
Yep, they also had issues with many of the cockpit instruments and avionics in the Sea Harrier. So the solution to that, was to remove then, wrap them in cling-film and then put them back in again.

I highly recommend the “Harrier 809” book for bits like that

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Well, it reads SIMULATOR BATTLE in the menu, so I figured…you know…

Gameplay that makes sense is more important than mirroring real life statistics. Simulator mode or not, matching missile performance to real life missile makes no sense because weapon/airframe maintenance/deterioration does not exist in the game and it would do nothing but frustrate players for no reason. Imagine flying out an F-4E an average of 3 times to have a single missile hit a target, even more if the enemy can chaff once. Great idea for gameplay.

Video game designed for enjoyment, not a simulator designed to mimic real life accurately.

Must’ve been a big bread oven

Its an aircraft carrier, lots of sailors to feed


The thing is, the game does mirror the real life performance of missiles and their guidance systems. It does not model maintenance failures, which is mostly where his statistic comes from, and the other part is his statistic includes missiles fired out of envelope, which similarly produces a miss in game

Yeah, learn to use guns. The enemy will need to.
This is stupid and I can’t have SPO10 (on Bis) picking up Doppler radars because … reasons (gameplay)?

Where’s the line?
When everybody is turned into complete morons because…“fun”?

Do you keep it in a bread box until ready to put on aircraft?


Sorry that was a really crummy joke 😂

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Missile failures aren’t modeled. That’s why USSR is playable. Early missiles had dismal PKs because they were crap and stuff just wouldn’t work properly.

If memory serves, the R-27ER for example had a kill ratio of like 9%


But how do you model those failure rates?

Guranteed that X number of missiles fail?

Well now you’d just do what they did IRL and ripple fire missiles. You still die, the F4 now has to RTB far more often annoying them like hell

Random RNG chance a missile will fail?

Well now you could be stupidly unlucky and never have a missile work. How does balancing work for an aircraft that is suppose to have 4 sparrows but can sometimes just randomly have none.

Modeling “failure rates” just doesnt work in any game. For any semblence of balance or gameplay, best case scenario vs best case scenario should be the norm.


It’s likely that it was notched and it lost lock, not that it was flared

Yes, the missile also has a Doppler gate, it’s like ±20m/s. Works just like an aircraft radar.

That’s the only way I could think of. And depending on crew level more/less would fail, sense you know, they’re the one’s also producing them😂

Yep, it would just be an overly messy system

Yeah. If I had a level 5 crew then 9 out 10 missiles fail. Then when when this happens you send crew to gulag for screwing up and get the next crew started making and fitting the missiles. Of course the crew rank restarts everytime a new group is brought it, so it’ll just end up depending on player patience 😂

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It does not mirror them. It has good representations, but is not true to life. A great example is the multipathing that provides absolute immunity at lower altitudes from radar guided missiles. Or how Helicopters (at any BR) aren’t lockable by all aspect IR systems on jets or SPAA beyond 2km.

Or how about what @Morvran said:

That isn’t mirrioring real life. They have been adjusted for balance…

Yes, make missiles fail at random because it happens in real life due to cimcumstances that cannot be replicated in game. Lets do that for everything, right? Random engine failures, radar failures, IFF system failures, missle/rocket motor failures, bomb release failures, make gun/bombs sights have inaccuracies, just make everything fail at rates in real life aircraft. That sounds like a great way to make a game fun. Want to take off with using your afterburner? Oh no, the stress on the engine caused a compressor failure and now you can’t fly out and need to pay the full SL cost because it’s a major repair thay can’t be fixed.

Let me say this again. Warthunder is not a true to life simulator. Everything in game is not 100 percent accurate to real life. Warthunder is a vehiclular combat video game for enjoyment.

How about removing NVDs and TVDs from all top tier Russian tanks. Giving them extremely limited amount of ammo and having them run out fuel a few minutes into every match. :P

One of my favorite things I’ve encountered in tanks is that early wire guided missiles are somehow effected by IRCM systems on the T-90A even though they don’t use IR guidance. I found this out in test drive on the early guided missile carriers like the Bradley and RakJPZ 2. It’s things like this that really drive home the “mirroring” of real life weapon characteristics.

How this works for the early ATGMs has been explained to me. Very interesting stuff.

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Yep. Or all SARH missiles getting Inverse mono-pulse seekers. I dont think the soviets got those until like the R-27ER