Your 3 Favorite Planes, with Explanation on 1

i hate it when my P-51 has trouble going supersonic

I have a lot of planes I really love. These are my top 3:
Horten 229
F4D-1 Skyray

The Horten taught me so many of the skills I now know, such as:

  • Energy fighting
  • Turn fighting
  • Conserving energy
  • Dodging

I proceeded to apply all of that knowledge in many other planes to great success.
The Ho 229 is so flexible I can take on Sabres and Mig-15s relatively comfortably.
Props have no chance.

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I was in a prop battle the other night and while taking off the runway, and gaining altitude, there was some type of P39 climbing at a really good rate. I do not know what it was because I was busy myself, but I was really surprised because they are usually pretty heavy, maybe a prem?
Im a big fan of a good climb rate, because it allows you to get in a position where you can use your gained energy better.
Thank You

I was actually thinking about your reply and wanted to share something, I love Zeros as well.
I have watched Saburo Sakai in interviews on YouTube (Japanese Ace), and tried some of the maneuvers he spoke about in my Zeros in game and Gaijin has modeled that pretty well.
Saburo Sakai has a hell of an interesting story by the way. Im from the US, but I admire warriors, no matter the country they are from.

F-4EJ Kai, AV-8/Harriers, Alpha Jet A/TH

I love all the Harriers, so when I (Japan Main) saw the AV-8S (Early) as a pre-order? I got that immediately. I grinded most of ground in order to use this for a 9.7 Ground lineup, and its so good. 16x Zunis + Mk82, direct hits kill almost every Tank. AIM-9Ps can be inconsistent but I love VTOL in a Dogfight, slinging my missile and winning the engagement while spinning in place. I haven’t unlocked the AV-8S Late, but I imagine I’d love it just as much (despite technically being in a harder BR

That sounds really fun. I have a lot of planes above BR 12 with fantastic ground load outs, inc…the A10a at 10.3 (which I hear is not really good in game for ground lol)…
But the problem is I have been playing since 2012 I think, Beta, and I only have planes, I have tried tanks on test drives on the prems, just to get a taste of tank battles, but its not for me. I wish I liked it but it reminds me of Atari. But, in order to use my planes against ground you have to have a tank.
F16A for instance, I suspect it would be a real killer in a ground battle…
Thank you for contributing mate, and good luck. Btw, Harriers are hard to kill when youre on their six, because they have a crazy roll rate lol.

You technically do not need a tank to use planes. You can spawn in a Helicopter (with half-full ordinance), get 2 (maybe 3) kills, spawn in a Plane w/ dumb bombs/rockets or maybe 2 AGMs. I found ground really boring, up until 6.0~ Japan. Other tech trees are much better at a lower rating (Germany is great in almost every rating, Sweden too, America is decent, etc.)

The A-10A at 10.3 is lethal, with so many countermeasures a lot of planes cannot lock it (most run Fox2 over Fox1), and you can fire AGMs before enemy SPAA can lock you. If they do, its usually a weak missile (Type 91, Ozelot, Gepard 1A2) or guns (Gepard, Type 87), both of which you can shake off.

Thank you for the the info Zulyla…I have a very good record in A10a in realistic battles, but its because I have many BR 13 planes and I know what the countermeasures, the aim9ls , and the lack of experience will work in air rb 10.3 battles…I always wondered how it would do in Combined Battles