WW1 era Brainstorming Ideas Thread

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theyve done it before for compression reasons they can do it again its tedious but not hard all you gotta do is give give every plane a br increase only difference is the numbers everything will be the same its just br will go up for top tiers to 16.0

they have a way of genrerateing revenue the only planes i suggested for premium vehicles where 1 OFF prototypes which would be new reserve premiums things like camels and fokker triplane would techtrees along with se5, the PROTOTYPES could be premiums not to mention WW1 vehicle games dont exist really on console and are limited on pc so they be making tons of money tapping into the niche market there closest competetor would be BF1 which is alright but nothing to worry about

and i already said armament isnt a problem as they could have extra 7.7 machines guns the nimrod for example has two 7.7 machine guns majority of ww1 late war fighters had these aswell they where slightly slower firing some fighters had 11mm machine guns called balloon busters which used incidenary rounds

You assume too much . . . .

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i call it being hopeful

That’s cool, but wishful thinking and being practical/pragmatic are not always the same thing . . . I was just pointing that out is all . . . not an attack or anything personal.

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nah its chill i rarely take anything personal
The best Optimism memes :) Memedroid

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