WW1 era Brainstorming Ideas Thread

lol . . . man it’s like pulling a horse’s tooth with tweezers just to get them to change a few BR’s of some vehicles every few months. I just do not see them devoting the labor force or time required to make such changes, again for the afore mentioned non-revenue generating aspect of it all. It’s still a business, the game is the product. Making changes that don’t increase profits is not sound business management . . I don’t think.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the whole idea and yours isn’t bad either . . . just not practical from a certain standpoint is all

If they’re smart, which tbf they’re not, then they would code a simple work-around instead of manually increasing the BR of every vehicle in WT.

lol . … players just need to realize that most of the things they ask for cannot be achieved with a “Thanos snap” . . . .

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There is a Suggestion Vote for the Mark 4 go there it kinda turned into a brainstorm on how to get it to work.

Which is how I want this thread to go really.

I know there a lot that could be added just how and make visualizations of the plan on the idea

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I was just showing you place I was in to give you ideas to put here:)

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Honestly, the earliest tanks that could fit Warthunder would be very late-war WW1, and interwar. Tanks like the Mark 4 were too heavily focused on anti-infantry and fortifications.

Lovely toy planes, balloons and airships… Definitely a YESSSS


well to be fair we got the things like the petard which was desinged to clear buildings and worked great at that. a mark V tank assuming its a male as a female would not be useless had 57mm cannons which could knock out reserve tanks yes it was slow, but honestly patience is a virtue people still play the maus tank and thats slow or the 2C mind you a mark V tank can be out run by a person easily 5 mph top speed. and armor wise it could use crew as armor as it had a 8 man crew

Exactly I went into depth on this and so did another man proving the 57mm is the same as some low tier british tanks