seconds . There were two enemy planes in the game and I was never in danger of being attacked/destroyed. One key note to this game is that since I attacked an airfield and not 2 bases, I did not earn the reward for 2 base destroys. That did negatively effect the rewards for the sim game. This happened because two bases were not available on the map and I wanted to make each game resemble each other as much as possible. The game on Realistic (Southeastern City) I dropped 10 1000lb bombs on two bases (as airfields aren’t attackable). This earned 9,742 RP and 52,700 SL (free repair used, Would be around 47,00 with adjusted repair cost) in 7:45 seconds. There were 16 enemy planes, and I was within weapons range of 2 F-4S phantoms, 4 Mig23MLs, and a J8. One key note about this game was that I had to fly a route around the entirety of the map and two bases I wanted to attack were destroyed before I could bomb them and I had to bomb the right side two bases, and that I crashed attempting to land (that is why I crashed in the Sim game).
The Sim game I was never in danger and earned comparable rewards to a very rare Realistic game. By no means is the Realistic game repeatable as you can see +/-1 matchmaking, and destroying 2 bases and returning to the base is a rare feat at 11.0. The Sim game I picked the match and 11.0 was the highest battle rating allowed in the game. I could join any Sim game on another map and repeatedly do the same mission. I was honestly surprised that I could accomplish the Realistic game in one matchmaking session, but any other map and an uptier would have changed the outcome drastically and I would probably not be able to have another game like that for 10-15 matches.
I did this to show the difference within the modes. Sim is on massive maps, with very few players, and no spotting while Realistic is on much smaller maps, with 16 enemy players, with spotting. Realistic is a much more dangerous game mode when compared to Sim. So it makes complete sense that Realistic players would be upset that Sim players would get much more rewards for playing a much less dangerous game mode.