Wondering after take off...Is it VICTORIES or AIRKILLS you seek?

Well said mate.

Lol RunaDacino…you know exactly what you’re doing for sure.
Well put mate.

Also, even for someone that is playing for strictly airkills, diving after the first attacker you see is one of the first noob mistakes…decreasing their chance for kills throughout the whole match.
Often, if you were to dive after the first attacker, every noob on the planet is going to be firing over your shoulder, making you the kill LOL.
Thank you mate.

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In air RB I’m generally good enough at most BRs to get a lot of kills and simultaneously help team mates so by getting kills it’s indirectly towards victory but sometimes I’ll be fighter escort for bombers depending on the BR as that can be pretty lucrative too with how target fixed bomber hunters are.

Now in ground RB I’m not that good until fairly recently so I’ve always prioritized gathering intelligence so my team mates who are good can clean up. As of recent I’ve been getting better so I’m transitioning more towards getting kills and securing parts of the map but I still like the support role.

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I just don’t have fun if I can’t get player kills because I had the audacity to use tactics, while the enemy team lawnmowed and all died before I could do anything. And having to fight my own team over who gets kills is one of the worst experiences in WT.

Prop RB is dead because the players aren’t good enough, and don’t care enough.


Wow dude, that’s cool. I wish I had a tank so I could use some of my , “what would be good” CAS planes with some great ordinance, surprisingly enough the F16, and Mig29smt believe it or not have great ground packages. But Ive taken some test runs in tanks and it reminds me of Atari from the 80s. lol
Thank you for your contribution mate.

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I fight for my team, no matter what.

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I get that. That is why I asked this question.
My fun and strategy comes from seeing who needs to be killed first. I will pass over planes and probably should have 800 or so more airkills because Im going to get those two people or so who do not need to be left standing at the end. Also, while my aim is iffy at times, one thing Ive always been able to do from day 1 is use my control surfaces, flaps, energy, I get the 3D pretty well.
I like a pilot that is going to give me a flying challenge more than anything. I like to get on their six and smoke their ***Thats why, even though I have planes with the powerful missiles, I still gravitate towards BR 9 on down.
Hmmm…so many different perspectives you can see why all the petty arguments start over planes are best…etc.
Thank you for your valued contribution Ion_Protogen.
BTW, your nick always reminds me of, and I didnt like cartoons as a kid, but liked this one,–Aeon Flux…for some reason. That was one cartoon I liked because it was intelligent as you are, and the movie was good too.
Good Luck Mate

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Hell Yeah

I fly for victory. Many of my friends know that I value my win rate more than my KB&KD. It’s always harder and more entertaining to win than to kill. And it needs more thinking, as well as strategy. Thinking about strategy is fun. Suddenly I feel that “everything is under my control”, everything is going just as I planned. It feels…good.

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Usually if im an f4 I take bombs so that I can hit a base or ground at low altitude targets then turn around to get my rear aspect missile shots

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Kills help secure a victory, so in that regard, both.

That said, the only thing I truly seek in a game overall is fun.

No fun = no play.

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Yes mate, I actually found this game on a semester break while I was looking for a online chess game back in Beta…I ran across this game, and believe me, Im not a gamer, and I was like Wow! This is the only game Ive ever played.
I always loved planes even as a kid.
Maybe youre one of those last two or three at times, and a pesky enemy…all working together to kill their ***'s…I will agree with you, its satisfying.
But have been in the “just get an airkill” crowd too, and so I appreciate everyone’s opinion. Luckily, I dont have to do that anymore.
Thank you so much for your contribution mate and Good Luck to You.

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No doubt, good luck mate

If I’m trying to farm mission score for an event, then I just aim to do what maximizes mission score earnings. The grinding planes I use are:

F-104C: Great for base bombing and destroying lots of ai targets in a short amount of time, in addition to being ok against other planes.

AV-8C: Similar to F-104C, but larger focus on killing players than killing ai.

F-8E and Fw 190 D-9: Both extremely good fighters with good strafing ability

A-10A Early: Depending on the map, and how it plays out, you can easily get 2k-3k mission score in a single game by destroying convoys. Best case scenario, you get Afghanistan and your teammates push the enemy team back to their airfield, providing loads of uninterrupted low-risk ground pounding time.
If I’m playing just to grind a plane or playing for fun, I generally search for either the easiest target (a low slow plane or base bombing/groundpounder) that isn’t being attacked by teammates, or the most threatening target (e.g Su-25, Mig-21, Spitfires, and T-2s)

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For me, to survive the ridiculous furball period and check if my team also does

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I typically just go into the fray and see what happens.
But given a choice between targets to engage, my priority is always-

  1. Assisting individual teammates. So getting people off friendlies even if it’s very risky. The exception is I don’t intervene in fair and even 1v1s
  2. Engaging priority targets for victory. So the most dangerous opponents typically or the ones with the most potential impact
  3. Staying alive. So if the team doesn’t need me to jump a dangerous target I’ll stay away, stay alive, and come back later at a better opportunity
  4. Most easy kills. All else equal then I just want as many points as possible
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Nobody in War Thunder is looking to get kills. Each player’s goal is to earn research points and money. Every player does what they think will earn them the most in the least amount of time. Therefore, bombers dive towards the bases, fighters take bombs and head straight for the bases. Nobody climbs. To summarize: the objective is to maximize research points and money in the minimum amount of time; everything else is secondary. 😊

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Thank you for that mate, it really does depend on a lot of factors doesn’t it? When I have a silver lion bonus activated, I fly about three different planes…but yet even still, Im like you know what, we are not going to win this battle unless such and such happens…
That may seem to be a bit of an ego for a player with a k/d ratio about 50%, but when I was a strictly airkill mate it was very dang good.
NOW, Im at the point I dont give a ^^^^, but yes I can see what youre saying dude…I fly every plane I skipped over because they were not that good, just to see what they can do.
But I have a couple of what I call “Killer Planes” that when I hop into them, I feel like nothing can touch me except for my OWN mistakes, and then, and the Zero for me is an example…I will attack every OP Yak 3, 9 I see…because I know for the team, maybe not so skilled, they cant do anything with me despite their performance below 3000m.
It really depends doesnt it, what the parameters of your goals are.
Thank You for your contribution fellow mate, very interesting and true.

The “Furball” at any BR is a MF… I look at it in some planes and enter and some I dont…
Everyone flies differently, hence the arguments on which plane is best, but Im one to skirt the furball and look “to drop”, on the unsuspecting.
I look around a lot, but I do not do well in the furball