Yea. I asked what the actual difference between the Aim7F and M were since the stat cards were the same and they said the seeker was different but that it didn’t matter anyway.
The first Bradley specifically, IS affected by IRCM dazzlers. Yes it’s wire guided, but the missile has an IR flare in the tail of the rocket that the controller on the vehicle looks for to steer the missile. This is fixed on Tow-2s by having 2 flares at different wavelengths.
I’m assuming the S.11 would be in a similar situation? Is this also true for the ITOW as well?
Yes. And for the HOT missiles fired from helicopters.
Well then. Thanks for the interesting info, I have a post to edit.
Saturating the beam with chaff eg. isn’t “random” and I have yet to see AIM7 fail.
There’s a laughable garbage in F14s with AIM7 shooting from the deck killing everyone because AIM7 has clutter filter and that’s a good gameplay? Bravo. That’s much better.
Yeah, it’s accurate when it fits GJ’s agenda and when it doesn’t, it’s a “gameplay”, right?
Getting shot down because GJ decided SPO can’t pickup Doppler radar is a very good video game enjoyment…
Didn’t say it was.
No it’s fairly accurate all around with changes made for balancing purposes to facilitate gameplay in a combat game with a distinct lack of infantry and emplaced air defense systems.
Ahh, it makes sense now. You want Aim7s nerfed so you don’t die to them in your Mig-21s that don’t carry SARHs that are worth anything. Also, noone enjoys dying in combat games, get over it like everyone else.
Look, Mig23 vs F4 with R23/24 vs AIM7E is good gameplay.
Throwing F14 into this isn’t and yet GJ is permanently doing shit like that, so no.
The game isn’t balanced. In fact, it’s imbalanced.
Only if the F-14 was 11.7 and so 50% of the time it was uptiered to fight 12.7 aircraft. leaving the Mig-23MLDs to totally dominate the 11.3 bracket…
Hang on a second
Ah, so you don’t understand the BR/matchmaking system either. The Mig-21bis-SAU which is the only Mig-21 you’ve seemed to play is balanced at 11.0 and should be much more on par with other 11.0s. The F-14A is an 11.7 and should be much stronger than the Mig-21bis-SAU because it is at a higher battle rating. The matchmaker has 4 top BR slots in any game so you have a 75% chance to be lower than the top BR in that game, let alone before plugging in BR popularities and peak times for countries into the mix. In sim, you can literally pick when you want to play your 11.0 for maximum strength with the BR rotations.
Yep, its the beauty of the SB brackets. I hate when the Sea Harrier FRS1 is forced to fight Mig-23MLDs. but its great fun when its not.
(though tiny but with that. No 11.0 brackets currently. 11.0 and 11.3 are the same thing essentially at the moment)
Mig23 doesn’t dominate anything. Ppl playing US are just lazy and dumb (sry but they are and that’s a story beginning in R4) and they expect everything handed to them on the silver platter. That’s all. We had a perfectly good game before F14s showed up…but ok, let’s say that’s somehow a “good gameplay”…so how’s then maiming SPO10 (taking ability to fight F14 away) a “good gameplay” too?
How’s it good gameplay to have to deal with IRCM on the Su-25T/Su-39?
How’s it good gameplay to have to try and fly and fight hte Harrier Gr7 with no radar at 11.7?
How’s it good gameplay to continuously have to try and evade Mig-23MLDs in the Tornado Gr1 (which is apparently worthy of the exact same BR)
The Mig-23MLDs comes along and totally ruin “good Gameplay” for those of us who enjoy the Tornado IDSs.
Down with progressing vehicles and technology in the game! BRING BACK SPO10 POWER!!! I want biplanes with pistols to be the most advanced aircraft in the game! The Mig-21 can kill those easy…
It’s a shit gameplay too, I agree…put them to 12.0, or so.
Gr.7 isn’t supposed to fight fighters and it also belongs to 12.0, or so.
Well, I’m doing it too. It’s called gameplay.
IDS isn’t fighter and neither is Gr.7, so they’re outta equation and have other things to do in game.
F4 and Mig23 are fighters.
Well then, you can avoid F-14s with Aim7s too.
So aircraft that are totally unable to defend themselvs should be uptiered to fight even stronger fighters because they arent meant to dogfight?
What the hell is the logic in that?
But fine then. Fighting Mig-23MLDs in the Sea Harrier FRS1 is totally unfair and not fun. The Sea Harrier is sub-sonic and has no BVRs. Mig-23MLD should move up in BR to 12.7 for “good gameplay”
The same logic that facing F-14s with Aim7s is unacceptable but facing Mig-23MLs with R27s is fine.
I had 10 months of fighting Mig-29s with R-27ERs in the Tornado F3 with 0 respite. Hes complaining about fighting the F-14 (to be honest, not really that OP of a jet) 50% of the time