Right now I’m doing the event with the USA at 10.0 Ground (M3A3, Lav-AD, XM-1, MBT-70 and M1128), Germany 9.7 Ground and 12.3 Air (Rad, Leo L/44, Gepard 1A2 and Leo 2K and Mig-29G for Air) and USSR 11.7 Ground (T-90M, T-80BVM, Pants S1 and 2S38) and I’m getting really frustrated when playing GRB games. More than half the team is virtually useless. Their only point is to spend the enemy’s ammo.
3 matches ago I was on Maginot Line using the Rad 90, got 9 kills, capped the single point (in the middle) 2 times, we were winning and I suddenly get killed from behind. And I happen to take a look the the scoreboard. More than HALF the team with 0 kills, maybe an assist and at least a death, some with as many as 3 deaths (and 0 kills). The US, UK and France where on my team, so there’s no “GeRmAn MaIn SyNdRoMe”. How did they get to 9.7 with such low intelligence and 0 skills?
Same thing with the USSR, which is even worse since the match was a 11.7 game and again, more than half left with at most 2-3 assists, 0 kills, 0 caps and at least 2 deaths (at least they stick around more). Why are they 11.7? How did they get here without some skills a least? The answers is premium time/vehicle and too lax progression requirements.
What I propose is a) removal of the “research all previous tiers with 1 premium” thing (you can buy the Click Bait and research the entire tree… really?) b) implementing some kind of checks for reaching a rank/br (for example, cannot reach the VIth rank without let’s say 10K games or something and your most played vehicles at your tier (in this case 5th) being at most 1-3% in winrate below the norm, c) reduce premium vehicles RP income and increase SL income from them. Premium vehicles should be for making money, not progressing faster.
Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?