
didnt a lot of missiles also suffer quite badly from the heat and rain/moisture as well? Leading to quite a few malfunctions?

And that’s what baffles me.
There’s like >11.000 Mig21s build and considerable portion had SPO10.
Anyone who flew Bis, in particular, must know how SPO10 works.
GJ gives fantasy FMs to Yaks and Lalas of WW2, which don’t have anything to do with reality, but when it comes to such an ordinary thing, like a RWR on Mig21, they pull 180 and do something inexplicable. It’s a nonissue.
This is why I’m certain it’s just an ad hoc measure to silence the 60MK outcry.
I mean, I reported the issue, added Bis manual, but it doesn’t explicitly say it picks up PD radars, because noone ever thought that needed to be accented separately. GJ’s explanation is that PRF, somehow, has anything to do with that, but it’s nonsense. I’m sure it’s “game balancing” issue.

That’s all fine and dandy, but >90% of the time?? Cmon…

Perhaps it doesn’t. Usually manuals mention features of the system they are covering. Would be a bad manual otherwise.

If you submitted a manual that has the mentioned RWR and it’s features in it, and the Mig-21s used to be able to pick up PD radars, then reports of the manual not stating that it could pick up those radars may be the reason it lost that ability.

MFG…4xR60Mk from point blank at a Phantom at M0.5/6 and all 4 misses and a 24T switched lock from a tracked F4 in burner to a Su25 with baby engines. Ofc, a single 9G from another F4 tracked true.
This isn’t stupid, this is a parody of a game.

Seriously GJ, can we get (th)“Under Show”, were we can sand all that dumbest trash that you managed to program into this laughable game?

This is the Pinnacle post of and entire thread that just screams skill issue


This could be accurate to the PK of the R-60Mk. Not very fun when all of your missiles miss, and you want that to be the norm. Nice logic again.

The 24T did the right thing because the F-4S tops out at around 1250 degrees Fahrenheit at full afterburner while the Su-25’s engines are at around 1400 degrees Fahrenheit. Usually things looking for large IR signatures go for the things giving off the larger IR signatures.

…says a guy with 33% WR and <2:1 kill ratio in MLA.

Says the guy with a negative k/d in the Mig-21bis. Just admit that you’re bad with the Mig-21bis and stop trying to make the things you die to worse so you can be better. I’ll admit I’m bad with them, but that is down to my own skill and preferences, not the airframe.

Y’know, for as long as you have played WT, you would think you would know that winrate means absolutely nothing in Sim. The only metric that shows is how often you play on the side of zombing Phantoms. Given at one point it believe the Pact average was about 10% I think 30 holds up pretty well.

It is a 2-1 KD in the MLA, better flight performance means I’ll take more questionable dogfights because it’s fun.
Also conveniently ignoring the just shy of 3-1 rate in the MiG-23MF, a worse aircraft, or the 3-1 in the MiG-21MF, or the nearly 5-1 in the MiG-21BiS, which is what you are currently whining about.

Late to the topic, but SS.11 (should) be immune to optical jammers such as T-90A ‘Shtora’ and EIREL on AMX-30 BRENUS. MCLOS missiles are manually flown into the target by the gunner, thus the only jamming possible is an extremely bright/focused visible light to literally blind the operator. MG fire will also work IRL.

In game, and for all helicopter mounted MCLOS missiles (AGM-12, SS.11, AS-12 and etc) are modeled to be SACLOS and thus vulnerable to optical jammers from ground vehicles. I have not tested to see if these jammers actually function against these weapons when employed from a helicopter, though. They shouldn’t, but they also shouldn’t be SACLOS guided (following your crosshair).

You have worse stats then me in MLA (and it’s my 3rd jet fighter ever), so if anyone here has a skill issue here, its you. Period. Interestingly enough, you have both, better kill ratio and WR in your AIM7 Phantoms, which tells me you’re nothing but a US fanboy. As for your +Mig21Bis stats, 20% WR!? :D What were you doing? Sitting above the airfield and killing all the AI attackers and bombers? I bet you didn’t notice how does the R60 work, since AI doesn’t flare nor maneuvers.

Moreso Aim7 successfully scores a kill 3 seconds after launching plane is destroyed.
That’s some sekrit SARH.

I’m not the idiot moaning about how AIM-7s are functioning correctly, yet I have the skill issue… LMAO the jokes write themselves.

Lmfao someone is soft


Look, I’ve tried to be civil about this…Aim7 isn’t working correctly and that’s factual.
We have Aim7 Pk to corroborate this and I have replays where Aim7 kills after the illuminator gets killed itself. Now, I could go and dismantle your whole virtual ID and I will, if moderators don’t deal with you fist, since you’re not worth a ban. Let’s give them a minute first.

If probability of kill mattered, the R-27ER would be literally useless (iirc it had a PoK of 2%).

Cool, you can open an R27ER thread and post your observations there. This one is about AIM7.

But for the sake of an argument…what’s your rationale?
If R27ER is fucked, so it’s ok that AIM7 is fucked too, or what?
Do you realize that GJ’s “approach to the problem” is exactly like this and that led to the sate of the game it is in, now?

Then submit a bug report

But if we start to model things “realistically” Then i hope you enjoy gunfighting in your Mig-23.

Well, that’s the point.
Even AIM120 had a Pk around 0.5-0.6 in Serbia '99., so even today, many, if not most fights will end up shooting guns. This is Simulator, so yeah, I’m gonna shoot guns, not because I love or hate Russkies or Yanks, but because this mode should represent RL. When I switch to US/Western equipment, I’m probably gonna shit on Soviet/Russian stuff too, again, not because of feelings, but because of a gameplay, which is erroneous for a simulator mode, at the present state, but for now, I don’t have complains…quite the contrary. 60Mk and 24T severely underperform, but I need to do some more testing.

I’m saying that Gaijin does not care about PoK at all, so regardless of PoK irl it won’t affect how Gaijin models missile performance.