Yak 38 fits fine in battle rating of 9.0

They took the training wheels for the Yak-38 VTOL all the way off and put them on the Harrier lol

Yep, a rare change, Usually the other way round. though the Yak-38 was a soviet attempt to photo-copy a harrier, so not entirely surprising it was worse in some aspects.

It would have been better if they increased the surface area of the wings and made the rear engine a little higher thrust.

Was a victim of the late USSR economic issues/collapse right?

It was mostly a victim of Soviet Propaganda.

“Oh look! We built a VTOL aircraft, we are better than the west!”

Ah, yeah, they did that a lot. But they used cheap toner in the photo-copier

Either that or they tried to use the good ole’ drawing technique of tracing.

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How is it “uncontrollable”?

if yak cant dodge missiles, why would other aircraft have to?

What does this even mean?

in 9.0 will sometimes face 8.0 slow with no flare and yak has 30G r-60 AAM so if you play for example
R2Y2 8.0 max speed from 600 to 700 KM/h with no AAM or flare what can it do vs 30G r60 I know the yak is not good it BR but it will destroy 8.0 be to and look for gr-1 with no flare and short ring AAM less than 1km missile and its 9.7 we need to rise BR to fix it and sorry for my bad English

In VTOL, the two fan engines produce more thrust than the rear nozzles, so if you try any maneuvers with it… SPIN!

yak 38 cannot dodge missiles, it has no flares and turns worse than most bombers

as you said, its a compression issue

but here’s a thing - although 8.0 aircraft may not be able to do anything against yak 38, thats a FULL uptier, so they will not face it most of the time. besides, yak 38 get outpreformed badly by other 9.3 aircraft.

You have speed, don’t turn in the first place, make a missile run instead of, idk, forcing turnfight?

oh right! how didnt i think of that! you too can surely outrun my 30 g missiles instead of idk, forcing turnfight? 🤡

cmon bro, do you think im dumb? it doesnt work.

See this is the same kind of behaviour that pulls P-63A-5 to 3.3.
The fact that you can’t make good use of your plane doesn’t oblige me to deal with your skill issue, At it’s current BR you’re facing R2Y, a plane with barely speed and at best spitfire Griffon level of turn ability, Sabres that can’t accelerate at all, MiG that cant move in high speed, and a lot of jet that doesn’t have answer to nigh-supersonic plane with 4 R60.

If you can’t sidescrape and flank the enemy, it’s skill issue, plain, simple, honest.

here are my stats for french vehicles which i started to grind recently, notice i have 3 kd ratio for F6F as well as VB 10 C-1

when i say that yak 38 is a brick im not kidding, there is no “flanking the enemy”, even if i get on their tail, many games on 9.3 are full uptiers because of F-5C spam, so 80% of aircraft ill face already have flares, merely sneaking up to them is not enough, i’d also have to remain unnoticed until the R-60 makes it to them and kills them (this means being no longer than ~1.5 km away from most enemies + almost perfectly on their tail).

as if that wasnt bad enough, yak 38 has no guns mounted on it, surely, there is a modification that adds a gun on its belly, but mounting it sacrifices great deal of acceleration and maneurability, making an already bricky aircraft even brickier, thus making the gun insanely hard to aim.

This means that most aircraft ill face in even slight uptier, will be immortal to my armament, and if that wasnt bad enough, they outpreform me in every aspect.

the yak 38 simply doesnt belong to tiers higher than 9.7 and no lower than 8.3, and since full uptiers/downtiers are rare, this makes aircraft perfect on 9.0

also let me mention: im fully aware that 8.3 and some 8.7 aircraft will already struggle against yak 38, but so will yak 38 against 9.3 and 9.7 aircraft.

It utilizes VTOL fine. learn the platform.


Either way, its clunky as hell.

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yeah but it does not need a buff.