That is why I asked this question. Because I know every pilot or tanker, ship captain is different.
I can tell you mate, I dont care about RP, grinding, silvers or any other financial matter in this game, never have.
I play for fun, and everything else will happen. But lets dont digress, because I used to not have every plane I wanted…and flew some crap I didnt want to fly…(mid tier Phantoms, US), but luckily I have a good job and so I bought my way through that stank.
Thank You for your contribution mate…we all play and fly for different reasons.
But let me say this, when Im in one of my Zeros, or a Sabre, most likely players just going for SL or RP are going down. Its Doc Holliday vs Johnny Ringo then.
Depends what mood I’m in really, usually I play the game for fun, so I’d just want to dogfight people, not care about kills or victories, but, like last night I was 200k RP away from the MiG-29 so I decided to actually try for once and smashed it out in two hours, but I don’t really enjoy grinding RP.
Air isnt just deathmatch?
The Yak-7B is definetly like that for me. Easily one of the most overpowered planes I own in WT.
Indeed, those are the planes we have, unique to everyone, that does anything you want it to.
It depends on my mood. My biggest clutch was 7 vs me, i won. But that was on props, a little bit difficult to do it in jets.
Also, depends what i’m trying to do. If i’m doing tasks , focus on the tasks and the easiest way to do them.
Kill bases , something i use as bombtruck it is… F-104C or F-4E premium Japan if i want to semi-grind an minimize the cost. However, the game doesn’t stop there, if i can damage someone or take him down i will -after playing the objective.
Kill X player vehicles task,i play something that favors that work and not over 13.0 BR which the game becomes a clusterfk of missiles.That works to wins though. You can see Mirage III is up for the task, i’ll play the occasional SARH which at this BR 10.0 most vehicles can’t contest or even be aware because they don’t expect it. Then the ISR one with 2 long range IR, 9Gs, can make great dive from nowhere attacks. F-14s can do damage, MF.1 if played well, M2K , 21SMT …
If the task is winning though…I’ll play decoy. Doesn’t pay much, but i can make it work better this way … i’ll get the activity either killing planes or if i can’t manage (because flying defensively) , i’ll make sure to go for GTs if numbers get thin. However, i trust myself playing decoy, with a semi-competent team , they can just toss missiles in everything following me , i look the positions and set up kills easier for them. MF.1 is very good at it (flares for days) , enough speed , no need for crazy manouveurs , good for 1 pull (all you need for the set-up) . In general, you pick CMs in a fast machine, play good defense …it’s easier to create aces , than achieve aces without any co-operation. And if aces come for your team , you’re closer to winning.
Also, i don’t care about K/D. My F-100D was a bombtruck at start , it was 1:4 K/D, but ground me the whole t5/6 with tali. Somehow, i changed it to a fighter at some point… now it’s 1:1 and helped me for the most part of t7. So , i don’t really care. My F-4E was 2:1 K/D , turned it to a bombtruck after a point, went to 1:1. So it depends.
I prefer winning but if we’re clearly not going to win I will go for kills/score/RP/whatever.
Fun, cool dogfights and a good entertaining battle, regardless of kills or win.
That is a cool as hell remark,…thank you so much for your contribution mate, I have played on both sides of the coin, but that is a well thought out answer.
I dont like to argue in topics I post, they are usually yes or no questions, Well done mate, I completely get it it.
Good Luck in your upcoming battles.
LOL, I do too man
It felt so satisfying, the other night.
I was fighting a P51 in my Zero, of which I fly about three of them at different BRs, this was the the Zero 5.3 OTSU.
He was clearly a smart pilot, using his speed and nipping at me, he was the last member of his team. Zeros are slow and I couldnt catch up to him, but then another Zero showed up, he was an Ace too!
I was like , “Okay, 2 Zeros and both are Aces, we are going to get him” And sure enough it took about 3 more minutes,and the P51 got smoked,…and that was when I came up with this topic bro…
We both let off our smoke, mine is red and flew until the battle ended, he messaged me later and told me he was from France, (Im from US), and I thought that was just the coolest thing.
You know what, I grew up in the Bobby Knight era in Indiana…thats a hard answer bro. YES!
I was watching a Michael Jordan video on YouTube and he spoke of his time playing for Bobby Knight on the Olympic team…and he said it was weird, hearing his coach, after playing for his at North Carolina,
he said, “All those old men were talking about beating their ass”,
Well done mate, bro, I like your attitude, I wish we could play on a air team together.
You are the one Im going to come to when I decide to start playing Sim…Youre answers are always well thought out and you have a good grip on your planes.
Thank You RunaDacino