WW1 era Brainstorming Ideas Thread

i love it i was putting planes in for premium vehicles as a incentive to add them as gaijin could make money

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Dude - seriously plz look up actual aircraft performance data and gain some experience in aerial warfare in wt & aviation history. Repeating your points just by using other words make no sense if you refuse to change your perspective.

You construct things and scenarios which either could also be used as counter argument for your assumptions or are flat out not viable or factually wrong.

A few examples:

  1. If you assume a time span from take off to the first merge of 6 minutes and you look up some performance data you find out that the average WW 1 fighter would end up at ~ 2 km altitude, whilst a plain simple Nimrod or Ki-10 reserve fighter is at least 1.5 km higher.

    In order to dodge incoming aircraft the WW 1 has to dive to pick up the necessary speed as climbing would make him a more or less stationary targets vs planes 2 times faster.

  2. After multiple passes there is no altitude left to pick up speed - and an aircraft with twice the speed and climb has just sitting ducks as targets - there is no turn without sufficient air speed.

  3. Even if your assumption “the average player can’t aim for their life” would be correct and WW 1 aircraft and current reserve tier fighter would perform exclusively head-ons you have to consider the number of actual forward firing guns (like a lot of British WW 1 fighters had just 1) and their RoF. The RoF of ~ 500- 600 rpm in WW 1 increased up to 1.350 rpm (MAC 1934) for reserve tier fighters.

  4. Plain simple: The burst mass of bullets exchanged can be at least 2 times higher whilst on to top the number of guns can be 4 times higher. Statistically a severe disadvantage for WW 1 aircraft.

  5. There were no MiG 15s in the Vietnamese air force - and the rather high losses of US aircraft were a result of the RoE (= Rules of Engagement - look it up) and rather smart usage of MiG 17s & 21s - and not because F-4s were eager to turnfight with better turning but way slower aircraft like the MiG 17.

  6. Fights between F4Us and MiG 15s happened in Korea. There is a single incident of a MiG 15 kill by a F4U - whilst 3 Corsair losses to MiG 15s were admitted. Totally irrelevant compared to ~ 350 total Corsair (all variants USN and Marines) losses due to enemy action.

I kindly ask you to think about these few things - i am in general with you that it not impossible to kill a Nimrod with a WW 1 prop - but if you only chance is that your enemy makes severe mistakes whilst you make everything right there is not point in continuing with this discussion.


even then 90% of the time you wont have to fight them anyways so it doesnt really matter as if they are added they will never face them unless they get a full uptier as they will be 0.0 0.3 or 0.7 and everything will be moved up in br by like 1 or 2 brs very simple,
most ww1 props for example came equiped with higher caliber machine guns if neccasary to engage artillery spotting balloons most late war planes had 2 machine guns similar to nimrod few had 3 but not common early ww1 fighters later in the war often just mounted a machine gun on the upper wing

you could just you know make call outs to your team as if you are in a full uptier in a ww1 plane your bound to have teamates so just use your wood and canvas turnrate and dodge the incoming enemy till teamates arrive to support this is a team based game after all

WW1 would be the new reserve br and it would eventually switch over two inter war then ww2 then cold war and modern aircraft
they completely swapped around 11.7 to 9.0 to reduce compression it should be fine as they can do the same for low tier

So you think changing the BRs of some 2000 vehicles is “very simple”? . . . not in the slightest. IF they decide to add WW I vehicles, it should only be for aviation. We already have ships in naval from that era, so no need to create anything different for them. Tanks are simply a no go for the fact there was very little tank on tank combat with the vehicles from that era. They were largely infantry support . . . we don’t have infantry . . .
And as for aviation, you can’t simply just “make room” at the bottom for those planes and no, in no way would it be good to mix them with the current low end planes we already have. The bottom planes already have bad matchmaking with bi-planes fighting much faster single/fixed wing planes of much greater speed and power, not to mention the ones with 20mm guns fighting what literally is the equivalent of “peashooters” of rifle calibre machine guns. Things are already messed up with smaller bi-planes being dragged up into higher BR matches where they have crazy speed and climb rates totally unrealistic to their actual performance. They maintain speed and distance on planes that irl would just fly away from them. Much of that is all due to liberties taken for the sake of game play.
IF we get WW I aircraft, it should be at least 90% fighters, or more . . . the bombers of that era were big and slow and will be easy targets for anything in the air. And with the bomb loads they might get, simply cannot just make it like the game designs we are currently using.
As suggested, a more thorough look at the planes and their performance capabilities AND considering how we can use them in games that will be both fun and on an even keel competitively . . well, it will not be “simple” . . . these things as well as the work Gaijin will need to do to pick and then model enough different planes for us to play games with. . . well, it will be a LOT of work. For the players, especially those using this thread, to make “constructive” suggestions for vehicles as well as possible game modes for them, we need to be thoughtful and reasonable with our ideas and not just throw out a crapton of wishlisting. Every single vehicle we put out there should meet a standard: will it be reasonable to use in a WW I mode and can it be made by Gaijin without too much work involved to make it.
While Gaijin needs revenue for this sort of thing, everything can’t be a premium either, the game is still F2P.
Just some things to consider, in my opinion. And yes, I very much would like to see these planes in the game and to engage in the original style of dogfighting that everything we do in the game now has come from . . I think it would be awesome . . . . if done right.


