Your SPAA Wishlist for the Next War Thunder Update!



Another goldie would be the Bergepanzer 38t

Mounted with a 2cm Flak gun. Shown off at Tankfest 2024.


The second to last pic is of the rare Marenco M114, a rare conversion of the M114 into a FSV done by the El-Salvadoran Army during the El-Salvadoran Civil war

Interestingly enough it uses the Zastava M55A2 20mm AA autocannon

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50 mm FlaK 41 on the Daimler-Benz Lastkraftwagen 4500A
It has ~118 mm of penetration

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I’m sure this has been suggested before, but the T249 Vigilante would be an excellent addition to the US Tech Tree.

3 times as many T249s were built as ZSU-37-2s, yet the latter is already in the game. I wondered if part of the reason is due to lack of easily-available information on the T249’s gun and ammunition, so I took it upon myself to use the data that is publicly available to try and rectify this:
This source gives the muzzle velocity and the approximate dimensions of the round. The 37mm M1 gun uses ammunition with an almost identical case, and the bullet itself looks similar in shape to a 6.5 Creedmoor bullet, so using the mass of the M54A1 shot and the 6.5 Creedmoor ballistic coefficient we can get a ballistics table using this calculator. This gives us a muzzle energy of 255 kilojoules, and an energy at 2000 meters of 44.887 kJ. Plus a suggestion for this particular vehicle has already been submitted on the forums.

I’d also like to see the T77 multiple gun motor carriage in the game, because more .50-cals = more gooder.

The T77 has also been suggested on the forums before.

Both of these vehicles use existing in-game chassis (T249 on the M113, and T77 on the M24), and neither feature sophisticated elements like radar, so they should be fairly simple to implement.


Doesn’t the T249 carry so little ammo it runs out after like a second of squeezing the trigger? Would be completely unusable unless you’re standing on a cap.

Yes, it only has a 192 rounds magizine, while it has a rpm of 3000. This means you can shoit for 4 seconds.

so it’s a fantasy. then I’ll delete it. what a pity, “kastenbrust” lovers would be happy.

G6-HVM (for Great Britain via South Africa)


Please, vote Yes if you would like to see this in-game: G6-HVM - Bird swatting Rhino


Still the best SPAA in the universe



I understand we’re all used to guns and missiles at this point, but we have the future of warfare at our disposal! Introducing the LVTP-7 MTU (Mobile Test Unit):

It’s simply an AAV with a 30kW CO2 laser capable of downing aerial targets, and reportedly even TOW missiles. What was its range? I don’t know! How effective was it? I still don’t know!


Looks like something from GTA 5 or Battlefield 2042

any italy spaa for top tier will be good I think

Fingers crossed for Romanian OSA coming🤞

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This has AHEAD rounds developed just for it BTW.
Remember seeing this thing in person and posting pics to forum.


I am sorry to say but OSA is definitely not top tier worthy

Not top br, but imo should be about 11.0.

if it’s a AKM, it would be suitable, max 15km range, slower but lasting booster provides much longer operational range.
early version would just be a Soviet Roland