Air Simulator Battle Rewards

He’s right when he say that, air sim is probably the only mode where Bomber and Attacker can be played “properly”.
Air Arcade? Have fun. (and let’s not talk about reward in arcade even at high tier)
Air RB? Most match end in 4 to 5 mins. If not, 80% of a team is already dead. what can you expect of bomber or attacker at these Tier level?

Air Sim is the only mode when Bomber and Attacker can literaly have fun. For player crashing after they rocket/bomb run it is another problem which could solved if the Air Sim was updated.

Air sim need an overhaul, an update, because everyone is impacted currrently. Fighter, attacker and bomber. When 2 hours is more rewarding in air RB (bc how fast match end), than air sim, there is a problem .

Air simulator mode rewards are time based, not score based.

Well even on time based it’s not enough sadly
A pure fighter match

2 hours match, 20 kills, victory, end of match (by tickets), premium, no booster or talisman = only 57 000 rp. Just imagine the reward without premium, it just abyssal, for the player which worked for their kills.

Years ago a match like this would be easily x2/x3, even x4/x5 if booster was used. So even a no-premium player was rewarded in sim AIR, because at least Air sim was more difficult than air RB.

Now you are not even rewarded for playing this mode. We have to deal with the time consumption (for 2hours if not more) and we are not rewarded with the current abyssal reward. Everyone lose even if you do a good game.
Sim need to be more rewarding, but more harder to get the old reward modfier. Instead of the capped limit reward that we currently have to deal with.


As previously stated, rewards in the air simulator game are time-based. It makes no difference if you have 10 kills per minute or 1 kill per minute.

Sounds like a great idea to not reward people for their efforts…


I remember there was some major complaint in the forum not long ago about players racking up rewards too quickly in the air simulator mode through bombing. Perhaps you should express your concerns to those involved. :)

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Can’t imagine having an issue with earning rewards in Warthunder, imagine that.

Maybe they can do something for helicopters and give them RP for doing nothing opposed to giving them nothing.


But players that feel like god have

Just for you to no read whole non sense stuff haha
“a) removal of the research all previous tiers with 1 premium”
“c) reduce premium vehicles RP income and increase SL income from them”

My concern is with those who complain that other people are “earning too much” - that sort of tattle tale BS is the problem.

Reducing the rewards has only encouraged more people bot/farm more


Which seems to be more about the ODL issues that game ‘end’ too quickly rather than the research progression at least, which is an issue that needs to be addressed.

But this notion that people earn too much RP or SL and that it needs to be nerfed is the most inane thing.

I understand your point, then I will use my B17s to DF against Japanese Aircraft, or even against FW 190, I imagine that if I beat them in turn, or better to have more adrenaline, do DF to a MIG 23 or an enemy F4, true that for That’s what they were designed for, the simple fact of bombing or attacking the ground which is a stupid problem, if they are planes that act as a bombardment, why should they bother you, people who complain about players like me who only play for a while to lose time are what ruin things, because of toxic people like you, it is understandable that there are cheating people who use bots, and those are the problem of the community, not players like me who use the planes for what they were designed.

Now with my deaths and landings, if that mechanic exists then my rewards earned are understandable because this way you avoid suicide by not returning to the base, it is a good penalty, forcing the players to return to the base with the live planes, so you fight to survive if you are bombing like they do in the event of attacking and dying foolishly, in fact my 14 deaths were because I crashed, they shot me down and I preferred to die. That is a good excuse for me to force myself not to die foolishly. but they are right, many complain about playing roles that are not DF and those are the ones that harm that beautiful game mode, it was better with the appearance points that one earned to be able to use the cool planes in battle

So why did rewards for people like Yukichi (20 kills, zero - Z_E_R_O - bombing) have to be nerfed? Hmmmm.


I believe there was an official response explaining why rewards have been adjusted in the past, thus I may not be in a good position to answer that. However, from a personal standpoint and based on what I have personally seen (so please do not quote me on this), a lot of players have complained about “zombers” as well as certain players who rack up dozens of kills by farming each other in the air simulator mode. I will not comment on if these are interconnected since I am unsure about many things to give a direct answer, but this is what I have noticed.

And instead of dealing with the ‘actual’ issue, it’s just collective punishment in typical Gaijin fashion.

Love how Gaijin either ignores an issue, or takes the worst possible solution to an issue… like oh it’s kinda crappy that some nations get stock APFSDS and others do not… maybe give everyone APFSDS stock?
-Oh you mean give everyone stock HEATFS, sure.


The problem is that people took advantage of the previous rewards sim had. Just like they took advantage of naval rewards. Just like they used bots in Air RB. Those bots and people that would use sim for absurd amounts of gain is what caused sim to be what it is now. It is a ridiculous thing to go to sim and see people say “pve?” and then leave. That is why the rewards have gotten lower, because everyone wants it to be pve, but doesn’t want it to be pve level rewards. Bombing bases with no resistance shouldn’t be worth a huge reward. That shit is crazy at top tier sim with planes just rocketing airfields.


I started SIM a month and I absolutely do not understand this useful action thing. Even after reading the original 3 year old post. Would you like to explain it to me please?
For example I had a match with Draken XS. I went in, shot what I could, returned to base. After 2h and 30 minutes the match ended with me having 20 kills and 1 death. I landed at least 15 times.
The end score screen showed 1x landing.
I absolutely do not understand how it works or if I am doing something wrong.

that confirms exactly what I have always written above!


denunciators and criers to stop abuse have contributed to this with sentences like:
“Gaijin pls reduce this reduce that. other players earn too much mimimi!”

well!!! Gaijin has reduced! only differently than hoped for! the stop abuse screamers are partly to blame. we all know how Gaijin deals with Sim. with the crowbar.


You still haven’t understood.

You still want Gaijin to cut other players rewards because those players do something you don’t like.

but Gaijin will reduce your reward and mine! so keep yelling and thanks for the self-mutilation.


People are always going to try and maximize their RP gain when the Snail does everything to try and lower it, the grind is far beyond what you casually complete so if you can play Sim to progress faster, that’s what people will do.

But why you then don’t just lower the RP gain for those specific actions instead of, as usual, punishing everyone, is not something I understand.

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unfortunately that’s Gaijin’s mentality. which we always have to criticize.

but many people here always want that gaijin punish other players. and gaijin punishes!! but all players.

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Well yes i understand what you just said, truely.
But now i understand too (even if i not agree their use), why i still see some bot in Air sim. Because “It makes no difference if you have 10 kills per minute or 1 kill per minute.” so why bother doing this. Thanks to the capped reward time based, instead of score based (or another solution).