Xbox t flight hotas saved control glitch

hi, i have used the t flight hotas one on my xbox for a long while now, but, all of the sudden every time i close the game my control binds switch (for example i fire the guns with the y button and not with the default button) this causes that every time i start the game i have to bind the default controls in the setup wizard. this has messed up every saved control scheme i have.


Known and multiple times addressed issue:

Gaijin is busy with other things, the bug report is not processed:

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yea i had to rebind all my controls then save the profile for that set up. I know have normal, MK sim controls and stick sim controls. I just have to load up the save for what ever im doing.


You play on xbox?

The problem on xbox is that even saved set ups are overwritten every time you launch the game…


I use to but i moved it over to PC. You can still play on PC with your xbox account until you unlink them. I think you can still rename the save file on xbox if i remember correctly

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Thx for trying to help but the OP described the current issues whilst playing on xbox with the certified HOTAS - that’s why i assumed that (based on the feedback you provided) you found a solution for the xbox issue.

Playing on PC is just circumventing the issue.

Have a good one!

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