But it is simple. What’s the difference between negative BR and changing BRs of current machines? No difference. Separate techtree and game mode don’t make sense, another dead mode nobody cares about.


theyve done it before for compression reasons they can do it again its tedious but not hard all you gotta do is give give every plane a br increase only difference is the numbers everything will be the same its just br will go up for top tiers to 16.0

they have a way of genrerateing revenue the only planes i suggested for premium vehicles where 1 OFF prototypes which would be new reserve premiums things like camels and fokker triplane would techtrees along with se5, the PROTOTYPES could be premiums not to mention WW1 vehicle games dont exist really on console and are limited on pc so they be making tons of money tapping into the niche market there closest competetor would be BF1 which is alright but nothing to worry about

and i already said armament isnt a problem as they could have extra 7.7 machines guns the nimrod for example has two 7.7 machine guns majority of ww1 late war fighters had these aswell they where slightly slower firing some fighters had 11mm machine guns called balloon busters which used incidenary rounds

You assume too much . . . .

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i call it being hopeful

That’s cool, but wishful thinking and being practical/pragmatic are not always the same thing . . . I was just pointing that out is all . . . not an attack or anything personal.

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Ah yes WW1 engineering at it’s finest a rally car pulling a bazillon ton cargo vessel truly a marvel of man.

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Wonder if you have faced the i153 spam on reserve before it went up. With mouse aim and low speeds, not much skill is needed to spray 7mm on a 100kph ish climbing craft, who can pull to break itself in dives - fly in RoF and see how limited WW1 planes are in verticals. It’s far from Zeros vs Mustangs


thats why there’s supposed to be a solid border between WWI and Interwar planes


Well people… Gaijin got ahead of us on this one. Here’s their new trailer for Aces of Thunder (their VR simulator).


It looks great, I can’t wait for it to finally come out. Hopefully the models ported over into War Thunder.

I believe the same engine is used for both games, that said I wouldn’t bet on it being ported. As many pointed out before, WW1 combat loses a lot of its charm in Arcade and Realistic battles because of the simplistic nature of the flight paired with the third person camera and the unreal manoeuver one can pull in the game. It’s not surprising that they chose their VR game for this reveal, it is the best place for immersive slow paced highly tactical combat like that.

That said, nothing’s out of reach. I’m hopeful, just as you, that they’ll consider expanding in WT.


I didn’t really want to play a whole separate game . . . and I don’t enjoy Sim that much(tanks are ok, but not the planes) mainly because of the cockpit only restriction and I don’t really do VR(not yet anyway).
So a whole new game, to start from scratch, with these “limitations” isn’t really what I was looking for myself. There are already a great deal of these games out there already, we don’t really need another one. Especially with “elitism” carved on it’s forehead.
Hopefully they are using the same Dagor engine and these things can be ported over here as well. I really want to fly WW I aircraft in WT . . . maybe without the near Tail Spin speeds they have forced on us in AB mode, and certainly not in a “one & done” format they use for RB . . . heck, why not bring back a “Historical” mode for WW I & give it some mechanics that are not so far fetched and over sped up like WT has become . . . remember, faster is not better, it’s just faster, that’s all . . . something I would hope the Devs come to realize at some point.
We can always hope, but it looks like making money trumps player’s wants, wishes & desires . . . yet again.
Sorry to sound like a naysayer, I want WW I aircraft as much as anyone, but I can’t help being pragmatic as well . . .


Also, mod response to the subject.

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